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Diffstat (limited to 'core/org.eclipse.cdt.core/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/parser/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 3403 deletions
diff --git a/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/parser/ b/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d1fb25d917..00000000000
--- a/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3403 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2002,2003, 2004 Rational Software Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Rational Software - Initial API and implementation
-package org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.BacktrackException;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.EndOfFileException;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IParser;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IParserLogService;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IProblem;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IScanner;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ISourceElementRequestor;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IToken;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ITokenDuple;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.KeywordSetKey;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ParseError;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ParserLanguage;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.ASTAccessVisibility;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.ASTClassKind;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.ASTSemanticException;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTAbstractTypeSpecifierDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTClassSpecifier;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTCodeScope;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTCompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTCompletionNode;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTDesignator;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTEnumerationSpecifier;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTEnumerator;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTExpression;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTInitializerClause;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTLinkageSpecification;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTNamespaceAlias;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTNamespaceDefinition;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTNode;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTOffsetableElement;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTOffsetableNamedElement;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTScope;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTTemplate;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTTemplateDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTTemplateInstantiation;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTTemplateParameter;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTTemplateSpecialization;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTTypeId;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTTypeSpecifier;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTUsingDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTUsingDirective;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTClassSpecifier.ClassNameType;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTCompletionNode.CompletionKind;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.extension.IParserExtension;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.problem.IProblemFactory;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.token.TokenFactory;
- * This is our first implementation of the IParser interface, serving as a
- * parser for ANSI C and C++.
- *
- * From time to time we will make reference to the ANSI ISO specifications.
- *
- * @author jcamelon
- */
-public abstract class Parser extends ExpressionParser implements IParser
- private static final int DEFAULT_DESIGNATOR_LIST_SIZE = 4;
- protected ISourceElementRequestor requestor = null;
- private IProblemFactory problemFactory = new ParserProblemFactory();
- /**
- * This is the standard cosntructor that we expect the Parser to be
- * instantiated with.
- *
- */
- public Parser(
- IScanner scanner,
- ISourceElementRequestor callback,
- ParserLanguage language,
- IParserLogService log, IParserExtension extension )
- {
- super( scanner, language, log, extension );
- requestor = callback;
- }
- /*
- * (non-Javadoc)
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.ExpressionParser#failParse()
- */
- protected void failParse( BacktrackException bt ) {
- if( bt.getProblem() == null )
- {
- IProblem problem = problemFactory.createProblem(
- bt.getStartingOffset(),
- bt.getEndOffset(),
- bt.getLineNumber(),
- scanner.getCurrentFilename(),
- false,
- true );
- requestor.acceptProblem( problem );
- }
- else
- {
- requestor.acceptProblem( bt.getProblem() );
- }
- super.failParse();
- }
- protected void failParse( IProblem problem ){
- if( problem != null ){
- requestor.acceptProblem( problem );
- }
- super.failParse();
- }
- // counter that keeps track of the number of times Parser.parse() is called
- private static int parseCount = 0;
- /*
- * (non-Javadoc)
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.IParser#parse()
- */
- public boolean parse()
- {
- long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- translationUnit();
- // For the debuglog to take place, you have to call
- // Util.setDebugging(true);
- // Or set debug to true in the core plugin preference
- log.traceLog(
- "Parse " //$NON-NLS-1$
- + (++parseCount)
- + ": " //$NON-NLS-1$
- + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)
- + "ms" //$NON-NLS-1$
- + (parsePassed ? "" : " - parse failure") ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
- return parsePassed;
- }
- /**
- * This is the top-level entry point into the ANSI C++ grammar.
- *
- * translationUnit : (declaration)*
- */
- protected void translationUnit()
- {
- try
- {
- compilationUnit = astFactory.createCompilationUnit();
- }
- catch (Exception e2)
- {
- logException( "translationUnit::createCompilationUnit()", e2 ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- return;
- }
- compilationUnit.enterScope( requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager() );
- try {
- setCompletionValues(compilationUnit, CompletionKind.VARIABLE_TYPE, KeywordSetKey.DECLARATION );
- } catch (EndOfFileException e1) {
- compilationUnit.exitScope( requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager() );
- return;
- }
-// int lastBacktrack = -1;
- while (true)
- {
- try
- {
- int checkOffset = LA(1).hashCode();
- declaration(compilationUnit, null, null, KeywordSetKey.DECLARATION);
- if (LA(1).hashCode() == checkOffset)
- failParseWithErrorHandling();
- }
- catch (EndOfFileException e)
- {
- // Good
- break;
- }
- catch (BacktrackException b)
- {
- try
- {
- // Mark as failure and try to reach a recovery point
- failParse(b);
- errorHandling();
-// if (lastBacktrack != -1 && lastBacktrack == LA(1).hashCode())
-// {
-// // we haven't progressed from the last backtrack
-// // try and find tne next definition
-// failParseWithErrorHandling();
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// // start again from here
-// lastBacktrack = LA(1).hashCode();
-// }
- }
- catch (EndOfFileException e)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- catch( Exception e )
- {
- logException( "translationUnit", e ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- try {
- failParseWithErrorHandling();
- } catch (EndOfFileException e3) {
- }
- }
- catch( ParseError perr )
- {
- throw perr;
- }
- catch (Throwable e)
- {
- logThrowable( "translationUnit", e ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- try {
- failParseWithErrorHandling();
- } catch (EndOfFileException e3) {
- }
- }
- }
- compilationUnit.exitScope( requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager() );
- }
- /**
- * @param string
- * @param e
- */
- private void logThrowable(String methodName, Throwable e) {
- if( e != null && log.isTracing())
- {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append( "Parser: Unexpected throwable in "); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( methodName );
- buffer.append( ":"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( e.getClass().getName() );
- buffer.append( "::"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( e.getMessage() );
- buffer.append( ". w/"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( scanner.toString() );
- log.traceLog( buffer.toString() );
-// log.errorLog( buffer.toString() );
- }
- }
- /**
- * This function is called whenever we encounter and error that we cannot
- * backtrack out of and we still wish to try and continue on with the parse
- * to do a best-effort parse for our client.
- *
- * @throws EndOfFileException
- * We can potentially hit EndOfFile here as we are skipping
- * ahead.
- */
- protected void failParseWithErrorHandling() throws EndOfFileException
- {
- failParse();
- errorHandling();
- }
- /**
- * The merger of using-declaration and using-directive in ANSI C++ grammar.
- *
- * using-declaration: using typename? ::? nested-name-specifier
- * unqualified-id ; using :: unqualified-id ; using-directive: using
- * namespace ::? nested-name-specifier? namespace-name ;
- *
- * @param container
- * Callback object representing the scope these definitions fall
- * into.
- * @return TODO
- * @throws BacktrackException
- * request for a backtrack
- */
- protected IASTDeclaration usingClause(IASTScope scope)
- throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException
- {
- IToken firstToken = consume(IToken.t_using);
- setCompletionValues(scope, CompletionKind.TYPE_REFERENCE, KeywordSetKey.POST_USING );
- if (LT(1) == IToken.t_namespace)
- {
- // using-directive
- consume(IToken.t_namespace);
- setCompletionValues(scope, CompletionKind.NAMESPACE_REFERENCE, KeywordSetKey.EMPTY );
- // optional :: and nested classes handled in name
- ITokenDuple duple = null;
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tIDENTIFIER || LT(1) == IToken.tCOLONCOLON)
- duple = name(scope, CompletionKind.NAMESPACE_REFERENCE, KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- else
- throwBacktrack(firstToken.getOffset(), endOffset, firstToken.getLineNumber());
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tSEMI)
- {
- IToken last = consume(IToken.tSEMI);
- IASTUsingDirective astUD = null;
- try
- {
- astUD = astFactory.createUsingDirective(scope, duple, firstToken.getOffset(), firstToken.getLineNumber(), last.getEndOffset(), last.getLineNumber());
- }
- catch (Exception e1)
- {
- logException( "usingClause:createUsingDirective", e1 ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(firstToken.getOffset(), last.getEndOffset(), firstToken.getLineNumber());
- }
- astUD.acceptElement(requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager());
- return astUD;
- }
- endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- throwBacktrack(firstToken.getOffset(), endOffset, firstToken.getLineNumber());
- }
- boolean typeName = false;
- setCompletionValues(scope, CompletionKind.TYPE_REFERENCE, KeywordSetKey.POST_USING );
- if (LT(1) == IToken.t_typename)
- {
- typeName = true;
- consume(IToken.t_typename);
- }
- setCompletionValues(scope, CompletionKind.TYPE_REFERENCE, KeywordSetKey.NAMESPACE_ONLY );
- ITokenDuple name = null;
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tIDENTIFIER || LT(1) == IToken.tCOLONCOLON)
- {
- // optional :: and nested classes handled in name
- name = name(scope, CompletionKind.TYPE_REFERENCE, KeywordSetKey.POST_USING);
- }
- else
- {
- throwBacktrack(firstToken.getOffset(), ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0, firstToken.getLineNumber());
- }
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tSEMI)
- {
- IToken last = consume(IToken.tSEMI);
- IASTUsingDeclaration declaration = null;
- try
- {
- declaration =
- astFactory.createUsingDeclaration(
- scope,
- typeName,
- name,
- firstToken.getOffset(),
- firstToken.getLineNumber(), last.getEndOffset(), last.getLineNumber());
- }
- catch (Exception e1)
- {
- logException( "usingClause:createUsingDeclaration", e1 ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- if( e1 instanceof ASTSemanticException && ((ASTSemanticException)e1).getProblem() != null )
- throwBacktrack(((ASTSemanticException)e1).getProblem());
- else
- throwBacktrack(firstToken.getOffset(), last.getEndOffset(), firstToken.getLineNumber());
- }
- declaration.acceptElement( requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager() );
- setCompletionValues(scope, getCompletionKindForDeclaration(scope, null), KeywordSetKey.DECLARATION );
- return declaration;
- }
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- throwBacktrack(firstToken.getOffset(), endOffset, firstToken.getLineNumber());
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Implements Linkage specification in the ANSI C++ grammar.
- *
- * linkageSpecification : extern "string literal" declaration | extern
- * "string literal" { declaration-seq }
- *
- * @param container
- * Callback object representing the scope these definitions fall
- * into.
- * @return TODO
- * @throws BacktrackException
- * request for a backtrack
- */
- protected IASTDeclaration linkageSpecification(IASTScope scope)
- throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException
- {
- IToken firstToken = consume(IToken.t_extern);
- if (LT(1) != IToken.tSTRING)
- throwBacktrack(firstToken.getOffset(), firstToken.getEndOffset(), firstToken.getLineNumber());
- IToken spec = consume(IToken.tSTRING);
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tLBRACE)
- {
- IToken lbrace = consume(IToken.tLBRACE);
- IASTLinkageSpecification linkage = null;
- try
- {
- linkage =
- astFactory.createLinkageSpecification(
- scope,
- spec.getImage(),
- firstToken.getOffset(), firstToken.getLineNumber());
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- logException( "linkageSpecification_1:createLinkageSpecification", e ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(firstToken.getOffset(), lbrace.getEndOffset(), lbrace.getLineNumber());
- }
- linkage.enterScope( requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager() );
- linkageDeclarationLoop : while (LT(1) != IToken.tRBRACE)
- {
- int checkToken = LA(1).hashCode();
- switch (LT(1))
- {
- case IToken.tRBRACE :
- consume(IToken.tRBRACE);
- break linkageDeclarationLoop;
- default :
- try
- {
- declaration(linkage, null, null, KeywordSetKey.DECLARATION);
- }
- catch (BacktrackException bt)
- {
- failParse(bt);
- if (checkToken == LA(1).hashCode())
- failParseWithErrorHandling();
- }
- }
- if (checkToken == LA(1).hashCode())
- failParseWithErrorHandling();
- }
- // consume the }
- IToken lastTokenConsumed = consume();
- linkage.setEndingOffsetAndLineNumber(lastTokenConsumed.getEndOffset(), lastTokenConsumed.getLineNumber());
- linkage.exitScope( requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager() );
- return linkage;
- }
- // single declaration
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- IASTLinkageSpecification linkage;
- try
- {
- linkage =
- astFactory.createLinkageSpecification(
- scope,
- spec.getImage(),
- firstToken.getOffset(), firstToken.getLineNumber());
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- logException( "linkageSpecification_2:createLinkageSpecification", e ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(firstToken.getOffset(), endOffset, firstToken.getLineNumber());
- return null;
- }
- linkage.enterScope( requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager() );
- declaration(linkage, null, null, KeywordSetKey.DECLARATION);
- linkage.exitScope( requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager() );
- return linkage;
- }
- /**
- *
- * Represents the emalgamation of template declarations, template
- * instantiations and specializations in the ANSI C++ grammar.
- *
- * template-declaration: export? template < template-parameter-list >
- * declaration explicit-instantiation: template declaration
- * explicit-specialization: template <>declaration
- *
- * @param container
- * Callback object representing the scope these definitions fall
- * into.
- * @return TODO
- * @throws BacktrackException
- * request for a backtrack
- */
- protected IASTDeclaration templateDeclaration(IASTScope scope)
- throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException
- {
- IToken mark = mark();
- IToken firstToken = null;
- boolean exported = false;
- if (LT(1) == IToken.t_export)
- {
- exported = true;
- firstToken = consume(IToken.t_export);
- consume(IToken.t_template);
- }
- else
- firstToken = consume(IToken.t_template);
- if (LT(1) != IToken.tLT)
- {
- // explicit-instantiation
- IASTTemplateInstantiation templateInstantiation;
- try
- {
- templateInstantiation =
- astFactory.createTemplateInstantiation(
- scope,
- firstToken.getOffset(), firstToken.getLineNumber());
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- logException( "templateDeclaration:createTemplateInstantiation", e ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- backup( mark );
- throwBacktrack(firstToken.getOffset(), firstToken.getEndOffset(), firstToken.getLineNumber());
- return null;
- }
- templateInstantiation.enterScope( requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager() );
- declaration(templateInstantiation, templateInstantiation, null, KeywordSetKey.DECLARATION);
- templateInstantiation.setEndingOffsetAndLineNumber(lastToken.getEndOffset(), lastToken.getLineNumber());
- templateInstantiation.exitScope( requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager() );
- return templateInstantiation;
- }
- consume(IToken.tLT);
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tGT)
- {
- IToken gt = consume(IToken.tGT);
- // explicit-specialization
- IASTTemplateSpecialization templateSpecialization;
- try
- {
- templateSpecialization =
- astFactory.createTemplateSpecialization(
- scope,
- firstToken.getOffset(), firstToken.getLineNumber());
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- logException( "templateDeclaration:createTemplateSpecialization", e ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- backup( mark );
- throwBacktrack(firstToken.getOffset(), gt.getEndOffset(), gt.getLineNumber());
- return null;
- }
- templateSpecialization.enterScope(requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager());
- declaration(templateSpecialization, templateSpecialization, null, KeywordSetKey.DECLARATION);
- templateSpecialization.setEndingOffsetAndLineNumber(
- lastToken.getEndOffset(), lastToken.getLineNumber());
- templateSpecialization.exitScope(requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager());
- return templateSpecialization;
- }
- try
- {
- List parms = templateParameterList(scope);
- IToken gt = consume(IToken.tGT);
- IASTTemplateDeclaration templateDecl;
- try
- {
- templateDecl =
- astFactory.createTemplateDeclaration(
- scope,
- parms,
- exported,
- firstToken.getOffset(), firstToken.getLineNumber());
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- logException( "templateDeclaration:createTemplateDeclaration", e ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(firstToken.getOffset(), gt.getEndOffset(), gt.getLineNumber());
- return null;
- }
- templateDecl.enterScope( requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager() );
- try{
- declaration(templateDecl, templateDecl, null, KeywordSetKey.DECLARATION );
- } catch( EndOfFileException e ){
- templateDecl.setEndingOffsetAndLineNumber( lastToken.getEndOffset(), lastToken.getLineNumber() );
- templateDecl.exitScope( requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager() );
- throw e;
- }
- templateDecl.setEndingOffsetAndLineNumber( lastToken.getEndOffset(), lastToken.getLineNumber() );
- templateDecl.exitScope( requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager() );
- return templateDecl;
- }
- catch (BacktrackException bt)
- {
- backup( mark );
- throw bt;
- }
- }
- /**
- *
- *
- *
- * template-parameter-list: template-parameter template-parameter-list ,
- * template-parameter template-parameter: type-parameter
- * parameter-declaration type-parameter: class identifier? class identifier? =
- * type-id typename identifier? typename identifier? = type-id template <
- * template-parameter-list > class identifier? template <
- * template-parameter-list > class identifier? = id-expression template-id:
- * template-name < template-argument-list?> template-name: identifier
- * template-argument-list: template-argument template-argument-list ,
- * template-argument template-argument: assignment-expression type-id
- * id-expression
- *
- * @param templateDeclaration
- * Callback's templateDeclaration which serves as a scope to this
- * list.
- * @throws BacktrackException
- * request for a backtrack
- */
- protected List templateParameterList(IASTScope scope)
- throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException
- {
- // if we have gotten this far then we have a true template-declaration
- // iterate through the template parameter list
- List returnValue = new ArrayList();
- IASTScope parameterScope = astFactory.createNewCodeBlock( scope );
- if( parameterScope == null )
- parameterScope = scope;
- IToken la = LA(1);
- int startingOffset = la.getOffset();
- int lnum = la.getLineNumber();
- for (;;)
- {
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tGT)
- return returnValue;
- if (LT(1) == IToken.t_class || LT(1) == IToken.t_typename)
- {
- IASTTemplateParameter.ParamKind kind = (consume().getType() == IToken.t_class)
- ? IASTTemplateParameter.ParamKind.CLASS
- : IASTTemplateParameter.ParamKind.TYPENAME;
- IToken startingToken = lastToken;
- IToken id = null;
- IASTTypeId typeId = null;
- try
- {
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tIDENTIFIER) // optional identifier
- {
- id = identifier();
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tASSIGN) // optional = type-id
- {
- consume(IToken.tASSIGN);
- typeId = typeId(parameterScope, false, CompletionKind.TYPE_REFERENCE); // type-id
- }
- }
- }
- catch (BacktrackException bt)
- {
- throw bt;
- }
- try
- {
- returnValue.add(
- astFactory.createTemplateParameter(
- kind,
- ( id == null )? "" : id.getImage(), //$NON-NLS-1$
- typeId,
- null,
- null,
- ( parameterScope instanceof IASTCodeScope ) ? (IASTCodeScope) parameterScope : null,
- startingToken.getOffset(), startingToken.getLineNumber(),
- (id != null) ? id.getOffset() : 0,
- (id != null) ? id.getEndOffset() : 0,
- (id != null) ? id.getLineNumber() : 0,
- lastToken.getEndOffset(), lastToken.getLineNumber() ));
- }
- catch( ASTSemanticException ase )
- {
- throwBacktrack(ase.getProblem());
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- logException( "templateParameterList_1:createTemplateParameter", e ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0, lnum);
- }
- }
- else if (LT(1) == IToken.t_template)
- {
- consume(IToken.t_template);
- IToken startingToken = lastToken;
- consume(IToken.tLT);
- List subResult = templateParameterList(parameterScope);
- consume(IToken.tGT);
- consume(IToken.t_class);
- IToken optionalId = null;
- IASTTypeId optionalTypeId = null;
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tIDENTIFIER) // optional identifier
- {
- optionalId = identifier();
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tASSIGN) // optional = type-id
- {
- consume(IToken.tASSIGN);
- optionalTypeId = typeId(parameterScope, false, CompletionKind.TYPE_REFERENCE);
- }
- }
- try
- {
- returnValue.add(
- astFactory.createTemplateParameter(
- IASTTemplateParameter.ParamKind.TEMPLATE_LIST,
- ( optionalId == null )? "" : optionalId.getImage(), //$NON-NLS-1$
- optionalTypeId,
- null,
- subResult,
- ( parameterScope instanceof IASTCodeScope ) ? (IASTCodeScope) parameterScope : null,
- startingToken.getOffset(), startingToken.getLineNumber(),
- (optionalId != null) ? optionalId.getOffset() : 0,
- (optionalId != null) ? optionalId.getEndOffset() : 0,
- (optionalId != null) ? optionalId.getLineNumber() : 0,
- lastToken.getEndOffset(), lastToken.getLineNumber() ));
- }
- catch( ASTSemanticException ase )
- {
- throwBacktrack(ase.getProblem());
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0 ;
- logException( "templateParameterList_2:createTemplateParameter", e ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, lnum);
- }
- }
- else if (LT(1) == IToken.tCOMMA)
- {
- consume(IToken.tCOMMA);
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- ParameterCollection c = new ParameterCollection();
- parameterDeclaration(c, parameterScope);
- DeclarationWrapper wrapper = (DeclarationWrapper)c.getParameters().get(0);
- Declarator declarator = (Declarator)wrapper.getDeclarators().next();
- try
- {
- returnValue.add(
- astFactory.createTemplateParameter(
- IASTTemplateParameter.ParamKind.PARAMETER,
- null,
- null,
- astFactory.createParameterDeclaration(
- wrapper.isConst(),
- wrapper.isVolatile(),
- wrapper.getTypeSpecifier(),
- declarator.getPointerOperators(),
- declarator.getArrayModifiers(),
- null, null,
- declarator.getName(),
- declarator.getInitializerClause(),
- wrapper.getStartingOffset(), wrapper.getStartingLine(),
- declarator.getNameStartOffset(), declarator.getNameEndOffset(), declarator.getNameLine(),
- wrapper.getEndOffset(), wrapper.getEndLine()),
- null,
- ( parameterScope instanceof IASTCodeScope ) ? (IASTCodeScope) parameterScope : null,
- wrapper.getStartingOffset(), wrapper.getStartingLine(),
- declarator.getNameStartOffset(), declarator.getNameEndOffset(), declarator.getNameLine(),
- wrapper.getEndOffset(), wrapper.getEndLine() ));
- }
- catch( ASTSemanticException ase )
- {
- throwBacktrack(ase.getProblem());
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0 ;
- logException( "templateParameterList:createParameterDeclaration", e ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, lnum);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * The most abstract construct within a translationUnit : a declaration.
- *
- * declaration : {"asm"} asmDefinition | {"namespace"} namespaceDefinition |
- * {"using"} usingDeclaration | {"export"|"template"} templateDeclaration |
- * {"extern"} linkageSpecification | simpleDeclaration
- *
- * Notes: - folded in blockDeclaration - merged alternatives that required
- * same LA - functionDefinition into simpleDeclaration -
- * namespaceAliasDefinition into namespaceDefinition - usingDirective into
- * usingDeclaration - explicitInstantiation and explicitSpecialization into
- * templateDeclaration
- *
- * @param overideKey
- * TODO
- * @param container
- * IParserCallback object which serves as the owner scope for
- * this declaration.
- *
- * @throws BacktrackException
- * request a backtrack
- */
- protected void declaration(
- IASTScope scope,
- IASTTemplate ownerTemplate, CompletionKind overideKind, KeywordSetKey overideKey)
- throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException
- {
- IASTCompletionNode.CompletionKind kind = getCompletionKindForDeclaration(scope, overideKind);
- setCompletionValues(scope, kind, overideKey);
- IASTDeclaration resultDeclaration = null;
- switch (LT(1))
- {
- case IToken.t_asm :
- IToken first = consume(IToken.t_asm);
- setCompletionValues( scope, CompletionKind.NO_SUCH_KIND, KeywordSetKey.EMPTY );
- consume(IToken.tLPAREN);
- String assembly = consume(IToken.tSTRING).getImage();
- consume(IToken.tRPAREN);
- IToken last = consume(IToken.tSEMI);
- try
- {
- resultDeclaration =
- astFactory.createASMDefinition(
- scope,
- assembly,
- first.getOffset(),
- first.getLineNumber(), last.getEndOffset(), last.getLineNumber());
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- logException( "declaration:createASMDefinition", e ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(first.getOffset(), last.getEndOffset(), first.getLineNumber());
- }
- // if we made it this far, then we have all we need
- // do the callback
- resultDeclaration.acceptElement(requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager());
- setCompletionValues(scope, kind, KeywordSetKey.DECLARATION );
- break;
- case IToken.t_namespace :
- resultDeclaration = namespaceDefinition(scope);
- break;
- case IToken.t_using :
- resultDeclaration = usingClause(scope);
- break;
- case IToken.t_export :
- case IToken.t_template :
- resultDeclaration = templateDeclaration(scope);
- break;
- case IToken.t_extern :
- if (LT(2) == IToken.tSTRING)
- {
- resultDeclaration = linkageSpecification(scope);
- break;
- }
- default :
- resultDeclaration = simpleDeclarationStrategyUnion(scope, ownerTemplate, overideKind, overideKey);
- }
- setCompletionValues(scope, kind, KeywordSetKey.DECLARATION );
- endDeclaration( resultDeclaration );
- }
- /**
- * @param scope
- * @return
- */
- protected IASTCompletionNode.CompletionKind getCompletionKindForDeclaration(IASTScope scope, CompletionKind overide) {
- return null;
- }
- protected IASTDeclaration simpleDeclarationStrategyUnion(
- IASTScope scope,
- IASTTemplate ownerTemplate, CompletionKind overrideKind, KeywordSetKey overrideKey)
- throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException
- {
- simpleDeclarationMark = mark();
- IProblem firstFailure = null;
- IProblem secondFailure = null;
- try
- {
- return simpleDeclaration(
- SimpleDeclarationStrategy.TRY_CONSTRUCTOR,
- scope,
- ownerTemplate, overrideKind, false, overrideKey);
- // try it first with the original strategy
- }
- catch (BacktrackException bt)
- {
- if( simpleDeclarationMark == null )
- throwBacktrack( bt );
- firstFailure = bt.getProblem();
- // did not work
- backup(simpleDeclarationMark);
- try
- {
- return simpleDeclaration(
- SimpleDeclarationStrategy.TRY_FUNCTION,
- scope,
- ownerTemplate, overrideKind, false, overrideKey);
- }
- catch( BacktrackException bt2 )
- {
- if( simpleDeclarationMark == null )
- {
- if( firstFailure != null && (bt2.getProblem() == null ))
- throwBacktrack(firstFailure);
- else
- throwBacktrack(bt2);
- }
- secondFailure = bt2.getProblem();
- backup( simpleDeclarationMark );
- try
- {
- return simpleDeclaration(
- SimpleDeclarationStrategy.TRY_VARIABLE,
- scope,
- ownerTemplate, overrideKind, false, overrideKey);
- }
- catch( BacktrackException b3 )
- {
- backup( simpleDeclarationMark ); //TODO - necessary?
- if( firstFailure != null )
- throwBacktrack( firstFailure );
- else if( secondFailure != null )
- throwBacktrack( secondFailure );
- else
- throwBacktrack( b3 );
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Serves as the namespace declaration portion of the ANSI C++ grammar.
- *
- * namespace-definition: namespace identifier { namespace-body } | namespace {
- * namespace-body } namespace-body: declaration-seq?
- *
- * @param container
- * IParserCallback object which serves as the owner scope for
- * this declaration.
- * @return TODO
- * @throws BacktrackException
- * request a backtrack
- *
- */
- protected IASTDeclaration namespaceDefinition(IASTScope scope)
- throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException
- {
- IToken first = consume(IToken.t_namespace);
- IASTCompletionNode.CompletionKind kind = getCompletionKindForDeclaration(scope, null);
- setCompletionValues(scope,CompletionKind.NAMESPACE_REFERENCE, KeywordSetKey.EMPTY );
- IToken identifier = null;
- // optional name
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tIDENTIFIER)
- identifier = identifier();
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tLBRACE)
- {
- IToken lbrace = consume();
- IASTNamespaceDefinition namespaceDefinition = null;
- try
- {
- namespaceDefinition =
- astFactory.createNamespaceDefinition(
- scope,
- (identifier == null ? "" : identifier.getImage()), //$NON-NLS-1$
- first.getOffset(),
- first.getLineNumber(),
- (identifier == null ? first.getOffset() : identifier.getOffset()),
- (identifier == null ? first.getEndOffset() : identifier.getEndOffset() ),
- (identifier == null ? first.getLineNumber() : identifier.getLineNumber() ));
- }
- catch (Exception e1)
- {
- logException( "namespaceDefinition:createNamespaceDefinition", e1 ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(first.getOffset(), lbrace.getEndOffset(), first.getLineNumber());
- return null;
- }
- namespaceDefinition.enterScope( requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager() );
- setCompletionValues(scope,CompletionKind.VARIABLE_TYPE, KeywordSetKey.DECLARATION );
- endDeclaration( namespaceDefinition );
- namespaceDeclarationLoop : while (LT(1) != IToken.tRBRACE)
- {
- int checkToken = LA(1).hashCode();
- switch (LT(1))
- {
- case IToken.tRBRACE :
- //consume(Token.tRBRACE);
- break namespaceDeclarationLoop;
- default :
- try
- {
- declaration(namespaceDefinition, null, null, KeywordSetKey.DECLARATION);
- }
- catch (BacktrackException bt)
- {
- failParse(bt);
- if (checkToken == LA(1).hashCode())
- failParseWithErrorHandling();
- }
- }
- if (checkToken == LA(1).hashCode())
- failParseWithErrorHandling();
- }
- setCompletionValues(scope, CompletionKind.NO_SUCH_KIND,KeywordSetKey.EMPTY );
- // consume the }
- IToken last = consume(IToken.tRBRACE);
- namespaceDefinition.setEndingOffsetAndLineNumber(
- last.getOffset() + last.getLength(), last.getLineNumber());
- setCompletionValues(scope, kind, KeywordSetKey.DECLARATION );
- namespaceDefinition.exitScope( requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager() );
- return namespaceDefinition;
- }
- else if( LT(1) == IToken.tASSIGN )
- {
- setCompletionValues(scope, CompletionKind.NO_SUCH_KIND,KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- IToken assign = consume( IToken.tASSIGN );
- if( identifier == null )
- {
- throwBacktrack(first.getOffset(), assign.getEndOffset(), first.getLineNumber());
- return null;
- }
- ITokenDuple duple = name(scope, CompletionKind.NAMESPACE_REFERENCE, KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- IToken semi = consume( IToken.tSEMI );
- setCompletionValues(scope, kind, KeywordSetKey.DECLARATION );
- IASTNamespaceAlias alias = null;
- try
- {
- alias = astFactory.createNamespaceAlias(
- scope, identifier.getImage(), duple, first.getOffset(),
- first.getLineNumber(), identifier.getOffset(), identifier.getEndOffset(), identifier.getLineNumber(), duple.getLastToken().getEndOffset(), duple.getLastToken().getLineNumber() );
- }
- catch (Exception e1)
- {
- logException( "namespaceDefinition:createNamespaceAlias", e1 ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(first.getOffset(), semi.getEndOffset(), first.getLineNumber());
- return null;
- }
- return alias;
- }
- else
- {
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0 ;
- throwBacktrack(first.getOffset(), endOffset, first.getLineNumber());
- return null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Serves as the catch-all for all complicated declarations, including
- * function-definitions.
- *
- * simpleDeclaration : (declSpecifier)* (initDeclarator (","
- * initDeclarator)*)? (";" | { functionBody }
- *
- * Notes: - append functionDefinition stuff to end of this rule
- *
- * To do: - work in functionTryBlock
- *
- * @param container
- * IParserCallback object which serves as the owner scope for
- * this declaration.
- * @param tryConstructor
- * true == take strategy1 (constructor ) : false == take strategy
- * 2 ( pointer to function)
- * @return TODO
- * @throws BacktrackException
- * request a backtrack
- */
- protected IASTDeclaration simpleDeclaration(
- SimpleDeclarationStrategy strategy,
- IASTScope scope,
- IASTTemplate ownerTemplate, CompletionKind overideKind, boolean fromCatchHandler, KeywordSetKey overrideKey)
- throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException
- {
- IToken firstToken = LA(1);
- int firstOffset = firstToken.getOffset();
- int firstLine = firstToken.getLineNumber();
- if( firstToken.getType() == IToken.tLBRACE ) throwBacktrack(firstToken.getOffset(), firstToken.getEndOffset(), firstToken.getLineNumber());
- DeclarationWrapper sdw =
- new DeclarationWrapper(scope, firstToken.getOffset(), firstToken.getLineNumber(), ownerTemplate);
- firstToken = null; // necessary for scalability
- CompletionKind completionKindForDeclaration = getCompletionKindForDeclaration(scope, overideKind);
- setCompletionValues( scope, completionKindForDeclaration, KeywordSetKey.DECL_SPECIFIER_SEQUENCE );
- declSpecifierSeq(sdw, false, strategy == SimpleDeclarationStrategy.TRY_CONSTRUCTOR, completionKindForDeclaration, overrideKey );
- IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier simpleTypeSpecifier = null;
- if (sdw.getTypeSpecifier() == null && sdw.getSimpleType() != IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.UNSPECIFIED )
- try
- {
- simpleTypeSpecifier = astFactory.createSimpleTypeSpecifier(
- scope,
- sdw.getSimpleType(),
- sdw.getName(),
- sdw.isShort(),
- sdw.isLong(),
- sdw.isSigned(),
- sdw.isUnsigned(),
- sdw.isTypeNamed(),
- sdw.isComplex(),
- sdw.isImaginary(),
- sdw.isGloballyQualified(), sdw.getExtensionParameters());
- sdw.setTypeSpecifier(
- simpleTypeSpecifier);
- sdw.setTypeName( null );
- }
- catch (Exception e1)
- {
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0 ;
- logException( "simpleDeclaration:createSimpleTypeSpecifier", e1 ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- if( e1 instanceof ASTSemanticException && ((ASTSemanticException)e1).getProblem() != null )
- throwBacktrack(((ASTSemanticException)e1).getProblem());
- else
- throwBacktrack(firstOffset, endOffset, firstLine);
- }
- try {
- Declarator declarator = null;
- if (LT(1) != IToken.tSEMI)
- {
- declarator = initDeclarator(sdw, strategy, completionKindForDeclaration, constructInitializersInDeclarations
- );
- while (LT(1) == IToken.tCOMMA)
- {
- consume();
- initDeclarator(sdw, strategy, completionKindForDeclaration, constructInitializersInDeclarations );
- }
- }
- boolean hasFunctionBody = false;
- boolean hasFunctionTryBlock = false;
- boolean consumedSemi = false;
- switch (LT(1))
- {
- case IToken.tSEMI :
- consume(IToken.tSEMI);
- consumedSemi = true;
- break;
- case IToken.t_try :
- consume( IToken.t_try );
- if( LT(1) == IToken.tCOLON )
- ctorInitializer( declarator );
- hasFunctionTryBlock = true;
- declarator.setFunctionTryBlock( true );
- break;
- case IToken.tCOLON :
- ctorInitializer(declarator);
- break;
- case IToken.tLBRACE:
- break;
- case IToken.tRPAREN:
- if( ! fromCatchHandler )
- throwBacktrack(firstOffset, LA(1).getEndOffset(), LA(1).getLineNumber());
- break;
- default:
- throwBacktrack(firstOffset, LA(1).getEndOffset(), LA(1).getLineNumber());
- }
- if( ! consumedSemi )
- {
- if( LT(1) == IToken.tLBRACE )
- {
- declarator.setHasFunctionBody(true);
- hasFunctionBody = true;
- }
- if( hasFunctionTryBlock && ! hasFunctionBody )
- throwBacktrack(firstOffset, LA(1).getEndOffset(), LA(1).getLineNumber());
- }
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0 ;
- List l = null;
- try
- {
- l = sdw.createASTNodes(astFactory);
- }
- catch (ASTSemanticException e)
- {
- if( e.getProblem() == null )
- {
- IProblem p = problemFactory.createProblem( IProblem.SYNTAX_ERROR,
- sdw.getStartingOffset(),
- lastToken != null ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0,
- sdw.getStartingLine(),
- scanner.getCurrentFilename(),
- EMPTY_STRING, false, true );
- throwBacktrack( p );
- } else {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- }
- }
- catch( Exception e )
- {
- logException( "simpleDecl", e ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(firstOffset, endOffset, firstLine);
- }
- if (hasFunctionBody && l.size() != 1)
- {
- throwBacktrack(firstOffset, endOffset, firstLine); //TODO Should be an IProblem
- }
- if (!l.isEmpty()) // no need to do this unless we have a declarator
- {
- if (!hasFunctionBody || fromCatchHandler)
- {
- IASTDeclaration declaration = null;
- for( int i = 0; i < l.size(); ++i )
- {
- declaration = (IASTDeclaration)l.get(i);
- ((IASTOffsetableElement)declaration).setEndingOffsetAndLineNumber(
- lastToken.getEndOffset(), lastToken.getLineNumber());
- declaration.acceptElement( requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager() );
- if( sdw.getTypeSpecifier() instanceof IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier )
- ((IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier)sdw.getTypeSpecifier()).releaseReferences( astFactory.getReferenceManager() );
- }
- return declaration;
- }
- IASTDeclaration declaration = (IASTDeclaration)l.get(0);
- endDeclaration( declaration );
- declaration.enterScope( requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager() );
- if( sdw.getTypeSpecifier() instanceof IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier )
- ((IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier)sdw.getTypeSpecifier()).releaseReferences( astFactory.getReferenceManager() );
- if ( !( declaration instanceof IASTScope ) )
- throwBacktrack(firstOffset, endOffset, firstLine);
- handleFunctionBody((IASTScope)declaration );
- ((IASTOffsetableElement)declaration).setEndingOffsetAndLineNumber(
- lastToken.getEndOffset(), lastToken.getLineNumber());
- declaration.exitScope( requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager() );
- if( hasFunctionTryBlock )
- catchHandlerSequence( scope );
- return declaration;
- }
- try
- {
- if( sdw.getTypeSpecifier() != null )
- {
- IASTAbstractTypeSpecifierDeclaration declaration = astFactory.createTypeSpecDeclaration(
- sdw.getScope(),
- sdw.getTypeSpecifier(),
- ownerTemplate,
- sdw.getStartingOffset(),
- sdw.getStartingLine(), lastToken.getEndOffset(), lastToken.getLineNumber(),
- sdw.isFriend());
- declaration.acceptElement(requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager());
- return declaration;
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e1)
- {
- logException( "simpleDeclaration:createTypeSpecDeclaration", e1 ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(firstOffset, endOffset, firstLine);
- }
- return null;
- } catch( BacktrackException be )
- {
- if( simpleTypeSpecifier != null )
- simpleTypeSpecifier.releaseReferences(astFactory.getReferenceManager());
- throwBacktrack(be);
- return null;
- }
- catch( EndOfFileException eof )
- {
- if( simpleTypeSpecifier != null )
- simpleTypeSpecifier.releaseReferences(astFactory.getReferenceManager());
- throw eof;
- }
- }
- protected abstract void handleFunctionBody(IASTScope scope) throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException;
- protected void skipOverCompoundStatement() throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException
- {
- // speed up the parser by skiping the body
- // simply look for matching brace and return
- consume(IToken.tLBRACE);
- int depth = 1;
- while (depth > 0)
- {
- switch (consume().getType())
- {
- case IToken.tRBRACE :
- --depth;
- break;
- case IToken.tLBRACE :
- ++depth;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * This method parses a constructor chain ctorinitializer: :
- * meminitializerlist meminitializerlist: meminitializer | meminitializer ,
- * meminitializerlist meminitializer: meminitializerid | ( expressionlist? )
- * meminitializerid: ::? nestednamespecifier? classname identifier
- *
- * @param declarator
- * IParserCallback object that represents the declarator
- * (constructor) that owns this initializer
- * @throws BacktrackException
- * request a backtrack
- */
- protected void ctorInitializer(Declarator d )
- throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException
- {
- int startingOffset = consume(IToken.tCOLON).getOffset();
- IASTScope scope = d.getDeclarationWrapper().getScope();
- scope = astFactory.getDeclaratorScope(scope, d.getNameDuple());
- for (;;)
- {
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tLBRACE)
- break;
- ITokenDuple duple = name(scope, CompletionKind.SINGLE_NAME_REFERENCE, KeywordSetKey.EMPTY );
- consume(IToken.tLPAREN);
- IASTExpression expressionList = null;
- expressionList = expression(scope, CompletionKind.SINGLE_NAME_REFERENCE, KeywordSetKey.EXPRESSION);
- IToken rparen = consume(IToken.tRPAREN);
- try
- {
- d.addConstructorMemberInitializer(
- astFactory.createConstructorMemberInitializer(scope, duple, expressionList) );
- }
- catch (Exception e1)
- {
- logException( "ctorInitializer:addConstructorMemberInitializer", e1 ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, rparen.getEndOffset(), rparen.getLineNumber());
- }
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tLBRACE)
- break;
- consume(IToken.tCOMMA);
- }
- }
- protected boolean constructInitializersInParameters = true;
- protected boolean constructInitializersInDeclarations = true;
- /**
- * This routine parses a parameter declaration
- *
- * @param containerObject
- * The IParserCallback object representing the
- * parameterDeclarationClause owning the parm.
- * @throws BacktrackException
- * request a backtrack
- */
- protected void parameterDeclaration(
- IParameterCollection collection, IASTScope scope)
- throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException
- {
- IToken current = LA(1);
- DeclarationWrapper sdw =
- new DeclarationWrapper(scope, current.getOffset(), current.getLineNumber(), null);
- declSpecifierSeq(sdw, true, false, CompletionKind.ARGUMENT_TYPE, KeywordSetKey.DECL_SPECIFIER_SEQUENCE );
- if (sdw.getTypeSpecifier() == null
- && sdw.getSimpleType()
- != IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.UNSPECIFIED)
- try
- {
- sdw.setTypeSpecifier(
- astFactory.createSimpleTypeSpecifier(
- scope,
- sdw.getSimpleType(),
- sdw.getName(),
- sdw.isShort(),
- sdw.isLong(),
- sdw.isSigned(),
- sdw.isUnsigned(),
- sdw.isTypeNamed(),
- sdw.isComplex(),
- sdw.isImaginary(),
- sdw.isGloballyQualified(), null));
- }
- catch (ASTSemanticException e)
- {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0 ;
- logException( "parameterDeclaration:createSimpleTypeSpecifier", e ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(current.getOffset(), endOffset, current.getLineNumber());
- }
- setCompletionValues(scope,CompletionKind.SINGLE_NAME_REFERENCE,KeywordSetKey.EMPTY );
- if (LT(1) != IToken.tSEMI)
- initDeclarator(sdw, SimpleDeclarationStrategy.TRY_FUNCTION, CompletionKind.VARIABLE_TYPE, constructInitializersInParameters );
- if( lastToken != null )
- sdw.setEndingOffsetAndLineNumber( lastToken.getEndOffset(), lastToken.getLineNumber() );
- if (current == LA(1))
- {
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0 ;
- throwBacktrack(current.getOffset(), endOffset, current.getLineNumber());
- }
- collection.addParameter(sdw);
- }
- /**
- * This class represents the state and strategy for parsing
- * declarationSpecifierSequences
- */
- public class Flags
- {
- private boolean encounteredTypename = false;
- // have we encountered a typeName yet?
- private boolean encounteredRawType = false;
- // have we encountered a raw type yet?
- private final boolean parm;
- // is this for a simpleDeclaration or parameterDeclaration?
- private final boolean constructor;
- // are we attempting the constructor strategy?
- public Flags(boolean parm, boolean c)
- {
- this.parm = parm;
- constructor = c;
- }
- /**
- * @return true if we have encountered a simple type up to this point,
- * false otherwise
- */
- public boolean haveEncounteredRawType()
- {
- return encounteredRawType;
- }
- /**
- * @return true if we have encountered a typename up to this point,
- * false otherwise
- */
- public boolean haveEncounteredTypename()
- {
- return encounteredTypename;
- }
- /**
- * @param b -
- * set to true if we encounter a raw type (int, short, etc.)
- */
- public void setEncounteredRawType(boolean b)
- {
- encounteredRawType = b;
- }
- /**
- * @param b -
- * set to true if we encounter a typename
- */
- public void setEncounteredTypename(boolean b)
- {
- encounteredTypename = b;
- }
- /**
- * @return true if we are parsing for a ParameterDeclaration
- */
- public boolean isForParameterDeclaration()
- {
- return parm;
- }
- /**
- * @return whether or not we are attempting the constructor strategy or
- * not
- */
- public boolean isForConstructor()
- {
- return constructor;
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param flags
- * input flags that are used to make our decision
- * @return whether or not this looks like a constructor (true or false)
- * @throws EndOfFileException
- * we could encounter EOF while looking ahead
- */
- private boolean lookAheadForConstructorOrConversion(Flags flags,
- DeclarationWrapper sdw, CompletionKind kind)
- throws EndOfFileException {
- if (flags.isForParameterDeclaration())
- return false;
- if (queryLookaheadCapability(2) && LT(2) == IToken.tLPAREN
- && flags.isForConstructor())
- return true;
- IToken mark = mark();
- Declarator d = new Declarator(sdw);
- try {
- try {
- consumeTemplatedOperatorName(d, kind);
- } catch (BacktrackException e) {
- backup(mark);
- return false;
- } catch (EndOfFileException eof) {
- backup(mark);
- return false;
- }
- ITokenDuple duple = d.getNameDuple();
- if (duple == null) {
- backup(mark);
- return false;
- }
- int lastColon = duple.findLastTokenType(IToken.tCOLON);
- if (lastColon == -1) {
- int lt1 = LT(1);
- backup(mark);
- return flags.isForConstructor() && (lt1 == IToken.tLPAREN);
- }
- IToken className = null;
- int index = lastColon - 1;
- if (duple.getToken(index).getType() == IToken.tGT) {
- int depth = -1;
- while (depth == -1) {
- if (duple.getToken(--index).getType() == IToken.tLT)
- ++depth;
- }
- className = duple.getToken(index);
- }
- boolean result = className.getImage().equals(duple.getLastToken());
- backup(mark);
- return result;
- } finally {
- if (d.getNameDuple() != null
- && d.getNameDuple().getTemplateIdArgLists() != null) {
- List[] arrayOfLists = d.getNameDuple().getTemplateIdArgLists();
- for (int i = 0; i < arrayOfLists.length; ++i) {
- if (arrayOfLists[i] == null)
- continue;
- for (int j = 0; j < arrayOfLists[i].size(); ++j) {
- IASTExpression e = (IASTExpression) arrayOfLists[i]
- .get(j);
- e.freeReferences(astFactory.getReferenceManager());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param flags
- * input flags that are used to make our decision
- * @return whether or not this looks like a a declarator follows
- * @throws EndOfFileException
- * we could encounter EOF while looking ahead
- */
- private boolean lookAheadForDeclarator(Flags flags)
- throws EndOfFileException {
- return flags.haveEncounteredTypename()
- && ((LT(2) != IToken.tIDENTIFIER || (LT(3) != IToken.tLPAREN && LT(3) != IToken.tASSIGN)) && !LA(
- 2).isPointer());
- }
- /**
- * This function parses a declaration specifier sequence, as according to
- * the ANSI C++ spec.
- *
- * declSpecifier : "auto" | "register" | "static" | "extern" | "mutable" |
- * "inline" | "virtual" | "explicit" | "char" | "wchar_t" | "bool" | "short" |
- * "int" | "long" | "signed" | "unsigned" | "float" | "double" | "void" |
- * "const" | "volatile" | "friend" | "typedef" | ("typename")? name |
- * {"class"|"struct"|"union"} classSpecifier | {"enum"} enumSpecifier
- *
- * Notes: - folded in storageClassSpecifier, typeSpecifier,
- * functionSpecifier - folded elaboratedTypeSpecifier into classSpecifier
- * and enumSpecifier - find template names in name
- *
- * @param decl
- * IParserCallback object representing the declaration that owns
- * this specifier sequence
- * @param parm
- * Is this for a parameter declaration (true) or simple
- * declaration (false)
- * @param tryConstructor
- * true for constructor, false for pointer to function strategy
- * @throws BacktrackException
- * request a backtrack
- */
- protected void declSpecifierSeq(DeclarationWrapper sdw, boolean parm,
- boolean tryConstructor, CompletionKind kind, KeywordSetKey key)
- throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException {
- Flags flags = new Flags(parm, tryConstructor);
- IToken typeNameBegin = null;
- IToken typeNameEnd = null;
- declSpecifiers : for (;;) {
- switch (LT(1)) {
- case IToken.t_inline :
- consume();
- sdw.setInline(true);
- break;
- case IToken.t_auto :
- consume();
- sdw.setAuto(true);
- break;
- case IToken.t_register :
- sdw.setRegister(true);
- consume();
- break;
- case IToken.t_static :
- sdw.setStatic(true);
- consume();
- break;
- case IToken.t_extern :
- sdw.setExtern(true);
- consume();
- break;
- case IToken.t_mutable :
- sdw.setMutable(true);
- consume();
- break;
- case IToken.t_virtual :
- sdw.setVirtual(true);
- consume();
- break;
- case IToken.t_explicit :
- sdw.setExplicit(true);
- consume();
- break;
- case IToken.t_typedef :
- sdw.setTypedef(true);
- consume();
- break;
- case IToken.t_friend :
- sdw.setFriend(true);
- consume();
- break;
- case IToken.t_const :
- sdw.setConst(true);
- consume();
- break;
- case IToken.t_volatile :
- sdw.setVolatile(true);
- consume();
- break;
- case IToken.t_signed :
- sdw.setSigned(true);
- if (typeNameBegin == null)
- typeNameBegin = LA(1);
- typeNameEnd = LA(1);
- flags.setEncounteredRawType(true);
- consume();
- sdw.setSimpleType(IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.INT);
- break;
- case IToken.t_unsigned :
- sdw.setUnsigned(true);
- if (typeNameBegin == null)
- typeNameBegin = LA(1);
- typeNameEnd = LA(1);
- flags.setEncounteredRawType(true);
- consume();
- sdw.setSimpleType(IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.INT);
- break;
- case IToken.t_short :
- sdw.setShort(true);
- if (typeNameBegin == null)
- typeNameBegin = LA(1);
- typeNameEnd = LA(1);
- flags.setEncounteredRawType(true);
- consume();
- sdw.setSimpleType(IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.INT);
- break;
- case IToken.t_long :
- if (typeNameBegin == null)
- typeNameBegin = LA(1);
- typeNameEnd = LA(1);
- flags.setEncounteredRawType(true);
- consume();
- sdw.setSimpleType(IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.INT);
- sdw.setLong(true);
- break;
- case IToken.t__Complex :
- consume(IToken.t__Complex);
- if (typeNameBegin == null)
- typeNameBegin = LA(1);
- typeNameEnd = LA(1);
- sdw.setComplex(true);
- break;
- case IToken.t__Imaginary :
- consume(IToken.t__Imaginary);
- if (typeNameBegin == null)
- typeNameBegin = LA(1);
- typeNameEnd = LA(1);
- sdw.setImaginary(true);
- break;
- case IToken.t_char :
- if (typeNameBegin == null)
- typeNameBegin = LA(1);
- typeNameEnd = LA(1);
- flags.setEncounteredRawType(true);
- consume();
- sdw.setSimpleType(IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.CHAR);
- break;
- case IToken.t_wchar_t :
- if (typeNameBegin == null)
- typeNameBegin = LA(1);
- typeNameEnd = LA(1);
- flags.setEncounteredRawType(true);
- consume();
- sdw.setSimpleType(IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.WCHAR_T);
- break;
- case IToken.t_bool :
- if (typeNameBegin == null)
- typeNameBegin = LA(1);
- typeNameEnd = LA(1);
- flags.setEncounteredRawType(true);
- consume();
- sdw.setSimpleType(IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.BOOL);
- break;
- case IToken.t__Bool :
- if (typeNameBegin == null)
- typeNameBegin = LA(1);
- typeNameEnd = LA(1);
- flags.setEncounteredRawType(true);
- consume();
- sdw.setSimpleType(IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type._BOOL);
- break;
- case IToken.t_int :
- if (typeNameBegin == null)
- typeNameBegin = LA(1);
- typeNameEnd = LA(1);
- flags.setEncounteredRawType(true);
- consume();
- sdw.setSimpleType(IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.INT);
- break;
- case IToken.t_float :
- if (typeNameBegin == null)
- typeNameBegin = LA(1);
- typeNameEnd = LA(1);
- flags.setEncounteredRawType(true);
- consume();
- sdw.setSimpleType(IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.FLOAT);
- break;
- case IToken.t_double :
- if (typeNameBegin == null)
- typeNameBegin = LA(1);
- typeNameEnd = LA(1);
- flags.setEncounteredRawType(true);
- consume();
- sdw.setSimpleType(IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.DOUBLE);
- break;
- case IToken.t_void :
- if (typeNameBegin == null)
- typeNameBegin = LA(1);
- typeNameEnd = LA(1);
- flags.setEncounteredRawType(true);
- consume();
- sdw.setSimpleType(IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.VOID);
- break;
- case IToken.t_typename :
- sdw.setTypenamed(true);
- consume(IToken.t_typename);
- IToken first = LA(1);
- IToken last = null;
- last = name(sdw.getScope(), CompletionKind.TYPE_REFERENCE,
- KeywordSetKey.EMPTY).getLastToken();
- if (LT(1) == IToken.t_template) {
- consume(IToken.t_template);
- last = templateId(sdw.getScope(),
- }
- if (sdw.getName() != null)
- first = sdw.getName().getFirstToken();
- ITokenDuple duple = TokenFactory.createTokenDuple(first,
- last);
- sdw.setTypeName(duple);
- flags.setEncounteredTypename(true);
- break;
- case IToken.tCOLONCOLON :
- sdw.setGloballyQualified(true);
- consume(IToken.tCOLONCOLON);
- break;
- case IToken.tIDENTIFIER :
- // TODO - Kludgy way to handle constructors/destructors
- if (flags.haveEncounteredRawType()) {
- setTypeName(sdw, typeNameBegin, typeNameEnd);
- return;
- }
- if (parm && flags.haveEncounteredTypename()) {
- setTypeName(sdw, typeNameBegin, typeNameEnd);
- return;
- }
- if (lookAheadForConstructorOrConversion(flags, sdw, kind)) {
- setTypeName(sdw, typeNameBegin, typeNameEnd);
- return;
- }
- if (lookAheadForDeclarator(flags)) {
- setTypeName(sdw, typeNameBegin, typeNameEnd);
- return;
- }
- setCompletionValues(sdw.getScope(), kind, key);
- ITokenDuple d = name(sdw.getScope(), kind, key);
- sdw.setTypeName(d);
- sdw
- .setSimpleType(IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.CLASS_OR_TYPENAME);
- flags.setEncounteredTypename(true);
- break;
- case IToken.t_class :
- case IToken.t_struct :
- case IToken.t_union :
- try {
- classSpecifier(sdw);
- flags.setEncounteredTypename(true);
- break;
- } catch (BacktrackException bt) {
- elaboratedTypeSpecifier(sdw);
- flags.setEncounteredTypename(true);
- break;
- }
- case IToken.t_enum :
- try {
- enumSpecifier(sdw);
- flags.setEncounteredTypename(true);
- break;
- } catch (BacktrackException bt) {
- // this is an elaborated class specifier
- elaboratedTypeSpecifier(sdw);
- flags.setEncounteredTypename(true);
- break;
- }
- default :
- if (extension.canHandleDeclSpecifierSequence(LT(1))) {
- IParserExtension.IDeclSpecifierExtensionResult declSpecExtResult = extension
- .parseDeclSpecifierSequence(this, flags, sdw,
- kind, key);
- if (declSpecExtResult != null) {
- flags = declSpecExtResult.getFlags();
- if (typeNameBegin == null)
- typeNameBegin = declSpecExtResult
- .getFirstToken();
- typeNameEnd = declSpecExtResult.getLastToken();
- break;
- }
- break declSpecifiers;
- }
- break declSpecifiers;
- }
- }
- setTypeName(sdw, typeNameBegin, typeNameEnd);
- return;
- }
- /**
- * @param sdw
- * @param typeNameBegin
- * @param typeNameEnd
- */
- private void setTypeName(DeclarationWrapper sdw, IToken typeNameBegin,
- IToken typeNameEnd) {
- if (typeNameBegin != null)
- sdw.setTypeName(TokenFactory.createTokenDuple(typeNameBegin,
- typeNameEnd));
- }
- /**
- * Parse an elaborated type specifier.
- *
- * @param decl
- * Declaration which owns the elaborated type
- * @throws BacktrackException
- * request a backtrack
- */
- protected void elaboratedTypeSpecifier(DeclarationWrapper sdw)
- throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException {
- // this is an elaborated class specifier
- IToken t = consume();
- ASTClassKind eck = null;
- CompletionKind completionKind = null;
- switch (t.getType()) {
- case IToken.t_class :
- eck = ASTClassKind.CLASS;
- completionKind = CompletionKind.CLASS_REFERENCE;
- break;
- case IToken.t_struct :
- eck = ASTClassKind.STRUCT;
- completionKind = CompletionKind.STRUCT_REFERENCE;
- break;
- case IToken.t_union :
- eck = ASTClassKind.UNION;
- completionKind = CompletionKind.UNION_REFERENCE;
- break;
- case IToken.t_enum :
- eck = ASTClassKind.ENUM;
- completionKind = CompletionKind.ENUM_REFERENCE;
- break;
- default :
- backup(t);
- throwBacktrack(t.getOffset(), t.getEndOffset(), t.getLineNumber());
- }
- ITokenDuple d = name(sdw.getScope(), completionKind,
- KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- IASTTypeSpecifier elaboratedTypeSpec = null;
- final boolean isForewardDecl = (LT(1) == IToken.tSEMI);
- try {
- elaboratedTypeSpec = astFactory.createElaboratedTypeSpecifier(sdw
- .getScope(), eck, d, t.getOffset(), t.getLineNumber(), d
- .getLastToken().getEndOffset(), d.getLastToken()
- .getLineNumber(), isForewardDecl, sdw.isFriend());
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0 ;
- logException(
- "elaboratedTypeSpecifier:createElaboratedTypeSpecifier", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(t.getOffset(), endOffset, t.getLineNumber());
- }
- sdw.setTypeSpecifier(elaboratedTypeSpec);
- if (isForewardDecl)
- {
- ((IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) elaboratedTypeSpec).acceptElement(
- requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager());
- handleOffsetableNamedElement((IASTOffsetableNamedElement) elaboratedTypeSpec);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Parses the initDeclarator construct of the ANSI C++ spec.
- *
- * initDeclarator : declarator ("=" initializerClause | "(" expressionList
- * ")")?
- *
- * @param constructInitializers
- * TODO
- * @param owner
- * IParserCallback object that represents the owner declaration
- * object.
- * @return declarator that this parsing produced.
- * @throws BacktrackException
- * request a backtrack
- */
- protected Declarator initDeclarator(DeclarationWrapper sdw,
- SimpleDeclarationStrategy strategy, CompletionKind kind,
- boolean constructInitializers) throws EndOfFileException,
- BacktrackException {
- Declarator d = declarator(sdw, sdw.getScope(), strategy, kind);
- try {
- astFactory.constructExpressions(constructInitializers);
- if (language == ParserLanguage.CPP)
- optionalCPPInitializer(d, constructInitializers);
- else if (language == ParserLanguage.C)
- optionalCInitializer(d, constructInitializers);
- sdw.addDeclarator(d);
- return d;
- } finally {
- astFactory.constructExpressions(true);
- }
- }
- protected void optionalCPPInitializer(Declarator d,
- boolean constructInitializers) throws EndOfFileException,
- BacktrackException {
- // handle initializer
- final IASTScope scope = d.getDeclarationWrapper().getScope();
- setCompletionValues(scope, CompletionKind.NO_SUCH_KIND,
- KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tASSIGN) {
- consume(IToken.tASSIGN);
- setCompletionValues(scope, CompletionKind.SINGLE_NAME_REFERENCE,
- KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- throwAwayMarksForInitializerClause(d);
- try
- {
- IASTInitializerClause clause = initializerClause(scope,
- constructInitializers);
- d.setInitializerClause(clause);
- }
- catch( EndOfFileException eof )
- {
- failParse();
- throw eof;
- }
- setCompletionValues(scope, CompletionKind.NO_SUCH_KIND,
- KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- } else if (LT(1) == IToken.tLPAREN) {
- // initializer in constructor
- consume(IToken.tLPAREN); // EAT IT!
- setCompletionValues(scope, CompletionKind.SINGLE_NAME_REFERENCE,
- KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- IASTExpression astExpression = null;
- astExpression = expression(scope,
- KeywordSetKey.EXPRESSION);
- setCompletionValues(scope, CompletionKind.NO_SUCH_KIND,
- KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- consume(IToken.tRPAREN);
- d.setConstructorExpression(astExpression);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param d
- */
- protected void throwAwayMarksForInitializerClause(Declarator d) {
- simpleDeclarationMark = null;
- if (d.getNameDuple() != null)
- d.getNameDuple().getLastToken().setNext(null);
- if (d.getPointerOperatorNameDuple() != null)
- d.getPointerOperatorNameDuple().getLastToken().setNext(null);
- }
- protected void optionalCInitializer(Declarator d,
- boolean constructInitializers) throws EndOfFileException,
- BacktrackException {
- final IASTScope scope = d.getDeclarationWrapper().getScope();
- setCompletionValues(scope, CompletionKind.NO_SUCH_KIND,
- KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tASSIGN) {
- consume(IToken.tASSIGN);
- throwAwayMarksForInitializerClause(d);
- setCompletionValues(scope, CompletionKind.SINGLE_NAME_REFERENCE,
- KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- d.setInitializerClause(cInitializerClause(scope,
- Collections.EMPTY_LIST, constructInitializers));
- setCompletionValues(scope, CompletionKind.NO_SUCH_KIND,
- KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param scope
- * @return
- */
- protected IASTInitializerClause cInitializerClause(IASTScope scope,
- List designators, boolean constructInitializers)
- throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException {
- int startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- int line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tLBRACE) {
- consume(IToken.tLBRACE);
- List initializerList = new ArrayList();
- for (;;) {
- int checkHashcode = LA(1).hashCode();
- // required at least one initializer list
- // get designator list
- List newDesignators = designatorList(scope);
- if (newDesignators.size() != 0)
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tASSIGN)
- consume(IToken.tASSIGN);
- IASTInitializerClause initializer = cInitializerClause(scope,
- newDesignators, constructInitializers);
- initializerList.add(initializer);
- // can end with just a '}'
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tRBRACE)
- break;
- // can end with ", }"
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tCOMMA)
- consume(IToken.tCOMMA);
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tRBRACE)
- break;
- if (checkHashcode == LA(1).hashCode()) {
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, LA(1).getEndOffset(), LA(1).getLineNumber());
- return null;
- }
- // otherwise, its another initializer in the list
- }
- // consume the closing brace
- consume(IToken.tRBRACE);
- return createInitializerClause(scope, ((designators.size() == 0)
- ? IASTInitializerClause.Kind.INITIALIZER_LIST
- null, initializerList, designators, constructInitializers);
- }
- // if we get this far, it means that we have not yet succeeded
- // try this now instead
- // assignmentExpression
- try {
- IASTExpression assignmentExpression = assignmentExpression(scope,
- KeywordSetKey.EXPRESSION);
- try {
- return createInitializerClause(
- scope,
- ((designators.size() == 0)
- assignmentExpression, null, designators,
- constructInitializers);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0 ;
- logException("cInitializerClause:createInitializerClause", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- } catch (BacktrackException b) {
- // do nothing
- }
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0 ;
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- return null;
- }
- /**
- *
- */
- protected IASTInitializerClause initializerClause(IASTScope scope,
- boolean constructInitializers) throws EndOfFileException,
- BacktrackException {
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tLBRACE) {
- IToken t = consume(IToken.tLBRACE);
- IToken last = null;
- if (LT(1) == (IToken.tRBRACE)) {
- last = consume(IToken.tRBRACE);
- try {
- return createInitializerClause(scope,
- IASTInitializerClause.Kind.EMPTY, null, null,
- Collections.EMPTY_LIST, constructInitializers);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException(
- "initializerClause_1:createInitializerClause", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(t.getOffset(), last.getEndOffset(), t.getLineNumber());
- return null;
- }
- }
- // otherwise it is a list of initializer clauses
- List initializerClauses = null;
- int startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- for (;;) {
- IASTInitializerClause clause = initializerClause(scope,
- constructInitializers);
- if (clause != null) {
- if (initializerClauses == null)
- initializerClauses = new ArrayList();
- initializerClauses.add(clause);
- }
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tRBRACE)
- break;
- consume(IToken.tCOMMA);
- }
- last = consume(IToken.tRBRACE);
- try {
- return createInitializerClause(scope,
- IASTInitializerClause.Kind.INITIALIZER_LIST, null,
- initializerClauses == null
- ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST
- : initializerClauses, Collections.EMPTY_LIST,
- constructInitializers);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("initializerClause_2:createInitializerClause", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, last.getEndOffset(), last.getLineNumber());
- return null;
- }
- }
- // if we get this far, it means that we did not
- // try this now instead
- // assignmentExpression
- int startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- int line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- IASTExpression assignmentExpression = assignmentExpression(scope,
- KeywordSetKey.EXPRESSION);
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0 ;
- try {
- return createInitializerClause(scope,
- assignmentExpression, null, Collections.EMPTY_LIST,
- constructInitializers);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("initializerClause_3:createInitializerClause", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- return null;
- }
- protected IASTInitializerClause createInitializerClause(IASTScope scope,
- IASTInitializerClause.Kind kind, IASTExpression expression,
- List initializerClauses, List designators,
- boolean constructInitializer) {
- if (!constructInitializer)
- return null;
- return astFactory.createInitializerClause(scope, kind, expression,
- initializerClauses, designators);
- }
- protected List designatorList(IASTScope scope) throws EndOfFileException,
- BacktrackException {
- List designatorList = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
- // designated initializers for C
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tDOT || LT(1) == IToken.tLBRACKET) {
- while (LT(1) == IToken.tDOT || LT(1) == IToken.tLBRACKET) {
- IToken id = null;
- IASTExpression constantExpression = null;
- IASTDesignator.DesignatorKind kind = null;
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tDOT) {
- consume(IToken.tDOT);
- id = identifier();
- kind = IASTDesignator.DesignatorKind.FIELD;
- } else if (LT(1) == IToken.tLBRACKET) {
- IToken mark = consume(IToken.tLBRACKET);
- constantExpression = expression(scope,
- KeywordSetKey.EXPRESSION);
- if (LT(1) != IToken.tRBRACKET) {
- backup(mark);
- if (extension.canHandleCDesignatorInitializer(LT(1))) {
- IASTDesignator d = extension.parseDesignator(this,
- scope);
- if (d != null) {
- if (designatorList == Collections.EMPTY_LIST)
- designatorList = new ArrayList(
- designatorList.add(d);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- consume(IToken.tRBRACKET);
- kind = IASTDesignator.DesignatorKind.SUBSCRIPT;
- }
- IASTDesignator d = astFactory.createDesignator(kind,
- constantExpression, id, null);
- if (designatorList == Collections.EMPTY_LIST)
- designatorList = new ArrayList(DEFAULT_DESIGNATOR_LIST_SIZE);
- designatorList.add(d);
- }
- } else {
- if (extension.canHandleCDesignatorInitializer(LT(1))) {
- IASTDesignator d = extension.parseDesignator(this, scope);
- if (d != null) {
- if (designatorList == Collections.EMPTY_LIST)
- designatorList = new ArrayList(
- designatorList.add(d);
- }
- }
- }
- return designatorList;
- }
- /**
- * Parse a declarator, as according to the ANSI C++ specification.
- *
- * declarator : (ptrOperator)* directDeclarator
- *
- * directDeclarator : declaratorId | directDeclarator "("
- * parameterDeclarationClause ")" (cvQualifier)* (exceptionSpecification)* |
- * directDeclarator "[" (constantExpression)? "]" | "(" declarator")" |
- * directDeclarator "(" parameterDeclarationClause ")"
- * (oldKRParameterDeclaration)*
- *
- * declaratorId : name
- *
- * @param container
- * IParserCallback object that represents the owner declaration.
- * @return declarator that this parsing produced.
- * @throws BacktrackException
- * request a backtrack
- */
- protected Declarator declarator(IDeclaratorOwner owner, IASTScope scope,
- SimpleDeclarationStrategy strategy, CompletionKind kind)
- throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException {
- Declarator d = null;
- DeclarationWrapper sdw = owner.getDeclarationWrapper();
- int startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- int line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- overallLoop : do {
- d = new Declarator(owner);
- consumePointerOperators(d);
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tLPAREN) {
- consume();
- declarator(d, scope, strategy, kind);
- consume(IToken.tRPAREN);
- } else
- consumeTemplatedOperatorName(d, kind);
- for (;;) {
- switch (LT(1)) {
- case IToken.tLPAREN :
- boolean failed = false;
- IASTScope parameterScope = astFactory
- .getDeclaratorScope(scope, d.getNameDuple());
- // temporary fix for initializer/function declaration
- // ambiguity
- if (queryLookaheadCapability(2)
- && !LA(2).looksLikeExpression()
- && strategy != SimpleDeclarationStrategy.TRY_VARIABLE) {
- if (LT(2) == IToken.tIDENTIFIER) {
- IToken newMark = mark();
- consume(IToken.tLPAREN);
- ITokenDuple queryName = null;
- try {
- try {
- queryName = name(parameterScope,
- CompletionKind.TYPE_REFERENCE,
- KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- if (!astFactory.queryIsTypeName(
- parameterScope, queryName))
- failed = true;
- } catch (Exception e) {
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0 ;
- logException(
- "declarator:queryIsTypeName", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- } catch (BacktrackException b) {
- failed = true;
- }
- if (queryName != null)
- queryName.freeReferences(astFactory
- .getReferenceManager());
- backup(newMark);
- }
- }
- if ((queryLookaheadCapability(2)
- && !LA(2).looksLikeExpression()
- && strategy != SimpleDeclarationStrategy.TRY_VARIABLE && !failed)
- || !queryLookaheadCapability(3)) {
- // parameterDeclarationClause
- d.setIsFunction(true);
- // TODO need to create a temporary scope object here
- consume(IToken.tLPAREN);
- setCompletionValues(scope,
- CompletionKind.ARGUMENT_TYPE,
- boolean seenParameter = false;
- parameterDeclarationLoop : for (;;) {
- switch (LT(1)) {
- case IToken.tRPAREN :
- consume();
- setCompletionValues(parameterScope,
- CompletionKind.NO_SUCH_KIND,
- break parameterDeclarationLoop;
- case IToken.tELLIPSIS :
- consume();
- d.setIsVarArgs(true);
- break;
- case IToken.tCOMMA :
- consume();
- setCompletionValues(
- parameterScope,
- CompletionKind.ARGUMENT_TYPE,
- seenParameter = false;
- break;
- default :
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0 ;
- if (seenParameter)
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- parameterDeclaration(d, parameterScope);
- seenParameter = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tCOLON || LT(1) == IToken.t_try)
- break overallLoop;
- IToken beforeCVModifier = mark();
- IToken[] cvModifiers = new IToken[2];
- int numCVModifiers = 0;
- IToken afterCVModifier = beforeCVModifier;
- // const-volatile
- // 2 options: either this is a marker for the method,
- // or it might be the beginning of old K&R style
- // parameter declaration, see
- // void getenv(name) const char * name; {}
- // This will be determined further below
- while ((LT(1) == IToken.t_const || LT(1) == IToken.t_volatile)
- && numCVModifiers < 2) {
- cvModifiers[numCVModifiers++] = consume();
- afterCVModifier = mark();
- }
- //check for throws clause here
- List exceptionSpecIds = null;
- if (LT(1) == IToken.t_throw) {
- exceptionSpecIds = new ArrayList();
- consume(); // throw
- consume(IToken.tLPAREN); // (
- boolean done = false;
- IASTTypeId exceptionTypeId = null;
- while (!done) {
- switch (LT(1)) {
- case IToken.tRPAREN :
- consume();
- done = true;
- break;
- case IToken.tCOMMA :
- consume();
- break;
- default :
- try {
- exceptionTypeId = typeId(
- scope,
- false,
- exceptionSpecIds
- .add(exceptionTypeId);
- exceptionTypeId
- .acceptElement(
- requestor,
- astFactory
- .getReferenceManager());
- } catch (BacktrackException e) {
- failParse(e);
- consume();
- // eat this token anyway
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (exceptionSpecIds != null)
- try {
- d.setExceptionSpecification(astFactory
- .createExceptionSpecification(d
- .getDeclarationWrapper()
- .getScope(),
- exceptionSpecIds));
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0 ;
- logException(
- "declarator:createExceptionSpecification", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- }
- // check for optional pure virtual
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tASSIGN && LT(2) == IToken.tINTEGER
- && LA(2).getImage().equals("0")) //$NON-NLS-1$
- {
- consume(IToken.tASSIGN);
- consume(IToken.tINTEGER);
- d.setPureVirtual(true);
- }
- if (afterCVModifier != LA(1) || LT(1) == IToken.tSEMI) {
- // There were C++-specific clauses after
- // const/volatile modifier
- // Then it is a marker for the method
- if (numCVModifiers > 0) {
- for (int i = 0; i < numCVModifiers; i++) {
- if (cvModifiers[i].getType() == IToken.t_const)
- d.setConst(true);
- if (cvModifiers[i].getType() == IToken.t_volatile)
- d.setVolatile(true);
- }
- }
- afterCVModifier = mark();
- // In this case (method) we can't expect K&R
- // parameter declarations,
- // but we'll check anyway, for errorhandling
- }
- break;
- case IToken.tLBRACKET :
- consumeArrayModifiers(d, sdw.getScope());
- continue;
- case IToken.tCOLON :
- consume(IToken.tCOLON);
- IASTExpression exp = constantExpression(scope,
- KeywordSetKey.EXPRESSION);
- d.setBitFieldExpression(exp);
- default :
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (LA(1).getType() != IToken.tIDENTIFIER)
- break;
- } while (true);
- if (d.getOwner() instanceof IDeclarator)
- ((Declarator) d.getOwner()).setOwnedDeclarator(d);
- return d;
- }
- protected void consumeTemplatedOperatorName(Declarator d,
- CompletionKind kind) throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException {
- TemplateParameterManager argumentList = TemplateParameterManager
- .getInstance();
- try {
- if (LT(1) == IToken.t_operator)
- operatorId(d, null, null, kind);
- else {
- try {
- ITokenDuple duple = name(d.getDeclarationWrapper()
- .getScope(), kind, KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- d.setName(duple);
- } catch (BacktrackException bt) {
- Declarator d1 = d;
- Declarator d11 = d1;
- IToken start = null;
- boolean hasTemplateId = false;
- IToken mark = mark();
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tCOLONCOLON
- || LT(1) == IToken.tIDENTIFIER) {
- start = consume();
- IToken end = null;
- if (start.getType() == IToken.tIDENTIFIER) {
- end = consumeTemplateArguments(d
- .getDeclarationWrapper().getScope(), end,
- argumentList, kind);
- if (end != null && end.getType() == IToken.tGT)
- hasTemplateId = true;
- }
- while (LT(1) == IToken.tCOLONCOLON
- || LT(1) == IToken.tIDENTIFIER) {
- end = consume();
- if (end.getType() == IToken.tIDENTIFIER) {
- end = consumeTemplateArguments(d
- .getDeclarationWrapper().getScope(),
- end, argumentList, kind);
- if (end.getType() == IToken.tGT)
- hasTemplateId = true;
- }
- }
- if (LT(1) == IToken.t_operator)
- operatorId(d11, start, (hasTemplateId
- ? argumentList
- : null), kind);
- else {
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0 ;
- backup(mark);
- throwBacktrack(mark.getOffset(), endOffset, mark.getLineNumber());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } finally {
- TemplateParameterManager.returnInstance(argumentList);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Parse an enumeration specifier, as according to the ANSI specs in C &
- * C++.
- *
- * enumSpecifier: "enum" (name)? "{" (enumerator-list) "}" enumerator-list:
- * enumerator-definition enumerator-list , enumerator-definition
- * enumerator-definition: enumerator enumerator = constant-expression
- * enumerator: identifier
- *
- * @param owner
- * IParserCallback object that represents the declaration that
- * owns this type specifier.
- * @throws BacktrackException
- * request a backtrack
- */
- protected void enumSpecifier(DeclarationWrapper sdw)
- throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException {
- IToken mark = mark();
- IToken identifier = null;
- consume(IToken.t_enum);
- setCompletionValues(sdw.getScope(), CompletionKind.ENUM_REFERENCE);
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tIDENTIFIER) {
- identifier = identifier();
- setCompletionValues(sdw.getScope(), CompletionKind.ENUM_REFERENCE);
- }
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tLBRACE) {
- IASTEnumerationSpecifier enumeration = null;
- try {
- enumeration = astFactory.createEnumerationSpecifier(sdw
- .getScope(), ((identifier == null)
- ? "" : identifier.getImage()), //$NON-NLS-1$
- mark.getOffset(), mark.getLineNumber(),
- ((identifier == null) ? mark.getOffset() : identifier
- .getOffset()), ((identifier == null) ? mark
- .getEndOffset() : identifier.getEndOffset()),
- ((identifier == null)
- ? mark.getLineNumber()
- : identifier.getLineNumber()));
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0 ;
- logException("enumSpecifier:createEnumerationSpecifier", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(mark.getOffset(), endOffset, mark.getLineNumber());
- }
- handleEnumeration( enumeration );
- consume(IToken.tLBRACE);
- while (LT(1) != IToken.tRBRACE) {
- IToken enumeratorIdentifier = null;
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tIDENTIFIER) {
- enumeratorIdentifier = identifier();
- } else {
- IToken la = LA(1);
- throwBacktrack(la.getOffset(), la.getEndOffset(), la.getLineNumber());
- }
- IASTExpression initialValue = null;
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tASSIGN) {
- consume(IToken.tASSIGN);
- initialValue = constantExpression(sdw.getScope(),
- KeywordSetKey.EXPRESSION);
- }
- IASTEnumerator enumerator = null;
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tRBRACE) {
- try {
- enumerator = astFactory.addEnumerator(enumeration,
- enumeratorIdentifier.getImage(),
- enumeratorIdentifier.getOffset(),
- enumeratorIdentifier.getLineNumber(),
- enumeratorIdentifier.getOffset(),
- enumeratorIdentifier.getEndOffset(),
- enumeratorIdentifier.getLineNumber(), lastToken
- .getEndOffset(), lastToken
- .getLineNumber(), initialValue);
- endEnumerator(enumerator);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e1) {
- throwBacktrack(e1.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0 ;
- logException("enumSpecifier:addEnumerator", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(mark.getOffset(), endOffset, mark.getLineNumber());
- }
- break;
- }
- if (LT(1) != IToken.tCOMMA) {
- enumeration
- .freeReferences(astFactory.getReferenceManager());
- if (enumerator != null)
- enumerator.freeReferences(astFactory
- .getReferenceManager());
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0 ;
- throwBacktrack(mark.getOffset(), endOffset, mark.getLineNumber());
- }
- try {
- enumerator = astFactory.addEnumerator(enumeration,
- enumeratorIdentifier.getImage(),
- enumeratorIdentifier.getOffset(),
- enumeratorIdentifier.getLineNumber(),
- enumeratorIdentifier.getOffset(),
- enumeratorIdentifier.getEndOffset(),
- enumeratorIdentifier.getLineNumber(), lastToken
- .getEndOffset(), lastToken.getLineNumber(),
- initialValue);
- endEnumerator(enumerator);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e1) {
- throwBacktrack(e1.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0 ;
- logException("enumSpecifier:addEnumerator", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(mark.getOffset(), endOffset, mark.getLineNumber());
- }
- consume(IToken.tCOMMA);
- }
- IToken t = consume(IToken.tRBRACE);
- enumeration.setEndingOffsetAndLineNumber(t.getEndOffset(), t
- .getLineNumber());
- enumeration.acceptElement(requestor, astFactory
- .getReferenceManager());
- sdw.setTypeSpecifier(enumeration);
- } else {
- // enumSpecifierAbort
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0 ;
- backup(mark);
- throwBacktrack(mark.getOffset(), endOffset, mark.getLineNumber());
- }
- }
- /**
- * Parse a class/struct/union definition.
- *
- * classSpecifier : classKey name (baseClause)? "{" (memberSpecification)*
- * "}"
- *
- * @param owner
- * IParserCallback object that represents the declaration that
- * owns this classSpecifier
- * @throws BacktrackException
- * request a backtrack
- */
- protected void classSpecifier(DeclarationWrapper sdw)
- throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException {
- ClassNameType nameType = ClassNameType.IDENTIFIER;
- ASTClassKind classKind = null;
- CompletionKind completionKind = null;
- ASTAccessVisibility access = ASTAccessVisibility.PUBLIC;
- IToken classKey = null;
- IToken mark = mark();
- // class key
- switch (LT(1)) {
- case IToken.t_class :
- classKey = consume();
- classKind = ASTClassKind.CLASS;
- access = ASTAccessVisibility.PRIVATE;
- completionKind = CompletionKind.CLASS_REFERENCE;
- break;
- case IToken.t_struct :
- classKey = consume();
- classKind = ASTClassKind.STRUCT;
- completionKind = CompletionKind.STRUCT_REFERENCE;
- break;
- case IToken.t_union :
- classKey = consume();
- classKind = ASTClassKind.UNION;
- completionKind = CompletionKind.UNION_REFERENCE;
- break;
- default :
- throwBacktrack(mark.getOffset(), mark.getEndOffset(), mark.getLineNumber());
- }
- ITokenDuple duple = null;
- setCompletionValues(sdw.getScope(), completionKind, KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- // class name
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tIDENTIFIER)
- duple = name(sdw.getScope(), completionKind, KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- if (duple != null && !duple.isIdentifier())
- nameType = ClassNameType.TEMPLATE;
- if (LT(1) != IToken.tCOLON && LT(1) != IToken.tLBRACE) {
- IToken errorPoint = LA(1);
- backup(mark);
- throwBacktrack(errorPoint.getOffset(), errorPoint.getEndOffset(), errorPoint.getLineNumber());
- }
- IASTClassSpecifier astClassSpecifier = null;
- try {
- astClassSpecifier = astFactory.createClassSpecifier(sdw.getScope(),
- duple, classKind, nameType, access, classKey.getOffset(),
- classKey.getLineNumber(), duple == null ? classKey
- .getOffset() : duple.getFirstToken().getOffset(),
- duple == null ? classKey.getEndOffset() : duple
- .getFirstToken().getEndOffset(), duple == null
- ? classKey.getLineNumber()
- : duple.getFirstToken().getLineNumber());
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0 ;
- logException("classSpecifier:createClassSpecifier", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(mark.getOffset(), endOffset, mark.getLineNumber());
- }
- sdw.setTypeSpecifier(astClassSpecifier);
- // base clause
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tCOLON) {
- baseSpecifier(astClassSpecifier);
- }
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tLBRACE) {
- consume(IToken.tLBRACE);
- setCompletionValues(astClassSpecifier, CompletionKind.FIELD_TYPE,
- KeywordSetKey.MEMBER);
- astClassSpecifier.enterScope(requestor, astFactory
- .getReferenceManager());
- handleClassSpecifier(astClassSpecifier);
- memberDeclarationLoop : while (LT(1) != IToken.tRBRACE) {
- int checkToken = LA(1).hashCode();
- switch (LT(1)) {
- case IToken.t_public :
- consume();
- consume(IToken.tCOLON);
- astClassSpecifier
- .setCurrentVisibility(ASTAccessVisibility.PUBLIC);
- break;
- case IToken.t_protected :
- consume();
- consume(IToken.tCOLON);
- astClassSpecifier
- .setCurrentVisibility(ASTAccessVisibility.PROTECTED);
- break;
- case IToken.t_private :
- consume();
- consume(IToken.tCOLON);
- astClassSpecifier
- .setCurrentVisibility(ASTAccessVisibility.PRIVATE);
- break;
- case IToken.tRBRACE :
- consume(IToken.tRBRACE);
- break memberDeclarationLoop;
- default :
- try {
- declaration(astClassSpecifier, null, null,
- KeywordSetKey.MEMBER);
- } catch (BacktrackException bt) {
- if (checkToken == LA(1).hashCode())
- failParseWithErrorHandling();
- }
- }
- if (checkToken == LA(1).hashCode())
- failParseWithErrorHandling();
- }
- // consume the }
- IToken lt = consume(IToken.tRBRACE);
- astClassSpecifier.setEndingOffsetAndLineNumber(lt.getEndOffset(),
- lt.getLineNumber());
- try {
- astFactory.signalEndOfClassSpecifier(astClassSpecifier);
- } catch (Exception e1) {
- logException("classSpecifier:signalEndOfClassSpecifier", e1); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(lt.getOffset(), lt.getEndOffset(), lt.getLineNumber());
- }
- astClassSpecifier.exitScope(requestor, astFactory
- .getReferenceManager());
- }
- }
- /**
- * Parse the subclass-baseclauses for a class specification.
- *
- * baseclause: : basespecifierlist
- * basespecifierlist: basespecifier
- * basespecifierlist, basespecifier
- * basespecifier: ::? nestednamespecifier? classname
- * virtual accessspecifier? ::? nestednamespecifier? classname
- * accessspecifier virtual? ::? nestednamespecifier? classname
- * accessspecifier: private | protected | public
- * @param classSpecOwner
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- protected void baseSpecifier(
- IASTClassSpecifier astClassSpec)
- throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException
- {
- int startingOffset = consume(IToken.tCOLON).getOffset();
- int line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- setCompletionValues(astClassSpec.getOwnerScope(), CompletionKind.CLASS_REFERENCE, KeywordSetKey.BASE_SPECIFIER );
- boolean isVirtual = false;
- ASTAccessVisibility visibility = ASTAccessVisibility.PUBLIC;
- ITokenDuple nameDuple = null;
- ArrayList bases = null;
- baseSpecifierLoop : for (;;)
- {
- switch (LT(1))
- {
- case IToken.t_virtual :
- consume(IToken.t_virtual);
- setCompletionValues(astClassSpec.getOwnerScope(), CompletionKind.CLASS_REFERENCE, KeywordSetKey.EMPTY );
- isVirtual = true;
- break;
- case IToken.t_public :
- consume();
- setCompletionValues(astClassSpec.getOwnerScope(), CompletionKind.CLASS_REFERENCE, KeywordSetKey.EMPTY );
- break;
- case IToken.t_protected :
- consume();
- visibility = ASTAccessVisibility.PROTECTED;
- setCompletionValues(astClassSpec.getOwnerScope(), CompletionKind.CLASS_REFERENCE, KeywordSetKey.EMPTY );
- break;
- case IToken.t_private :
- visibility = ASTAccessVisibility.PRIVATE;
- consume();
- setCompletionValues(astClassSpec.getOwnerScope(), CompletionKind.CLASS_REFERENCE, KeywordSetKey.EMPTY );
- break;
- case IToken.tCOLONCOLON :
- case IToken.tIDENTIFIER :
- //to get templates right we need to use the class as the scope
- nameDuple = name(astClassSpec, CompletionKind.CLASS_REFERENCE, KeywordSetKey.BASE_SPECIFIER );
- break;
- case IToken.tCOMMA :
- //because we are using the class as the scope to get the name, we need to postpone adding the base
- //specifiers until after we have all the nameDuples
- if( bases == null ){
- bases = new ArrayList(4);
- }
- bases.add( new Object[] { isVirtual ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, visibility, nameDuple } );
- isVirtual = false;
- visibility = ASTAccessVisibility.PUBLIC;
- nameDuple = null;
- consume();
- setCompletionValues(astClassSpec.getOwnerScope(), CompletionKind.CLASS_REFERENCE, KeywordSetKey.BASE_SPECIFIER );
- continue baseSpecifierLoop;
- default :
- break baseSpecifierLoop;
- }
- }
- try
- {
- if( bases != null ){
- int size = bases.size();
- for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ){
- Object [] data = (Object[]) bases.get( i );
- try {
- astFactory.addBaseSpecifier( astClassSpec,
- ((Boolean)data[0]).booleanValue(),
- (ASTAccessVisibility) data[1],
- (ITokenDuple)data[2] );
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e1) {
- failParse( e1.getProblem() );
- }
- }
- }
- astFactory.addBaseSpecifier(
- astClassSpec,
- isVirtual,
- visibility,
- nameDuple );
- }
- catch (ASTSemanticException e)
- {
- failParse( e.getProblem() );
- } catch (Exception e)
- {
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0 ;
- logException( "baseSpecifier_2::addBaseSpecifier", e ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack( startingOffset, endOffset, line );
- }
- }
- /**
- * Parses a function body.
- *
- * @throws BacktrackException
- * request a backtrack
- */
- protected void functionBody(IASTScope scope) throws EndOfFileException,
- BacktrackException {
- compoundStatement(scope, false);
- }
- /**
- * Parses a statement.
- *
- * @throws BacktrackException
- * request a backtrack
- */
- protected void statement(IASTCodeScope scope) throws EndOfFileException,
- BacktrackException {
- setCompletionValues(scope, CompletionKind.SINGLE_NAME_REFERENCE,
- KeywordSetKey.STATEMENT);
- switch (LT(1)) {
- case IToken.t_case :
- consume(IToken.t_case);
- IASTExpression constant_expression = constantExpression(scope,
- KeywordSetKey.EXPRESSION);
- constant_expression.acceptElement(requestor, astFactory
- .getReferenceManager());
- endExpression(constant_expression);
- consume(IToken.tCOLON);
- statement(scope);
- cleanupLastToken();
- return;
- case IToken.t_default :
- consume(IToken.t_default);
- consume(IToken.tCOLON);
- statement(scope);
- cleanupLastToken();
- return;
- case IToken.tLBRACE :
- compoundStatement(scope, true);
- cleanupLastToken();
- return;
- case IToken.t_if :
- consume(IToken.t_if);
- consume(IToken.tLPAREN);
- condition(scope);
- consume(IToken.tRPAREN);
- if (LT(1) != IToken.tLBRACE)
- singleStatementScope(scope);
- else
- statement(scope);
- if (LT(1) == IToken.t_else) {
- consume(IToken.t_else);
- if (LT(1) == IToken.t_if) {
- //an else if, return and get the rest of the else if as
- // the next statement instead of recursing
- cleanupLastToken();
- return;
- } else if (LT(1) != IToken.tLBRACE)
- singleStatementScope(scope);
- else
- statement(scope);
- }
- cleanupLastToken();
- return;
- case IToken.t_switch :
- consume();
- consume(IToken.tLPAREN);
- condition(scope);
- consume(IToken.tRPAREN);
- statement(scope);
- cleanupLastToken();
- return;
- case IToken.t_while :
- consume(IToken.t_while);
- consume(IToken.tLPAREN);
- condition(scope);
- consume(IToken.tRPAREN);
- if (LT(1) != IToken.tLBRACE)
- singleStatementScope(scope);
- else
- statement(scope);
- cleanupLastToken();
- return;
- case IToken.t_do :
- consume(IToken.t_do);
- if (LT(1) != IToken.tLBRACE)
- singleStatementScope(scope);
- else
- statement(scope);
- consume(IToken.t_while);
- consume(IToken.tLPAREN);
- condition(scope);
- consume(IToken.tRPAREN);
- cleanupLastToken();
- return;
- case IToken.t_for :
- consume();
- consume(IToken.tLPAREN);
- forInitStatement(scope);
- if (LT(1) != IToken.tSEMI)
- condition(scope);
- consume(IToken.tSEMI);
- if (LT(1) != IToken.tRPAREN) {
- IASTExpression finalExpression = expression(scope,
- KeywordSetKey.DECLARATION);
- finalExpression.acceptElement(requestor, astFactory
- .getReferenceManager());
- endExpression(finalExpression);
- }
- consume(IToken.tRPAREN);
- statement(scope);
- cleanupLastToken();
- return;
- case IToken.t_break :
- consume();
- consume(IToken.tSEMI);
- cleanupLastToken();
- return;
- case IToken.t_continue :
- consume();
- consume(IToken.tSEMI);
- cleanupLastToken();
- return;
- case IToken.t_return :
- consume();
- if (LT(1) != IToken.tSEMI) {
- IASTExpression retVal = expression(scope,
- KeywordSetKey.EXPRESSION);
- retVal.acceptElement(requestor, astFactory
- .getReferenceManager());
- endExpression(retVal);
- }
- consume(IToken.tSEMI);
- cleanupLastToken();
- return;
- case IToken.t_goto :
- consume();
- consume(IToken.tIDENTIFIER);
- consume(IToken.tSEMI);
- cleanupLastToken();
- return;
- case IToken.t_try :
- consume();
- compoundStatement(scope, true);
- catchHandlerSequence(scope);
- cleanupLastToken();
- return;
- case IToken.tSEMI :
- consume();
- cleanupLastToken();
- return;
- default :
- // can be many things:
- // label
- if (queryLookaheadCapability(2) && LT(1) == IToken.tIDENTIFIER
- && LT(2) == IToken.tCOLON) {
- consume(IToken.tIDENTIFIER);
- consume(IToken.tCOLON);
- statement(scope);
- cleanupLastToken();
- return;
- }
- // expressionStatement
- // Note: the function style cast ambiguity is handled in
- // expression
- // Since it only happens when we are in a statement
- IToken mark = mark();
- IASTExpression expressionStatement = null;
- try {
- expressionStatement = expression(scope,
- KeywordSetKey.STATEMENT);
- consume(IToken.tSEMI);
- expressionStatement.acceptElement(requestor, astFactory
- .getReferenceManager());
- endExpression(expressionStatement);
- return;
- } catch (BacktrackException b) {
- backup(mark);
- if (expressionStatement != null)
- expressionStatement.freeReferences(astFactory
- .getReferenceManager());
- }
- // declarationStatement
- declaration(scope, null, null, KeywordSetKey.STATEMENT);
- }
- }
- protected void catchHandlerSequence(IASTScope scope)
- throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException {
- if (LT(1) != IToken.t_catch)
- {
- IToken la = LA(1);
- throwBacktrack(la.getOffset(), la.getEndOffset(), la.getLineNumber()); // error, need at least one of these
- }
- while (LT(1) == IToken.t_catch) {
- consume(IToken.t_catch);
- consume(IToken.tLPAREN);
- try {
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tELLIPSIS)
- consume(IToken.tELLIPSIS);
- else
- simpleDeclaration(SimpleDeclarationStrategy.TRY_VARIABLE,
- scope, null, CompletionKind.EXCEPTION_REFERENCE, true,
- consume(IToken.tRPAREN);
- catchBlockCompoundStatement(scope);
- } catch (BacktrackException b) {
- failParse(b);
- failParseWithErrorHandling();
- }
- }
- }
- protected abstract void catchBlockCompoundStatement(IASTScope scope)
- throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException;
- protected void singleStatementScope(IASTScope scope)
- throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException {
- IASTCodeScope newScope;
- try {
- newScope = astFactory.createNewCodeBlock(scope);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("singleStatementScope:createNewCodeBlock", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IToken la = LA(1);
- throwBacktrack(la.getOffset(), la.getEndOffset(), la.getLineNumber());
- return;
- }
- newScope.enterScope(requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager());
- try {
- statement(newScope);
- } finally {
- newScope.exitScope(requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager());
- }
- }
- /**
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- protected void condition(IASTScope scope) throws BacktrackException,
- EndOfFileException {
- IASTExpression someExpression = expression(scope,
- someExpression.acceptElement(requestor, astFactory
- .getReferenceManager());
- endExpression(someExpression);
- }
- /**
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- protected void forInitStatement(IASTScope scope) throws BacktrackException,
- EndOfFileException {
- IToken mark = mark();
- try {
- IASTExpression e = expression(scope,
- KeywordSetKey.DECLARATION);
- consume(IToken.tSEMI);
- e.acceptElement(requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager());
- } catch (BacktrackException bt) {
- backup(mark);
- try {
- simpleDeclarationStrategyUnion(scope, null, null, null);
- } catch (BacktrackException b) {
- failParse(b);
- throwBacktrack(b);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- protected void compoundStatement(IASTScope scope, boolean createNewScope)
- throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException {
- int line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- int startingOffset = consume(IToken.tLBRACE).getOffset();
- IASTCodeScope newScope = null;
- if (createNewScope) {
- try {
- newScope = astFactory.createNewCodeBlock(scope);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- int endOffset = ( lastToken == null ) ? 0 : lastToken.getEndOffset();
- logException("compoundStatement:createNewCodeBlock", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- newScope.enterScope(requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager());
- }
- setCompletionValues((createNewScope ? newScope : scope),
- while (LT(1) != IToken.tRBRACE) {
- int checkToken = LA(1).hashCode();
- try {
- statement((IASTCodeScope) (createNewScope ? newScope : scope));
- } catch (BacktrackException b) {
- failParse(b);
- if (LA(1).hashCode() == checkToken)
- failParseWithErrorHandling();
- }
- setCompletionValues(((createNewScope ? newScope : scope)),
- KeywordSetKey.STATEMENT);
- }
- consume(IToken.tRBRACE);
- if (createNewScope)
- newScope.exitScope(requestor, astFactory.getReferenceManager());
- }
- protected IASTCompilationUnit compilationUnit;
- protected IToken simpleDeclarationMark;
- /*
- * (non-Javadoc)
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.IParser#getLanguage()
- */
- public ParserLanguage getLanguage() {
- return language;
- }
- /*
- * (non-Javadoc)
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.IParser#setLanguage(Language)
- */
- public void setLanguage(ParserLanguage l) {
- language = l;
- }
- /*
- * (non-Javadoc)
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.IParser#getLastErrorOffset()
- */
- public int getLastErrorOffset() {
- return firstErrorOffset;
- }
- public int getLastErrorLine() {
- return firstErrorLine;
- }
- protected void setCompletionToken(IToken token) {
- // do nothing!
- }
- protected IToken getCompletionToken() {
- return null;
- }
- /*
- * (non-Javadoc)
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IParser#parse(int, int)
- */
- public ISelectionParseResult parse(int startingOffset, int endingOffset)
- throws ParseError {
- throw new ParseError(ParseError.ParseErrorKind.METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
- }
- /*
- * (non-Javadoc)
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IParser#parse(int)
- */
- public IASTCompletionNode parse(int offset) throws ParseError {
- throw new ParseError(ParseError.ParseErrorKind.METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
- }
- /*
- * (non-Javadoc)
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.ExpressionParser#setupASTFactory(org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IScanner,
- * org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ParserLanguage)
- */
- protected void setupASTFactory(IScanner scanner, ParserLanguage language) {
- // do nothing as of yet
- // subclasses will need to implement this method
- }
- /*
- * (non-Javadoc)
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.ExpressionParser#parserTimeout()
- */
- protected final boolean parserTimeout() {
- return requestor.parserTimeout();
- }
- /*
- * (non-Javadoc)
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.ExpressionParser#getCompliationUnit()
- */
- protected IASTNode getCompliationUnit() {
- return compilationUnit;
- }
- protected void endDeclaration(IASTDeclaration declaration)
- throws EndOfFileException {
- cleanupLastToken();
- if (declaration instanceof IASTOffsetableNamedElement)
- handleOffsetableNamedElement((IASTOffsetableNamedElement) declaration);
- }
- protected void endEnumerator(IASTEnumerator enumerator)
- throws EndOfFileException {
- cleanupLastToken();
- handleOffsetableNamedElement(enumerator);
- }
- /**
- *
- */
- protected void cleanupLastToken() {
- if (lastToken != null)
- lastToken.setNext(null);
- simpleDeclarationMark = null;
- }
- protected void endExpression(IASTExpression expression)
- throws EndOfFileException {
- cleanupLastToken();
- }
- protected void handleClassSpecifier(IASTClassSpecifier classSpecifier)
- throws EndOfFileException {
- cleanupLastToken();
- handleOffsetableNamedElement(classSpecifier);
- }
- protected void handleEnumeration(IASTEnumerationSpecifier enumeration) throws EndOfFileException {
- cleanupLastToken();
- handleOffsetableNamedElement( enumeration );
- } /**
- * @param expression
- */
- protected void handleOffsetableNamedElement(IASTOffsetableNamedElement node) {
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file

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