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Diffstat (limited to 'core/org.eclipse.cdt.ui.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/')
1 files changed, 500 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/org.eclipse.cdt.ui.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/ b/core/org.eclipse.cdt.ui.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a2cb060dfef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/org.eclipse.cdt.ui.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+package org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.tests;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.Declaration;
+import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.ParserSymbolTable;
+import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.ParserSymbolTableException;
+ * @author aniefer
+ *
+ * To change this generated comment edit the template variable "typecomment":
+ * Window>Preferences>Java>Templates.
+ * To enable and disable the creation of type comments go to
+ * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation.
+ */
+public class ParserSymbolTableTest extends TestCase {
+ public ParserSymbolTable table = null;
+ public ParserSymbolTable newTable(){
+ table = new ParserSymbolTable();
+ return table;
+ }
+ /**
+ * testSimpleAdd.
+ * Add a declaration to the table and confirm it is there.
+ *
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ public void testSimpleAdd() throws Exception{
+ newTable(); //create the symbol table
+ Declaration decl = new Declaration( "x" );
+ table.addDeclaration( decl );
+ Declaration compUnit = table.getCompilationUnit();
+ assertEquals( compUnit, table.peek() );
+ Map declarations = compUnit.getContainedDeclarations();
+ assertEquals( 1, declarations.size() );
+ Iterator iter = declarations.values().iterator();
+ Declaration contained = (Declaration);
+ assertEquals( false, iter.hasNext() );
+ assertEquals( decl, contained );
+ assertEquals( contained.getName(), "x" );
+ }
+ /**
+ * testSimpleLookup
+ * Add a declaration to the table, then look it up.
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ public void testSimpleLookup() throws Exception{
+ newTable(); //new symbol table
+ Declaration decl = new Declaration( "x" );
+ table.addDeclaration( decl );
+ Declaration look = table.Lookup( "x" );
+ assertEquals( decl, look );
+ }
+ public void testLookupNonExistant() throws Exception{
+ newTable();
+ Declaration look = table.Lookup( "boo" );
+ assertEquals( look, null );
+ }
+ /**
+ * testSimplePushPop
+ * test pushing and popping
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ public void testSimplePushPop() throws Exception{
+ newTable();
+ Declaration pushing = new Declaration( "class" );
+ assertEquals( pushing.getContainingScope(), null );
+ table.push( pushing );
+ assertEquals( pushing, table.peek() );
+ assertEquals( pushing.getContainingScope(), table.getCompilationUnit() );
+ Declaration popped = table.pop();
+ assertEquals( pushing, popped );
+ assertEquals( table.peek(), table.getCompilationUnit() );
+ }
+ public void testSimpleSetGetObject() throws Exception{
+ newTable();
+ Declaration decl = new Declaration( "x" );
+ Object obj = new Object();
+ decl.setObject( obj );
+ table.addDeclaration( decl );
+ Declaration look = table.Lookup( "x" );
+ assertEquals( look.getObject(), obj );
+ }
+ /**
+ * testHide
+ * test that a declaration in a scope hides declarations in containing
+ * scopes
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ public void testHide() throws Exception{
+ newTable();
+ Declaration firstX = new Declaration( "x" );
+ table.addDeclaration( firstX );
+ Declaration firstClass = new Declaration( "class" );
+ table.addDeclaration( firstClass );
+ table.push( firstClass );
+ Declaration look = table.Lookup( "x" );
+ assertEquals( look, firstX );
+ Declaration secondX = new Declaration( "x" );
+ table.addDeclaration( secondX );
+ look = table.Lookup( "x" );
+ assertEquals( look, secondX );
+ table.pop();
+ look = table.Lookup( "x" );
+ assertEquals( look, firstX );
+ }
+ /**
+ * testContainingScopeLookup
+ * test lookup of something declared in the containing scope
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ public void testContainingScopeLookup() throws Exception{
+ newTable();
+ Declaration x = new Declaration("x");
+ Declaration cls = new Declaration("class");
+ table.addDeclaration( x );
+ table.addDeclaration( cls );
+ table.push( cls );
+ Declaration look = table.Lookup( "x" );
+ assertEquals( x, look );
+ }
+ /**
+ * testParentLookup
+ * test lookup of a variable declaration in the parent
+ *
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ public void testParentLookup() throws Exception{
+ newTable();
+ Declaration class1 = new Declaration( "class" );
+ Declaration parent = new Declaration( "parent" );
+ Declaration decl = new Declaration( "x" );
+ table.addDeclaration( parent );
+ table.push( parent );
+ table.addDeclaration( decl );
+ table.pop();
+ class1.addParent( parent );
+ table.addDeclaration( class1 );
+ table.push( class1 );
+ Declaration look = table.Lookup( "x" );
+ assertEquals( look, decl );
+ table.pop();
+ assertEquals( table.peek(), table.getCompilationUnit() );
+ }
+ /**
+ * testAmbiguousParentLookup
+ * calls testParentLookup
+ *
+ * tests that if a variable is declared in two parents that the lookup
+ * returns an ambiguous result.
+ *
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ public void testAmbiguousParentLookup() throws Exception{
+ testParentLookup();
+ Declaration parent2 = new Declaration( "parent2" );
+ table.addDeclaration( parent2 );
+ Declaration class1 = table.Lookup( "class" );
+ class1.addParent( parent2 );
+ Declaration decl = new Declaration("x");
+ table.push( parent2 );
+ table.addDeclaration( decl );
+ table.pop();
+ table.push( class1 );
+ try{
+ table.Lookup( "x" );
+ assertTrue( false );
+ }
+ catch ( ParserSymbolTableException e ){
+ assertTrue( true );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * testVirtualParentLookup
+ *
+ * @throws Exception
+ * tests lookup of name in virtual baseclass C
+ *
+ * C
+ * / \
+ * A B
+ * \ /
+ * class
+ */
+ public void testVirtualParentLookup() throws Exception{
+ newTable();
+ Declaration decl = new Declaration("class");
+ Declaration c = new Declaration("C");
+ Declaration a = new Declaration("A");
+ a.addParent( c, true );
+ Declaration b = new Declaration("B");
+ b.addParent( c, true );
+ decl.addParent( a );
+ decl.addParent( b );
+ table.addDeclaration( c );
+ table.push( c );
+ Declaration x = new Declaration( "x" );
+ table.addDeclaration( x );
+ table.pop();
+ table.addDeclaration( decl );
+ table.addDeclaration( a );
+ table.addDeclaration( b );
+ table.push(decl);
+ Declaration look = table.Lookup( "x" );
+ assertEquals( look, x );
+ table.pop();
+ assertEquals( table.peek(), table.getCompilationUnit() );
+ }
+ /**
+ * testAmbiguousVirtualParentLookup
+ * @throws Exception
+ *
+ * tests lookup of name in base class C in the following hierarchy
+ * C C
+ * / \ |
+ * A B D
+ * \ / /
+ * class
+ */
+ public void testAmbiguousVirtualParentLookup() throws Exception{
+ testVirtualParentLookup();
+ Declaration cls = table.Lookup("class");
+ Declaration c = table.Lookup("C");
+ Declaration d = new Declaration("D");
+ d.addParent( c );
+ cls.addParent( d );
+ table.push( cls );
+ try{
+ table.Lookup( "x" );
+ assertTrue( false );
+ }
+ catch( ParserSymbolTableException e){
+ assertTrue( true );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * testStaticEnumParentLookup
+ *
+ * @throws Exception
+ *
+ * D D
+ * | |
+ * B C
+ * \ /
+ * A
+ *
+ * Things defined in D are not ambiguous if they are static or an enum
+ */
+ public void testStaticEnumParentLookup() throws Exception{
+ newTable();
+ Declaration a = new Declaration( "a" );
+ Declaration b = new Declaration( "b" );
+ Declaration c = new Declaration( "c" );
+ Declaration d = new Declaration( "d" );
+ table.addDeclaration( a );
+ table.addDeclaration( b );
+ table.addDeclaration( c );
+ table.addDeclaration( d );
+ Declaration enum = new Declaration("enum");
+ enum.setType( Declaration.t_enum );
+ Declaration stat = new Declaration("static");
+ stat.setStatic(true);
+ Declaration x = new Declaration("x");
+ table.push(d);
+ table.addDeclaration( enum );
+ table.addDeclaration( stat );
+ table.addDeclaration( x );
+ table.pop();
+ a.addParent( b );
+ a.addParent( c );
+ b.addParent( d );
+ c.addParent( d );
+ table.push( a );
+ try{
+ table.Lookup( "enum" );
+ assertTrue( true );
+ }
+ catch ( ParserSymbolTableException e){
+ assertTrue( false );
+ }
+ try{
+ table.Lookup( "static" );
+ assertTrue( true );
+ }
+ catch ( ParserSymbolTableException e){
+ assertTrue( false );
+ }
+ try{
+ table.Lookup( "x" );
+ assertTrue( false );
+ }
+ catch ( ParserSymbolTableException e){
+ assertTrue( true );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * testElaboratedLookup
+ * @throws Exception
+ * test lookup of hidden names using elaborated type spec
+ */
+ public void testElaboratedLookup() throws Exception{
+ newTable();
+ Declaration cls = new Declaration( "class" );
+ cls.setType( Declaration.t_class );
+ Declaration struct = new Declaration("struct");
+ struct.setType( Declaration.t_struct );
+ Declaration union = new Declaration("union");
+ union.setType( Declaration.t_union );
+ Declaration hideCls = new Declaration( "class" );
+ Declaration hideStruct = new Declaration("struct");
+ Declaration hideUnion = new Declaration("union");
+ Declaration a = new Declaration("a");
+ Declaration b = new Declaration("b");
+ table.push(a);
+ table.addDeclaration(hideCls);
+ table.addDeclaration(hideStruct);
+ table.addDeclaration(hideUnion);
+ a.addParent( b );
+ table.push(b);
+ table.addDeclaration(cls);
+ table.addDeclaration(struct);
+ table.addDeclaration(union);
+ table.pop();
+ Declaration look = table.ElaboratedLookup( Declaration.t_class, "class" );
+ assertEquals( look, cls );
+ look = table.ElaboratedLookup( Declaration.t_struct, "struct" );
+ assertEquals( look, struct );
+ look = table.ElaboratedLookup( Declaration.t_union, "union" );
+ assertEquals( look, union );
+ }
+ /**
+ * testDeclarationType
+ * @throws Exception
+ * test the use of Declaration type in the scenario
+ * A a;
+ * a.member <=...>;
+ * where A was previously declared
+ */
+ public void testDeclarationType() throws Exception{
+ newTable();
+ //pre-condition
+ Declaration A = new Declaration("A");
+ table.addDeclaration(A);
+ Declaration member = new Declaration("member");
+ table.push(A);
+ table.addDeclaration(member);
+ table.pop();
+ //at time of "A a;"
+ Declaration look = table.Lookup("A");
+ assertEquals( look, A );
+ Declaration a = new Declaration("a");
+ a.setTypeDeclaration( look );
+ table.addDeclaration( a );
+ //later "a.member"
+ look = table.Lookup("a");
+ assertEquals( look, a );
+ Declaration type = look.getTypeDeclaration();
+ assertEquals( type, A );
+ table.push(type);
+ look = table.Lookup("member");
+ assertEquals( look, member );
+ }
+ /**
+ * testFunctions
+ * @throws Exception
+ * Functions are stored by signature. Where the signature can really be of
+ * any for you like, as long as it can't possibly be a regular name (ie
+ * including the parenthese is good...)
+ * So lookup of function names proceeds inthe same manner as normal names,
+ * this test doesn't really test anything new
+ */
+ public void testFunctions() throws Exception{
+ newTable();
+ Declaration cls = new Declaration( "class");
+ Declaration f1 = new Declaration("foo()");
+ Declaration f2 = new Declaration("foo(int)");
+ Declaration f3 = new Declaration("foo(int,char)");
+ table.addDeclaration(cls);
+ table.push(cls);
+ table.addDeclaration( f1 );
+ table.addDeclaration( f2 );
+ table.addDeclaration( f3 );
+ //return type can be specified by setting the TypeDeclaration
+ Declaration returnType = new Declaration("return");
+ f1.setTypeDeclaration( returnType );
+ f2.setTypeDeclaration( returnType );
+ f3.setTypeDeclaration( returnType );
+ assertEquals( table.Lookup("foo()"), f1 );
+ assertEquals( table.Lookup("foo(int)"), f2 );
+ assertEquals( table.Lookup("foo(int,char)"), f3 );
+ //notice that, with the current implementation, you can't do a lookup
+ //on just the function name without the rest of the signature
+ assertEquals( table.Lookup("foo"), null );
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file

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