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Diffstat (limited to 'core/org.eclipse.cdt.core/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/parser/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2857 deletions
diff --git a/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/parser/ b/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2857 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Stack;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.BacktrackException;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.EndOfFileException;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IParserLogService;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IProblem;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IScanner;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IToken;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ITokenDuple;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.KeywordSetKey;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.OffsetLimitReachedException;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ParseError;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ParserFactory;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ParserLanguage;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ParserMode;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ScannerException;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.ASTPointerOperator;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.ASTSemanticException;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTArrayModifier;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTCompletionNode;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTExpression;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTFactory;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTNode;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTScope;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTTypeId;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTCompletionNode.CompletionKind;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTExpression.Kind;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.extension.IParserExtension;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.token.TokenFactory;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.util.TraceUtil;
- * @author jcamelon
- */
-public class ExpressionParser implements IExpressionParser, IParserData {
- protected static final String EMPTY_STRING = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
- private static int FIRST_ERROR_UNSET = -1;
- protected boolean parsePassed = true;
- protected int firstErrorOffset = FIRST_ERROR_UNSET;
- protected int firstErrorLine = FIRST_ERROR_UNSET;
- private BacktrackException backtrack = new BacktrackException();
- private int backtrackCount = 0;
- protected final void throwBacktrack( IProblem problem ) throws BacktrackException {
- ++backtrackCount;
- backtrack.initialize( problem );
- throw backtrack;
- }
- protected final void throwBacktrack( int startingOffset, int endingOffset, int lineNumber ) throws BacktrackException {
- ++backtrackCount;
- backtrack.initialize( startingOffset, ( endingOffset == 0 ) ? startingOffset + 1 : endingOffset, lineNumber );
- throw backtrack;
- }
- protected final IParserExtension extension;
- //TODO this stuff needs to be encapsulated by IParserData
- protected final IParserLogService log;
- protected ParserLanguage language = ParserLanguage.CPP;
- protected IASTFactory astFactory = null;
- protected IScanner scanner;
- protected IToken currToken;
- protected IToken lastToken;
- private boolean limitReached = false;
- private Stack templateIdScopes = null;
- private TypeId typeIdInstance = new TypeId();
- /**
- * @return Returns the astFactory.
- */
- public IASTFactory getAstFactory() {
- return astFactory;
- }
- /**
- * @return Returns the log.
- */
- public IParserLogService getLog() {
- return log;
- }
- /**
- * Look Ahead in the token list to see what is coming.
- *
- * @param i How far ahead do you wish to peek?
- * @return the token you wish to observe
- * @throws EndOfFileException if looking ahead encounters EOF, throw EndOfFile
- */
- public IToken LA(int i) throws EndOfFileException {
- if (parserTimeout()) {
- throw new ParseError(ParseError.ParseErrorKind.TIMEOUT);
- }
- if (i < 1) // can't go backwards
- return null;
- if (currToken == null)
- currToken = fetchToken();
- IToken retToken = currToken;
- for (; i > 1; --i) {
- retToken = retToken.getNext();
- if (retToken == null)
- retToken = fetchToken();
- }
- return retToken;
- }
- /**
- * Look ahead in the token list and return the token type.
- *
- * @param i How far ahead do you wish to peek?
- * @return The type of that token
- * @throws EndOfFileException if looking ahead encounters EOF, throw EndOfFile
- */
- public int LT(int i) throws EndOfFileException {
- return LA(i).getType();
- }
- /**
- * Consume the next token available, regardless of the type.
- *
- * @return The token that was consumed and removed from our buffer.
- * @throws EndOfFileException If there is no token to consume.
- */
- public IToken consume() throws EndOfFileException {
- if (currToken == null)
- currToken = fetchToken();
- if (currToken != null)
- lastToken = currToken;
- currToken = currToken.getNext();
- handleNewToken(lastToken);
- return lastToken;
- }
- /**
- * Consume the next token available only if the type is as specified.
- *
- * @param type The type of token that you are expecting.
- * @return the token that was consumed and removed from our buffer.
- * @throws BacktrackException If LT(1) != type
- */
- public IToken consume(int type) throws EndOfFileException,
- BacktrackException {
- if (LT(1) == type)
- return consume();
- IToken la = LA(1);
- throwBacktrack(la.getOffset(), la.getEndOffset(), la.getLineNumber());
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Mark our place in the buffer so that we could return to it should we have to.
- *
- * @return The current token.
- * @throws EndOfFileException If there are no more tokens.
- */
- public IToken mark() throws EndOfFileException {
- if (currToken == null)
- currToken = fetchToken();
- return currToken;
- }
- /**
- * Rollback to a previous point, reseting the queue of tokens.
- *
- * @param mark The point that we wish to restore to.
- *
- */
- public void backup(IToken mark) {
- currToken = mark;
- lastToken = null; // this is not entirely right ...
- }
- /**
- * @param extension TODO
- * @param scanner2
- * @param callback
- * @param language2
- * @param log2
- */
- public ExpressionParser(IScanner scanner, ParserLanguage language,
- IParserLogService log, IParserExtension extension) {
- this.scanner = scanner;
- this.language = language;
- this.log = log;
- this.extension = extension;
- setupASTFactory(scanner, language);
- }
- /**
- * @param scanner
- * @param language
- */
- protected void setupASTFactory(IScanner scanner, ParserLanguage language) {
- astFactory = ParserFactory.createASTFactory(this,
- ParserMode.EXPRESSION_PARSE, language);
- scanner.setASTFactory(astFactory);
- astFactory.setLogger(log);
- }
- /**
- * This is the single entry point for setting parsePassed to
- * false, and also making note what token offset we failed upon.
- *
- * @throws EndOfFileException
- */
- protected void failParse() {
- try {
- if (firstErrorOffset == FIRST_ERROR_UNSET){
- firstErrorOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- firstErrorLine = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- }
- } catch (EndOfFileException eof) {
- // do nothing
- } finally {
- parsePassed = false;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Consumes template parameters.
- *
- * @param previousLast Previous "last" token (returned if nothing was consumed)
- * @return Last consumed token, or <code>previousLast</code> if nothing was consumed
- * @throws BacktrackException request a backtrack
- */
- protected IToken consumeTemplateParameters(IToken previousLast)
- throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException {
- if (language != ParserLanguage.CPP)
- return previousLast;
- int startingOffset = previousLast == null ? lastToken.getOffset() : previousLast.getOffset();
- IToken last = previousLast;
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tLT) {
- last = consume(IToken.tLT);
- // until we get all the names sorted out
- Stack scopes = new Stack();
- scopes.push(new Integer(IToken.tLT));
- while (!scopes.empty()) {
- int top;
- last = consume();
- switch (last.getType()) {
- case IToken.tGT :
- if (((Integer) scopes.peek()).intValue() == IToken.tLT) {
- scopes.pop();
- }
- break;
- case IToken.tRBRACKET :
- do {
- top = ((Integer) scopes.pop()).intValue();
- } while (!scopes.empty()
- && (top == IToken.tGT || top == IToken.tLT));
- if (top != IToken.tLBRACKET)
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, last.getEndOffset(), last.getLineNumber());
- break;
- case IToken.tRPAREN :
- do {
- top = ((Integer) scopes.pop()).intValue();
- } while (!scopes.empty()
- && (top == IToken.tGT || top == IToken.tLT));
- if (top != IToken.tLPAREN)
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, last.getEndOffset(), last.getLineNumber());
- break;
- case IToken.tLT :
- case IToken.tLBRACKET :
- case IToken.tLPAREN :
- scopes.push(new Integer(last.getType()));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return last;
- }
- protected List templateArgumentList(IASTScope scope,
- IASTCompletionNode.CompletionKind kind) throws EndOfFileException,
- BacktrackException {
- IToken start = LA(1);
- int startingOffset = start.getOffset();
- int startingLineNumber = start.getOffset();
- start = null;
- IASTExpression expression = null;
- List list = new LinkedList();
- boolean completedArg = false;
- boolean failed = false;
- if (templateIdScopes == null) {
- templateIdScopes = new Stack();
- }
- templateIdScopes.push(new Integer(IToken.tLT));
- while (LT(1) != IToken.tGT) {
- completedArg = false;
- IToken mark = mark();
- try {
- IASTTypeId typeId = typeId(scope, false, kind);
- expression = astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- IASTExpression.Kind.POSTFIX_TYPEID_TYPEID, null, null,
- null, typeId, null, EMPTY_STRING, null);
- list.add(expression);
- completedArg = true;
- } catch (BacktrackException e) {
- backup(mark);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- backup(mark);
- }
- if (!completedArg) {
- try {
- IToken la = LA(1);
- int so = la.getOffset();
- int ln= la.getLineNumber();
- expression = assignmentExpression(scope,
- CompletionKind.VARIABLE_TYPE,
- KeywordSetKey.EXPRESSION);
- if (expression.getExpressionKind() == IASTExpression.Kind.PRIMARY_EMPTY) {
- throwBacktrack(so, ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0, ln);
- }
- list.add(expression);
- completedArg = true;
- } catch (BacktrackException e) {
- backup(mark);
- }
- }
- if (!completedArg) {
- try {
- ITokenDuple nameDuple = name(scope, null,
- KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- expression = astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- IASTExpression.Kind.ID_EXPRESSION, null, null,
- null, null, nameDuple, EMPTY_STRING, null);
- list.add(expression);
- continue;
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- failed = true;
- break;
- } catch (BacktrackException e) {
- failed = true;
- break;
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("templateArgumentList::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- failed = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tCOMMA) {
- consume();
- } else if (LT(1) != IToken.tGT) {
- failed = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- templateIdScopes.pop();
- if (templateIdScopes.size() == 0) {
- templateIdScopes = null;
- }
- if (failed) {
- if (expression != null)
- expression.freeReferences(astFactory.getReferenceManager());
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, 0, startingLineNumber );
- }
- return list;
- }
- /**
- * Parse a template-id, according to the ANSI C++ spec.
- *
- * template-id: template-name < template-argument-list opt >
- * template-name : identifier
- *
- * @return the last token that we consumed in a successful parse
- *
- * @throws BacktrackException request a backtrack
- */
- protected IToken templateId(IASTScope scope, CompletionKind kind)
- throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException {
- ITokenDuple duple = name(scope, kind, KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- //IToken last = consumeTemplateParameters(duple.getLastToken());
- return duple.getLastToken();//last;
- }
- /**
- * Parse a name.
- *
- * name
- * : ("::")? name2 ("::" name2)*
- *
- * name2
- * : template-id
- *
- * @param key TODO
- * @throws BacktrackException request a backtrack
- */
- protected ITokenDuple name(IASTScope scope,
- IASTCompletionNode.CompletionKind kind, KeywordSetKey key)
- throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException {
- TemplateParameterManager argumentList = TemplateParameterManager
- .getInstance();
- try {
- IToken first = LA(1);
- IToken last = null;
- IToken mark = mark();
- boolean hasTemplateId = false;
- boolean startsWithColonColon = false;
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tCOLONCOLON) {
- argumentList.addSegment(null);
- last = consume(IToken.tCOLONCOLON);
- setCompletionValues(scope, kind, KeywordSetKey.EMPTY,
- getCompliationUnit());
- startsWithColonColon = true;
- }
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tCOMPL)
- consume();
- switch (LT(1)) {
- case IToken.tIDENTIFIER :
- IToken prev = last;
- last = consume(IToken.tIDENTIFIER);
- if (startsWithColonColon)
- setCompletionValues(scope, kind, getCompliationUnit());
- else if (prev != null)
- setCompletionValues(scope, kind, first, prev,
- KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- else
- setCompletionValuesNoContext(scope, kind, key);
- last = consumeTemplateArguments(scope, last, argumentList,
- kind);
- if (last.getType() == IToken.tGT)
- hasTemplateId = true;
- break;
- default :
- IToken l = LA(1);
- backup(mark);
- throwBacktrack(first.getOffset(), l.getEndOffset(), first.getLineNumber());
- }
- while (LT(1) == IToken.tCOLONCOLON) {
- IToken prev = last;
- last = consume(IToken.tCOLONCOLON);
- setCompletionValues(scope, kind, first, prev,
- KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- if (queryLookaheadCapability() && LT(1) == IToken.t_template)
- consume();
- if (queryLookaheadCapability() && LT(1) == IToken.tCOMPL)
- consume();
- switch (LT(1)) {
- case IToken.t_operator :
- IToken l = LA(1);
- backup(mark);
- throwBacktrack(first.getOffset(), l.getEndOffset(), first.getLineNumber());
- case IToken.tIDENTIFIER :
- prev = last;
- last = consume();
- setCompletionValues(scope, kind, first, prev,
- KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- last = consumeTemplateArguments(scope, last,
- argumentList, kind);
- if (last.getType() == IToken.tGT)
- hasTemplateId = true;
- }
- }
- ITokenDuple tokenDuple = TokenFactory.createTokenDuple(first, last,
- (hasTemplateId
- ? argumentList.getTemplateArgumentsList()
- : null));
- setGreaterNameContext(tokenDuple);
- return tokenDuple;
- } finally {
- TemplateParameterManager.returnInstance(argumentList);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param scope
- * @param kind
- * @param key
- */
- protected void setCompletionValuesNoContext(IASTScope scope,
- CompletionKind kind, KeywordSetKey key) throws EndOfFileException {
- }
- /**
- * @param tokenDuple
- */
- protected void setGreaterNameContext(ITokenDuple tokenDuple) {
- //do nothing in this implementation
- }
- /**
- * @param scope
- * @param kind
- */
- protected void setCompletionValues(IASTScope scope, CompletionKind kind,
- IASTNode context) throws EndOfFileException {
- }
- /**
- * @param scope
- * @param kind
- */
- protected void setCompletionValues(IASTScope scope, CompletionKind kind)
- throws EndOfFileException {
- }
- /**
- * @return
- */
- protected IASTNode getCompliationUnit() {
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * @param scope
- * @param kind
- * @param key
- * @param node
- */
- protected void setCompletionValues(IASTScope scope, CompletionKind kind,
- KeywordSetKey key, IASTNode node) throws EndOfFileException {
- }
- /**
- * @param scope
- * @param last
- * @param argumentList
- * @return
- * @throws EndOfFileException
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- protected IToken consumeTemplateArguments(IASTScope scope, IToken last,
- TemplateParameterManager argumentList,
- IASTCompletionNode.CompletionKind completionKind)
- throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException {
- if (language != ParserLanguage.CPP)
- return last;
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tLT) {
- IToken secondMark = mark();
- consume(IToken.tLT);
- try {
- List list = templateArgumentList(scope, completionKind);
- argumentList.addSegment(list);
- last = consume(IToken.tGT);
- } catch (BacktrackException bt) {
- argumentList.addSegment(null);
- backup(secondMark);
- }
- } else {
- argumentList.addSegment(null);
- }
- return last;
- }
- /**
- * Parse a const-volatile qualifier.
- *
- * cvQualifier
- * : "const" | "volatile"
- *
- * TODO: fix this
- * @param ptrOp Pointer Operator that const-volatile applies to.
- * @return Returns the same object sent in.
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- protected IToken cvQualifier(IDeclarator declarator)
- throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException {
- IToken result = null;
- int startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- switch (LT(1)) {
- case IToken.t_const :
- result = consume(IToken.t_const);
- declarator.addPointerOperator(ASTPointerOperator.CONST_POINTER);
- break;
- case IToken.t_volatile :
- result = consume(IToken.t_volatile);
- declarator
- .addPointerOperator(ASTPointerOperator.VOLATILE_POINTER);
- break;
- case IToken.t_restrict :
- if (language == ParserLanguage.C) {
- result = consume(IToken.t_restrict);
- declarator
- .addPointerOperator(ASTPointerOperator.RESTRICT_POINTER);
- break;
- }
- if (extension.isValidCVModifier(language, IToken.t_restrict)) {
- result = consume(IToken.t_restrict);
- declarator.addPointerOperator(extension.getPointerOperator(
- language, IToken.t_restrict));
- break;
- }
- IToken la = LA(1);
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, la.getEndOffset(), la.getLineNumber());
- default :
- if (extension.isValidCVModifier(language, LT(1))) {
- result = consume();
- declarator.addPointerOperator(extension.getPointerOperator(
- language, result.getType()));
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- protected IToken consumeArrayModifiers(IDeclarator d, IASTScope scope)
- throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException {
- int startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- IToken last = null;
- while (LT(1) == IToken.tLBRACKET) {
- consume(IToken.tLBRACKET); // eat the '['
- IASTExpression exp = null;
- if (LT(1) != IToken.tRBRACKET) {
- exp = constantExpression(scope,
- KeywordSetKey.EXPRESSION);
- }
- last = consume(IToken.tRBRACKET);
- IASTArrayModifier arrayMod = null;
- try {
- arrayMod = astFactory.createArrayModifier(exp);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("consumeArrayModifiers::createArrayModifier()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, last.getEndOffset(), last.getLineNumber());
- }
- d.addArrayModifier(arrayMod);
- }
- return last;
- }
- protected void operatorId(Declarator d, IToken originalToken,
- TemplateParameterManager templateArgs,
- IASTCompletionNode.CompletionKind completionKind)
- throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException {
- // we know this is an operator
- IToken operatorToken = consume(IToken.t_operator);
- IToken toSend = null;
- if (LA(1).isOperator() || LT(1) == IToken.tLPAREN
- || LT(1) == IToken.tLBRACKET) {
- if ((LT(1) == IToken.t_new || LT(1) == IToken.t_delete)
- && LT(2) == IToken.tLBRACKET && LT(3) == IToken.tRBRACKET) {
- consume();
- consume(IToken.tLBRACKET);
- toSend = consume(IToken.tRBRACKET);
- // vector new and delete operators
- } else if (LT(1) == IToken.tLPAREN && LT(2) == IToken.tRPAREN) {
- // operator ()
- consume(IToken.tLPAREN);
- toSend = consume(IToken.tRPAREN);
- } else if (LT(1) == IToken.tLBRACKET && LT(2) == IToken.tRBRACKET) {
- consume(IToken.tLBRACKET);
- toSend = consume(IToken.tRBRACKET);
- } else if (LA(1).isOperator())
- toSend = consume();
- else
- throwBacktrack(operatorToken.getOffset(), toSend != null ? toSend.getEndOffset() : 0, operatorToken.getLineNumber() );
- } else {
- // must be a conversion function
- typeId(d.getDeclarationWrapper().getScope(), true,
- CompletionKind.TYPE_REFERENCE);
- toSend = lastToken;
- }
- boolean hasTemplateId = (templateArgs != null);
- boolean grabbedNewInstance = false;
- if (templateArgs == null) {
- templateArgs = TemplateParameterManager.getInstance();
- grabbedNewInstance = true;
- }
- try {
- toSend = consumeTemplateArguments(d.getDeclarationWrapper()
- .getScope(), toSend, templateArgs, completionKind);
- if (toSend.getType() == IToken.tGT) {
- hasTemplateId = true;
- }
- ITokenDuple duple = TokenFactory.createTokenDuple(
- originalToken == null ? operatorToken : originalToken,
- toSend, (hasTemplateId ? templateArgs
- .getTemplateArgumentsList() : null));
- d.setName(duple);
- } finally {
- if (grabbedNewInstance)
- TemplateParameterManager.returnInstance(templateArgs);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Parse a Pointer Operator.
- *
- * ptrOperator
- * : "*" (cvQualifier)*
- * | "&"
- * | ::? nestedNameSpecifier "*" (cvQualifier)*
- *
- * @param owner Declarator that this pointer operator corresponds to.
- * @throws BacktrackException request a backtrack
- */
- protected IToken consumePointerOperators(IDeclarator d)
- throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException {
- IToken result = null;
- for (;;) {
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tAMPER) {
- result = consume(IToken.tAMPER);
- d.addPointerOperator(ASTPointerOperator.REFERENCE);
- return result;
- }
- IToken mark = mark();
- ITokenDuple nameDuple = null;
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tIDENTIFIER || LT(1) == IToken.tCOLONCOLON) {
- try {
- try {
- nameDuple = name(d.getScope(),
- KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- } catch (OffsetLimitReachedException olre) {
- backup(mark);
- return null;
- }
- } catch (BacktrackException bt) {
- backup(mark);
- return null;
- }
- }
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tSTAR) {
- result = consume(IToken.tSTAR);
- d.setPointerOperatorName(nameDuple);
- IToken successful = null;
- for (;;) {
- IToken newSuccess = cvQualifier(d);
- if (newSuccess != null)
- successful = newSuccess;
- else
- break;
- }
- if (successful == null) {
- d.addPointerOperator(ASTPointerOperator.POINTER);
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (nameDuple != null)
- nameDuple.freeReferences(astFactory.getReferenceManager());
- backup(mark);
- return result;
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param expression
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- protected IASTExpression constantExpression(IASTScope scope,
- CompletionKind kind, KeywordSetKey key) throws BacktrackException,
- EndOfFileException {
- return conditionalExpression(scope, kind, key);
- }
- public IASTExpression expression(IASTScope scope, CompletionKind kind,
- KeywordSetKey key) throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException {
- IToken la = LA(1);
- int startingOffset = la.getOffset();
- int ln = la.getLineNumber();
- IASTExpression assignmentExpression = assignmentExpression(scope, kind,
- key);
- while (LT(1) == IToken.tCOMMA) {
- consume(IToken.tCOMMA);
- setParameterListExpression(assignmentExpression);
- IASTExpression secondExpression = assignmentExpression(scope, kind,
- key);
- setParameterListExpression(null);
- int endOffset = lastToken != null ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0 ;
- try {
- assignmentExpression = astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- assignmentExpression, secondExpression, null, null,
- null, EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("expression::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, ln);
- }
- }
- return assignmentExpression;
- }
- /**
- * @param assignmentExpression
- */
- protected void setParameterListExpression(
- IASTExpression assignmentExpression) {
- }
- /**
- * @param expression
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- protected IASTExpression assignmentExpression(IASTScope scope,
- CompletionKind kind, KeywordSetKey key) throws EndOfFileException,
- BacktrackException {
- setCompletionValues(scope, kind, key);
- if (LT(1) == IToken.t_throw) {
- return throwExpression(scope, key);
- }
- IASTExpression conditionalExpression = conditionalExpression(scope,
- kind, key);
- // if the condition not taken, try assignment operators
- if (conditionalExpression != null
- && conditionalExpression.getExpressionKind() == IASTExpression.Kind.CONDITIONALEXPRESSION)
- return conditionalExpression;
- switch (LT(1)) {
- case IToken.tASSIGN :
- return assignmentOperatorExpression(scope,
- conditionalExpression, kind, key);
- case IToken.tSTARASSIGN :
- return assignmentOperatorExpression(scope,
- conditionalExpression, kind, key);
- case IToken.tDIVASSIGN :
- return assignmentOperatorExpression(scope,
- conditionalExpression, kind, key);
- case IToken.tMODASSIGN :
- return assignmentOperatorExpression(scope,
- conditionalExpression, kind, key);
- case IToken.tPLUSASSIGN :
- return assignmentOperatorExpression(scope,
- conditionalExpression, kind, key);
- case IToken.tMINUSASSIGN :
- return assignmentOperatorExpression(scope,
- conditionalExpression, kind, key);
- case IToken.tSHIFTRASSIGN :
- return assignmentOperatorExpression(scope,
- conditionalExpression, kind, key);
- case IToken.tSHIFTLASSIGN :
- return assignmentOperatorExpression(scope,
- conditionalExpression, kind, key);
- case IToken.tAMPERASSIGN :
- return assignmentOperatorExpression(scope,
- conditionalExpression, kind, key);
- case IToken.tXORASSIGN :
- return assignmentOperatorExpression(scope,
- conditionalExpression, kind, key);
- case IToken.tBITORASSIGN :
- return assignmentOperatorExpression(scope,
- conditionalExpression, kind, key);
- }
- return conditionalExpression;
- }
- /**
- * @param expression
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- protected IASTExpression throwExpression(IASTScope scope, KeywordSetKey key)
- throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException {
- IToken throwToken = consume(IToken.t_throw);
- setCompletionValues(scope, CompletionKind.SINGLE_NAME_REFERENCE,
- KeywordSetKey.EXPRESSION);
- IASTExpression throwExpression = null;
- try {
- throwExpression = expression(scope,
- CompletionKind.SINGLE_NAME_REFERENCE, key);
- } catch (BacktrackException b) {
- }
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- try {
- return astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- IASTExpression.Kind.THROWEXPRESSION, throwExpression, null,
- null, null, null, EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("throwExpression::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(throwToken.getOffset(), endOffset, throwToken.getLineNumber() );
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * @param expression
- * @return
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- protected IASTExpression conditionalExpression(IASTScope scope,
- CompletionKind kind, KeywordSetKey key) throws BacktrackException,
- EndOfFileException {
- IToken la = LA(1);
- int startingOffset = la.getOffset();
- int ln = la.getLineNumber();
- la = null;
- IASTExpression firstExpression = logicalOrExpression(scope, kind, key);
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tQUESTION) {
- consume(IToken.tQUESTION);
- IASTExpression secondExpression = expression(scope, kind, key);
- consume(IToken.tCOLON);
- IASTExpression thirdExpression = assignmentExpression(scope, kind,
- key);
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- try {
- return astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- firstExpression, secondExpression, thirdExpression,
- null, null, EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("conditionalExpression::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, ln);
- }
- }
- return firstExpression;
- }
- /**
- * @param expression
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- protected IASTExpression logicalOrExpression(IASTScope scope,
- CompletionKind kind, KeywordSetKey key) throws BacktrackException,
- EndOfFileException {
- int startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- int line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- IASTExpression firstExpression = logicalAndExpression(scope, kind, key);
- while (LT(1) == IToken.tOR) {
- consume(IToken.tOR);
- IASTExpression secondExpression = logicalAndExpression(scope, kind,
- key);
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- try {
- firstExpression = astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- firstExpression, secondExpression, null, null, null,
- EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("logicalOrExpression::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- }
- return firstExpression;
- }
- /**
- * @param expression
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- protected IASTExpression logicalAndExpression(IASTScope scope,
- CompletionKind kind, KeywordSetKey key) throws BacktrackException,
- EndOfFileException {
- int startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- int line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- IASTExpression firstExpression = inclusiveOrExpression(scope, kind, key);
- while (LT(1) == IToken.tAND) {
- consume(IToken.tAND);
- IASTExpression secondExpression = inclusiveOrExpression(scope,
- kind, key);
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- try {
- firstExpression = astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- firstExpression, secondExpression, null, null, null,
- EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("logicalAndExpression::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- }
- return firstExpression;
- }
- /**
- * @param expression
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- protected IASTExpression inclusiveOrExpression(IASTScope scope,
- CompletionKind kind, KeywordSetKey key) throws BacktrackException,
- EndOfFileException {
- int startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- int line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- IASTExpression firstExpression = exclusiveOrExpression(scope, kind, key);
- while (LT(1) == IToken.tBITOR) {
- consume();
- IASTExpression secondExpression = exclusiveOrExpression(scope,
- kind, key);
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- try {
- firstExpression = astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- firstExpression, secondExpression, null, null, null,
- EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("inclusiveOrExpression::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- }
- return firstExpression;
- }
- /**
- * @param expression
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- protected IASTExpression exclusiveOrExpression(IASTScope scope,
- CompletionKind kind, KeywordSetKey key) throws BacktrackException,
- EndOfFileException {
- int startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- int line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- IASTExpression firstExpression = andExpression(scope, kind, key);
- while (LT(1) == IToken.tXOR) {
- consume();
- IASTExpression secondExpression = andExpression(scope, kind, key);
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- try {
- firstExpression = astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- firstExpression, secondExpression, null, null, null,
- EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("exclusiveORExpression::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- }
- return firstExpression;
- }
- /**
- * @param expression
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- protected IASTExpression andExpression(IASTScope scope,
- CompletionKind kind, KeywordSetKey key) throws EndOfFileException,
- BacktrackException {
- int startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- int line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- IASTExpression firstExpression = equalityExpression(scope, kind, key);
- while (LT(1) == IToken.tAMPER) {
- consume();
- IASTExpression secondExpression = equalityExpression(scope, kind,
- key);
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- try {
- firstExpression = astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- IASTExpression.Kind.ANDEXPRESSION, firstExpression,
- secondExpression, null, null, null, EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("andExpression::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- }
- return firstExpression;
- }
- /**
- * @param methodName
- * @param e
- */
- public void logException(String methodName, Exception e) {
- if (!(e instanceof EndOfFileException) && e != null && log.isTracing()) {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("Parser: Unexpected exception in "); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(methodName);
- buffer.append(":"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(e.getClass().getName());
- buffer.append("::"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(e.getMessage());
- buffer.append(". w/"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(scanner.toString());
- log.traceLog(buffer.toString());
-// log.errorLog(buffer.toString());
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param expression
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- protected IASTExpression equalityExpression(IASTScope scope,
- CompletionKind kind, KeywordSetKey key) throws EndOfFileException,
- BacktrackException {
- int startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- int line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- IASTExpression firstExpression = relationalExpression(scope, kind, key);
- for (;;) {
- switch (LT(1)) {
- case IToken.tEQUAL :
- case IToken.tNOTEQUAL :
- IToken t = consume();
- IASTExpression secondExpression = relationalExpression(
- scope, kind, key);
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- try {
- firstExpression = astFactory.createExpression(scope, (t
- .getType() == IToken.tEQUAL)
- firstExpression, secondExpression, null, null,
- null, EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException(
- "equalityExpression::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- break;
- default :
- return firstExpression;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param expression
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- protected IASTExpression relationalExpression(IASTScope scope,
- CompletionKind kind, KeywordSetKey key) throws BacktrackException,
- EndOfFileException {
- int startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- int line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- IASTExpression firstExpression = shiftExpression(scope, kind, key);
- for (;;) {
- switch (LT(1)) {
- case IToken.tGT :
- if (templateIdScopes != null
- && ((Integer) templateIdScopes.peek()).intValue() == IToken.tLT) {
- return firstExpression;
- }
- case IToken.tLT :
- case IToken.tLTEQUAL :
- case IToken.tGTEQUAL :
- IToken mark = mark();
- int t = consume().getType();
- IASTExpression secondExpression = shiftExpression(scope,
- kind, key);
- if (LA(1) == mark.getNext()) {
- // we did not consume anything
- // this is most likely an error
- backup(mark);
- return firstExpression;
- }
- IASTExpression.Kind expressionKind = null;
- switch (t) {
- case IToken.tGT :
- expressionKind = IASTExpression.Kind.RELATIONAL_GREATERTHAN;
- break;
- case IToken.tLT :
- expressionKind = IASTExpression.Kind.RELATIONAL_LESSTHAN;
- break;
- case IToken.tLTEQUAL :
- expressionKind = IASTExpression.Kind.RELATIONAL_LESSTHANEQUALTO;
- break;
- case IToken.tGTEQUAL :
- break;
- }
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- try {
- firstExpression = astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- expressionKind, firstExpression,
- secondExpression, null, null, null,
- EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException(
- "relationalExpression::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- break;
- default :
- if (extension.isValidRelationalExpressionStart(language,
- LT(1))) {
- IASTExpression extensionExpression = extension
- .parseRelationalExpression(scope, this, kind,
- key, firstExpression);
- if (extensionExpression != null)
- return extensionExpression;
- }
- return firstExpression;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param expression
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- public IASTExpression shiftExpression(IASTScope scope, CompletionKind kind,
- KeywordSetKey key) throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException {
- int startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- int line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- IASTExpression firstExpression = additiveExpression(scope, kind, key);
- for (;;) {
- switch (LT(1)) {
- case IToken.tSHIFTL :
- case IToken.tSHIFTR :
- IToken t = consume();
- IASTExpression secondExpression = additiveExpression(scope,
- kind, key);
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- try {
- firstExpression = astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- ((t.getType() == IToken.tSHIFTL)
- ? IASTExpression.Kind.SHIFT_LEFT
- : IASTExpression.Kind.SHIFT_RIGHT),
- firstExpression, secondExpression, null, null,
- null, EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("shiftExpression::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- break;
- default :
- return firstExpression;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param expression
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- protected IASTExpression additiveExpression(IASTScope scope,
- CompletionKind kind, KeywordSetKey key) throws BacktrackException,
- EndOfFileException {
- int startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- int line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- IASTExpression firstExpression = multiplicativeExpression(scope, kind,
- key);
- for (;;) {
- switch (LT(1)) {
- case IToken.tPLUS :
- case IToken.tMINUS :
- IToken t = consume();
- IASTExpression secondExpression = multiplicativeExpression(
- scope, kind, key);
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- try {
- firstExpression = astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- ((t.getType() == IToken.tPLUS)
- ? IASTExpression.Kind.ADDITIVE_PLUS
- : IASTExpression.Kind.ADDITIVE_MINUS),
- firstExpression, secondExpression, null, null,
- null, EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException(
- "additiveExpression::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- break;
- default :
- return firstExpression;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param expression
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- protected IASTExpression multiplicativeExpression(IASTScope scope,
- CompletionKind kind, KeywordSetKey key) throws BacktrackException,
- EndOfFileException {
- int startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- int line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- IASTExpression firstExpression = pmExpression(scope, kind, key);
- for (;;) {
- switch (LT(1)) {
- case IToken.tSTAR :
- case IToken.tDIV :
- case IToken.tMOD :
- IToken t = consume();
- IASTExpression secondExpression = pmExpression(scope, kind,
- key);
- IASTExpression.Kind expressionKind = null;
- switch (t.getType()) {
- case IToken.tSTAR :
- expressionKind = IASTExpression.Kind.MULTIPLICATIVE_MULTIPLY;
- break;
- case IToken.tDIV :
- expressionKind = IASTExpression.Kind.MULTIPLICATIVE_DIVIDE;
- break;
- case IToken.tMOD :
- expressionKind = IASTExpression.Kind.MULTIPLICATIVE_MODULUS;
- break;
- }
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- try {
- firstExpression = astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- expressionKind, firstExpression,
- secondExpression, null, null, null,
- EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- firstExpression.freeReferences(astFactory
- .getReferenceManager());
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException(
- "multiplicativeExpression::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- break;
- default :
- return firstExpression;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param expression
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- protected IASTExpression pmExpression(IASTScope scope, CompletionKind kind,
- KeywordSetKey key) throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException {
- int startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- int line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- IASTExpression firstExpression = castExpression(scope, kind, key);
- for (;;) {
- switch (LT(1)) {
- case IToken.tDOTSTAR :
- case IToken.tARROWSTAR :
- IToken t = consume();
- IASTExpression secondExpression = castExpression(scope,
- kind, key);
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- try {
- firstExpression = astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- ((t.getType() == IToken.tDOTSTAR)
- ? IASTExpression.Kind.PM_DOTSTAR
- : IASTExpression.Kind.PM_ARROWSTAR),
- firstExpression, secondExpression, null, null,
- null, EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("pmExpression::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- break;
- default :
- return firstExpression;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * castExpression
- * : unaryExpression
- * | "(" typeId ")" castExpression
- */
- protected IASTExpression castExpression(IASTScope scope,
- CompletionKind kind, KeywordSetKey key) throws EndOfFileException,
- BacktrackException {
- // TO DO: we need proper symbol checkint to ensure type name
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tLPAREN) {
- int startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- int line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- IToken mark = mark();
- consume();
- if (templateIdScopes != null) {
- templateIdScopes.push(new Integer(IToken.tLPAREN));
- }
- boolean popped = false;
- IASTTypeId typeId = null;
- // If this isn't a type name, then we shouldn't be here
- try {
- try {
- typeId = typeId(scope, false, getCastExpressionKind(kind));
- consume(IToken.tRPAREN);
- } catch (BacktrackException bte) {
- backup(mark);
- if (typeId != null)
- typeId.freeReferences(astFactory.getReferenceManager());
- throw bte;
- }
- if (templateIdScopes != null) {
- templateIdScopes.pop();
- popped = true;
- }
- IASTExpression castExpression = castExpression(scope, kind, key);
- if( castExpression != null && castExpression.getExpressionKind() == IASTExpression.Kind.PRIMARY_EMPTY )
- {
- backup( mark );
- if (typeId != null)
- typeId.freeReferences(astFactory.getReferenceManager());
- return unaryExpression(scope, kind, key);
- }
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- mark = null; // clean up mark so that we can garbage collect
- try {
- return astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- IASTExpression.Kind.CASTEXPRESSION, castExpression,
- null, null, typeId, null, EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("castExpression::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- } catch (BacktrackException b) {
- if (templateIdScopes != null && !popped) {
- templateIdScopes.pop();
- }
- }
- }
- return unaryExpression(scope, kind, key);
- }
- /**
- * @param kind
- * @return
- */
- private CompletionKind getCastExpressionKind(CompletionKind kind) {
- return ((kind == CompletionKind.SINGLE_NAME_REFERENCE || kind == CompletionKind.FUNCTION_REFERENCE)
- ? kind
- : CompletionKind.TYPE_REFERENCE);
- }
- /**
- * @param completionKind TODO
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- public IASTTypeId typeId(IASTScope scope, boolean skipArrayModifiers,
- CompletionKind completionKind) throws EndOfFileException,
- BacktrackException {
- IToken mark = mark();
- ITokenDuple name = null;
- boolean isConst = false, isVolatile = false;
- boolean isSigned = false, isUnsigned = false;
- boolean isShort = false, isLong = false;
- boolean isTypename = false;
- IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type kind = null;
- do {
- try {
- name = name(scope, completionKind,
- kind = IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.CLASS_OR_TYPENAME;
- break;
- } catch (BacktrackException b) {
- // do nothing
- }
- boolean encounteredType = false;
- simpleMods : for (;;) {
- switch (LT(1)) {
- case IToken.t_signed :
- consume();
- isSigned = true;
- break;
- case IToken.t_unsigned :
- consume();
- isUnsigned = true;
- break;
- case IToken.t_short :
- consume();
- isShort = true;
- break;
- case IToken.t_long :
- consume();
- isLong = true;
- break;
- case IToken.t_const :
- consume();
- isConst = true;
- break;
- case IToken.t_volatile :
- consume();
- isVolatile = true;
- break;
- case IToken.tIDENTIFIER :
- if (encounteredType)
- break simpleMods;
- encounteredType = true;
- name = name(scope, completionKind, KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- kind = IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.CLASS_OR_TYPENAME;
- break;
- case IToken.t_int :
- if (encounteredType)
- break simpleMods;
- encounteredType = true;
- kind = IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.INT;
- consume();
- break;
- case IToken.t_char :
- if (encounteredType)
- break simpleMods;
- encounteredType = true;
- kind = IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.CHAR;
- consume();
- break;
- case IToken.t_bool :
- if (encounteredType)
- break simpleMods;
- encounteredType = true;
- kind = IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.BOOL;
- consume();
- break;
- case IToken.t_double :
- if (encounteredType)
- break simpleMods;
- encounteredType = true;
- kind = IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.DOUBLE;
- consume();
- break;
- case IToken.t_float :
- if (encounteredType)
- break simpleMods;
- encounteredType = true;
- kind = IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.FLOAT;
- consume();
- break;
- case IToken.t_wchar_t :
- if (encounteredType)
- break simpleMods;
- encounteredType = true;
- kind = IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.WCHAR_T;
- consume();
- break;
- case IToken.t_void :
- if (encounteredType)
- break simpleMods;
- encounteredType = true;
- kind = IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.VOID;
- consume();
- break;
- case IToken.t__Bool :
- if (encounteredType)
- break simpleMods;
- encounteredType = true;
- kind = IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type._BOOL;
- consume();
- break;
- default :
- break simpleMods;
- }
- }
- if (kind != null)
- break;
- if (isShort || isLong || isUnsigned || isSigned) {
- kind = IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.INT;
- break;
- }
- if (LT(1) == IToken.t_typename || LT(1) == IToken.t_struct
- || LT(1) == IToken.t_class || LT(1) == IToken.t_enum
- || LT(1) == IToken.t_union) {
- consume();
- try {
- name = name(scope, completionKind, KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- kind = IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.CLASS_OR_TYPENAME;
- } catch (BacktrackException b) {
- backup(mark);
- throwBacktrack(b);
- }
- }
- } while (false);
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- if (kind == null)
- throwBacktrack(mark.getOffset(), endOffset, mark.getLineNumber());
- TypeId id = getTypeIdInstance(scope);
- IToken last = lastToken;
- IToken temp = last;
- //template parameters are consumed as part of name
- //lastToken = consumeTemplateParameters( last );
- //if( lastToken == null ) lastToken = last;
- temp = consumePointerOperators(id);
- if (temp != null)
- last = temp;
- if (!skipArrayModifiers) {
- temp = consumeArrayModifiers(id, scope);
- if (temp != null)
- last = temp;
- }
- endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- try {
- String signature = "";//$NON-NLS-1$
- if (last != null)
- {
- if( lastToken == null )
- lastToken = last;
- signature = TokenFactory.createStringRepresentation(mark,
- last);
- }
- return astFactory.createTypeId(scope, kind, isConst, isVolatile,
- isShort, isLong, isSigned, isUnsigned, isTypename, name, id
- .getPointerOperators(), id.getArrayModifiers(),
- signature);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- backup(mark);
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("typeId::createTypeId()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(mark.getOffset(), endOffset, mark.getLineNumber());
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * @param scope
- * @return
- */
- private TypeId getTypeIdInstance(IASTScope scope) {
- typeIdInstance.reset(scope);
- return typeIdInstance;
- }
- /**
- * @param expression
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- protected IASTExpression deleteExpression(IASTScope scope,
- CompletionKind kind, KeywordSetKey key) throws EndOfFileException,
- BacktrackException {
- int startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- int line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tCOLONCOLON) {
- // global scope
- consume(IToken.tCOLONCOLON);
- }
- consume(IToken.t_delete);
- boolean vectored = false;
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tLBRACKET) {
- // array delete
- consume();
- consume(IToken.tRBRACKET);
- vectored = true;
- }
- IASTExpression castExpression = castExpression(scope, kind, key);
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- try {
- return astFactory.createExpression(scope, (vectored
- castExpression, null, null, null, null, EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("deleteExpression::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Pazse a new-expression.
- *
- * @param expression
- * @throws BacktrackException
- *
- *
- * newexpression: ::? new newplacement? newtypeid newinitializer?
- * ::? new newplacement? ( typeid ) newinitializer?
- * newplacement: ( expressionlist )
- * newtypeid: typespecifierseq newdeclarator?
- * newdeclarator: ptroperator newdeclarator? | directnewdeclarator
- * directnewdeclarator: [ expression ]
- * directnewdeclarator [ constantexpression ]
- * newinitializer: ( expressionlist? )
- */
- protected IASTExpression newExpression(IASTScope scope, KeywordSetKey key)
- throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException {
- setCompletionValues(scope, CompletionKind.NEW_TYPE_REFERENCE,
- KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- int startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- int line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tCOLONCOLON) {
- // global scope
- consume(IToken.tCOLONCOLON);
- }
- consume(IToken.t_new);
- boolean typeIdInParen = false;
- boolean placementParseFailure = true;
- IToken beforeSecondParen = null;
- IToken backtrackMarker = null;
- IASTTypeId typeId = null;
- ArrayList newPlacementExpressions = new ArrayList();
- ArrayList newTypeIdExpressions = new ArrayList();
- ArrayList newInitializerExpressions = new ArrayList();
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tLPAREN) {
- consume(IToken.tLPAREN);
- if (templateIdScopes != null) {
- templateIdScopes.push(new Integer(IToken.tLPAREN));
- }
- try {
- // Try to consume placement list
- // Note: since expressionList and expression are the same...
- backtrackMarker = mark();
- newPlacementExpressions.add(expression(scope,
- CompletionKind.SINGLE_NAME_REFERENCE, key));
- consume(IToken.tRPAREN);
- if (templateIdScopes != null) {
- templateIdScopes.pop();
- } //pop 1st Parent
- placementParseFailure = false;
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tLPAREN) {
- beforeSecondParen = mark();
- consume(IToken.tLPAREN);
- if (templateIdScopes != null) {
- templateIdScopes.push(new Integer(IToken.tLPAREN));
- } //push 2nd Paren
- typeIdInParen = true;
- }
- } catch (BacktrackException e) {
- backup(backtrackMarker);
- }
- if (placementParseFailure) {
- // CASE: new (typeid-not-looking-as-placement) ...
- // the first expression in () is not a placement
- // - then it has to be typeId
- typeId = typeId(scope, true, CompletionKind.NEW_TYPE_REFERENCE);
- consume(IToken.tRPAREN);
- if (templateIdScopes != null) {
- templateIdScopes.pop();
- } //pop 1st Paren
- } else {
- if (!typeIdInParen) {
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tLBRACKET) {
- // CASE: new (typeid-looking-as-placement) [expr]...
- // the first expression in () has been parsed as a placement;
- // however, we assume that it was in fact typeId, and this
- // new statement creates an array.
- // Do nothing, fallback to array/initializer processing
- } else {
- // CASE: new (placement) typeid ...
- // the first expression in () is parsed as a placement,
- // and the next expression doesn't start with '(' or '['
- // - then it has to be typeId
- try {
- backtrackMarker = mark();
- typeId = typeId(scope, true,
- CompletionKind.NEW_TYPE_REFERENCE);
- } catch (BacktrackException e) {
- // Hmmm, so it wasn't typeId after all... Then it is
- // CASE: new (typeid-looking-as-placement)
- backup(backtrackMarker);
- // TODO fix this
- return null;
- }
- }
- } else {
- // Tricky cases: first expression in () is parsed as a placement,
- // and the next expression starts with '('.
- // The problem is, the first expression might as well be a typeid
- try {
- typeId = typeId(scope, true,
- CompletionKind.NEW_TYPE_REFERENCE);
- consume(IToken.tRPAREN);
- if (templateIdScopes != null) {
- templateIdScopes.pop();
- } //popping the 2nd Paren
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tLPAREN
- || LT(1) == IToken.tLBRACKET) {
- // CASE: new (placement)(typeid)(initializer)
- // CASE: new (placement)(typeid)[] ...
- // Great, so far all our assumptions have been correct
- // Do nothing, fallback to array/initializer processing
- } else {
- // CASE: new (placement)(typeid)
- // CASE: new (typeid-looking-as-placement)(initializer-looking-as-typeid)
- // Worst-case scenario - this cannot be resolved w/o more semantic information.
- // Luckily, we don't need to know what was that - we only know that
- // new-expression ends here.
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- try {
- setCompletionValues(scope,
- CompletionKind.NO_SUCH_KIND,
- KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- return astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- IASTExpression.Kind.NEW_TYPEID, null,
- null, null, typeId, null, EMPTY_STRING,
- astFactory.createNewDescriptor(
- newPlacementExpressions,
- newTypeIdExpressions,
- newInitializerExpressions));
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException(
- "newExpression_1::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- }
- } catch (BacktrackException e) {
- // CASE: new (typeid-looking-as-placement)(initializer-not-looking-as-typeid)
- // Fallback to initializer processing
- backup(beforeSecondParen);
- if (templateIdScopes != null) {
- templateIdScopes.pop();
- }//pop that 2nd paren
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- // CASE: new typeid ...
- // new parameters do not start with '('
- // i.e it has to be a plain typeId
- typeId = typeId(scope, true, CompletionKind.NEW_TYPE_REFERENCE);
- }
- while (LT(1) == IToken.tLBRACKET) {
- // array new
- consume();
- if (templateIdScopes != null) {
- templateIdScopes.push(new Integer(IToken.tLBRACKET));
- }
- newTypeIdExpressions.add(assignmentExpression(scope,
- CompletionKind.SINGLE_NAME_REFERENCE, key));
- consume(IToken.tRBRACKET);
- if (templateIdScopes != null) {
- templateIdScopes.pop();
- }
- }
- // newinitializer
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tLPAREN) {
- consume(IToken.tLPAREN);
- setCurrentFunctionName(((typeId != null) ? typeId
- .getFullSignature() : EMPTY_STRING));
- setCompletionValues(scope, CompletionKind.CONSTRUCTOR_REFERENCE);
- if (templateIdScopes != null) {
- templateIdScopes.push(new Integer(IToken.tLPAREN));
- }
- //we want to know the difference between no newInitializer and an empty new Initializer
- //if the next token is the RPAREN, then we have an Empty expression in our list.
- newInitializerExpressions.add(expression(scope,
- CompletionKind.CONSTRUCTOR_REFERENCE, key));
- setCurrentFunctionName(EMPTY_STRING);
- consume(IToken.tRPAREN);
- if (templateIdScopes != null) {
- templateIdScopes.pop();
- }
- }
- setCompletionValues(scope, CompletionKind.NO_SUCH_KIND,
- KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- try {
- return astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- IASTExpression.Kind.NEW_TYPEID, null, null, null, typeId,
- null, EMPTY_STRING, astFactory.createNewDescriptor(
- newPlacementExpressions, newTypeIdExpressions,
- newInitializerExpressions));
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- return null;
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("newExpression_2::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * @param functionName
- */
- protected void setCurrentFunctionName(String functionName) {
- }
- /**
- * @param expression
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- public IASTExpression unaryExpression(IASTScope scope, CompletionKind kind,
- KeywordSetKey key) throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException {
- int startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- int line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- switch (LT(1)) {
- case IToken.tSTAR :
- consume();
- return unaryOperatorCastExpression(scope,
- key);
- case IToken.tAMPER :
- consume();
- return unaryOperatorCastExpression(scope,
- key);
- case IToken.tPLUS :
- consume();
- return unaryOperatorCastExpression(scope,
- key);
- case IToken.tMINUS :
- consume();
- return unaryOperatorCastExpression(scope,
- key);
- case IToken.tNOT :
- consume();
- return unaryOperatorCastExpression(scope,
- IASTExpression.Kind.UNARY_NOT_CASTEXPRESSION, kind, key);
- case IToken.tCOMPL :
- consume();
- return unaryOperatorCastExpression(scope,
- key);
- case IToken.tINCR :
- consume();
- return unaryOperatorCastExpression(scope,
- IASTExpression.Kind.UNARY_INCREMENT, kind, key);
- case IToken.tDECR :
- consume();
- return unaryOperatorCastExpression(scope,
- IASTExpression.Kind.UNARY_DECREMENT, kind, key);
- case IToken.t_sizeof :
- consume(IToken.t_sizeof);
- IToken mark = LA(1);
- IASTTypeId d = null;
- IASTExpression unaryExpression = null;
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tLPAREN) {
- try {
- consume(IToken.tLPAREN);
- d = typeId(scope, false,
- consume(IToken.tRPAREN);
- } catch (BacktrackException bt) {
- backup(mark);
- unaryExpression = unaryExpression(scope, kind, key);
- }
- } else {
- unaryExpression = unaryExpression(scope, kind, key);
- }
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- if (unaryExpression == null)
- try {
- return astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- IASTExpression.Kind.UNARY_SIZEOF_TYPEID, null,
- null, null, d, null, EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("unaryExpression_1::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- try {
- return astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- unaryExpression, null, null, null, null,
- EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e1) {
- throwBacktrack(e1.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("unaryExpression_1::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- case IToken.t_new :
- return newExpression(scope, key);
- case IToken.t_delete :
- return deleteExpression(scope, kind, key);
- case IToken.tCOLONCOLON :
- if (queryLookaheadCapability(2)) {
- switch (LT(2)) {
- case IToken.t_new :
- return newExpression(scope, key);
- case IToken.t_delete :
- return deleteExpression(scope, kind, key);
- default :
- return postfixExpression(scope, kind, key);
- }
- }
- default :
- if (extension.isValidUnaryExpressionStart(LT(1))) {
- IASTExpression extensionExpression = extension
- .parseUnaryExpression(scope, this, kind, key);
- if (extensionExpression != null)
- return extensionExpression;
- }
- return postfixExpression(scope, kind, key);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param expression
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- protected IASTExpression postfixExpression(IASTScope scope,
- CompletionKind kind, KeywordSetKey key) throws EndOfFileException,
- BacktrackException {
- int startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- int line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- IASTExpression firstExpression = null;
- boolean isTemplate = false;
- setCompletionValues(scope, kind, key);
- switch (LT(1)) {
- case IToken.t_typename :
- consume(IToken.t_typename);
- boolean templateTokenConsumed = false;
- if (LT(1) == IToken.t_template) {
- consume(IToken.t_template);
- templateTokenConsumed = true;
- }
- ITokenDuple nestedName = name(scope,
- CompletionKind.TYPE_REFERENCE, KeywordSetKey.EMPTY);
- consume(IToken.tLPAREN);
- if (templateIdScopes != null) {
- templateIdScopes.push(new Integer(IToken.tLPAREN));
- }
- IASTExpression expressionList = expression(scope,
- CompletionKind.TYPE_REFERENCE, key);
- int endOffset = consume(IToken.tRPAREN).getEndOffset();
- if (templateIdScopes != null) {
- templateIdScopes.pop();
- }
- try {
- firstExpression = astFactory
- .createExpression(
- scope,
- (templateTokenConsumed
- expressionList, null, null, null,
- nestedName, EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException ase) {
- throwBacktrack(ase.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("postfixExpression_1::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- break;
- // simple-type-specifier ( assignment-expression , .. )
- case IToken.t_char :
- firstExpression = simpleTypeConstructorExpression(scope,
- break;
- case IToken.t_wchar_t :
- firstExpression = simpleTypeConstructorExpression(scope,
- break;
- case IToken.t_bool :
- firstExpression = simpleTypeConstructorExpression(scope,
- break;
- case IToken.t_short :
- firstExpression = simpleTypeConstructorExpression(scope,
- break;
- case IToken.t_int :
- firstExpression = simpleTypeConstructorExpression(scope,
- break;
- case IToken.t_long :
- firstExpression = simpleTypeConstructorExpression(scope,
- break;
- case IToken.t_signed :
- firstExpression = simpleTypeConstructorExpression(scope,
- break;
- case IToken.t_unsigned :
- firstExpression = simpleTypeConstructorExpression(scope,
- break;
- case IToken.t_float :
- firstExpression = simpleTypeConstructorExpression(scope,
- break;
- case IToken.t_double :
- firstExpression = simpleTypeConstructorExpression(scope,
- break;
- case IToken.t_dynamic_cast :
- firstExpression = specialCastExpression(scope,
- IASTExpression.Kind.POSTFIX_DYNAMIC_CAST, key);
- break;
- case IToken.t_static_cast :
- firstExpression = specialCastExpression(scope,
- IASTExpression.Kind.POSTFIX_STATIC_CAST, key);
- break;
- case IToken.t_reinterpret_cast :
- firstExpression = specialCastExpression(scope,
- break;
- case IToken.t_const_cast :
- firstExpression = specialCastExpression(scope,
- IASTExpression.Kind.POSTFIX_CONST_CAST, key);
- break;
- case IToken.t_typeid :
- consume();
- consume(IToken.tLPAREN);
- if (templateIdScopes != null) {
- templateIdScopes.push(new Integer(IToken.tLPAREN));
- }
- boolean isTypeId = true;
- IASTExpression lhs = null;
- IASTTypeId typeId = null;
- try {
- typeId = typeId(scope, false, CompletionKind.TYPE_REFERENCE);
- } catch (BacktrackException b) {
- isTypeId = false;
- lhs = expression(scope, CompletionKind.TYPE_REFERENCE, key);
- }
- endOffset = consume(IToken.tRPAREN).getEndOffset();
- if (templateIdScopes != null) {
- templateIdScopes.pop();
- }
- try {
- firstExpression = astFactory
- .createExpression(
- scope,
- (isTypeId
- lhs, null, null, typeId, null,
- EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e6) {
- throwBacktrack(e6.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("postfixExpression_2::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- break;
- default :
- firstExpression = primaryExpression(scope, kind, key);
- }
- IASTExpression secondExpression = null;
- for (;;) {
- switch (LT(1)) {
- case IToken.tLBRACKET :
- // array access
- consume(IToken.tLBRACKET);
- if (templateIdScopes != null) {
- templateIdScopes.push(new Integer(IToken.tLBRACKET));
- }
- secondExpression = expression(scope,
- CompletionKind.SINGLE_NAME_REFERENCE, key);
- int endOffset = consume(IToken.tRBRACKET).getEndOffset();
- if (templateIdScopes != null) {
- templateIdScopes.pop();
- }
- try {
- firstExpression = astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- firstExpression, secondExpression, null, null,
- null, EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e2) {
- throwBacktrack(e2.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException(
- "postfixExpression_3::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- break;
- case IToken.tLPAREN :
- // function call
- consume(IToken.tLPAREN);
- IASTNode context = null;
- if (firstExpression != null) {
- if (firstExpression.getExpressionKind() == IASTExpression.Kind.ID_EXPRESSION)
- setCurrentFunctionName(firstExpression
- .getIdExpression());
- else if (firstExpression.getRHSExpression() != null
- && firstExpression.getRHSExpression()
- .getIdExpression() != null) {
- setCurrentFunctionName(firstExpression
- .getRHSExpression().getIdExpression());
- context = astFactory
- .expressionToMostPreciseASTNode(scope,
- firstExpression.getLHSExpression());
- }
- }
- if (templateIdScopes != null) {
- templateIdScopes.push(new Integer(IToken.tLPAREN));
- }
- setCompletionValues(scope,
- CompletionKind.FUNCTION_REFERENCE, context);
- secondExpression = expression(scope,
- CompletionKind.FUNCTION_REFERENCE, key);
- setCurrentFunctionName(EMPTY_STRING);
- endOffset = consume(IToken.tRPAREN).getEndOffset();
- if (templateIdScopes != null) {
- templateIdScopes.pop();
- }
- try {
- firstExpression = astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- firstExpression, secondExpression, null, null,
- null, EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e3) {
- throwBacktrack(e3.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException(
- "postfixExpression_4::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- break;
- case IToken.tINCR :
- endOffset = consume(IToken.tINCR).getEndOffset();
- try {
- firstExpression = astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- firstExpression, null, null, null, null,
- EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e1) {
- throwBacktrack(e1.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException(
- "postfixExpression_5::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- break;
- case IToken.tDECR :
- endOffset = consume().getEndOffset();
- try {
- firstExpression = astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- firstExpression, null, null, null, null,
- EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e4) {
- throwBacktrack(e4.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException(
- "postfixExpression_6::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- break;
- case IToken.tDOT :
- // member access
- consume(IToken.tDOT);
- if (queryLookaheadCapability())
- if (LT(1) == IToken.t_template) {
- consume(IToken.t_template);
- isTemplate = true;
- }
- Kind memberCompletionKind = (isTemplate
- setCompletionValues(scope, CompletionKind.MEMBER_REFERENCE,
- KeywordSetKey.EMPTY, firstExpression,
- memberCompletionKind);
- secondExpression = primaryExpression(scope,
- CompletionKind.MEMBER_REFERENCE, key);
- endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- if (secondExpression != null
- && secondExpression.getExpressionKind() == Kind.ID_EXPRESSION
- && secondExpression.getIdExpression().indexOf('~') != -1)
- memberCompletionKind = Kind.POSTFIX_DOT_DESTRUCTOR;
- try {
- firstExpression = astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- memberCompletionKind, firstExpression,
- secondExpression, null, null, null,
- EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e5) {
- throwBacktrack(e5.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException(
- "postfixExpression_7::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- break;
- case IToken.tARROW :
- // member access
- consume(IToken.tARROW);
- if (queryLookaheadCapability())
- if (LT(1) == IToken.t_template) {
- consume(IToken.t_template);
- isTemplate = true;
- }
- Kind arrowCompletionKind = (isTemplate
- setCompletionValues(scope, CompletionKind.MEMBER_REFERENCE,
- KeywordSetKey.EMPTY, firstExpression,
- arrowCompletionKind);
- secondExpression = primaryExpression(scope,
- CompletionKind.MEMBER_REFERENCE, key);
- endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- if (secondExpression != null
- && secondExpression.getExpressionKind() == Kind.ID_EXPRESSION
- && secondExpression.getIdExpression().indexOf('~') != -1)
- arrowCompletionKind = Kind.POSTFIX_ARROW_DESTRUCTOR;
- try {
- firstExpression = astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- arrowCompletionKind, firstExpression,
- secondExpression, null, null, null,
- EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException(
- "postfixExpression_8::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- break;
- default :
- return firstExpression;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @return
- * @throws EndOfFileException
- */
- protected boolean queryLookaheadCapability(int count)
- throws EndOfFileException {
- //make sure we can look ahead one before doing this
- boolean result = true;
- try {
- LA(count);
- } catch (EndOfFileException olre) {
- result = false;
- }
- return result;
- }
- protected boolean queryLookaheadCapability() throws EndOfFileException {
- return queryLookaheadCapability(1);
- }
- protected void checkEndOfFile() throws EndOfFileException {
- LA(1);
- }
- protected IASTExpression simpleTypeConstructorExpression(IASTScope scope,
- Kind type, KeywordSetKey key) throws EndOfFileException,
- BacktrackException {
- int startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- int line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- String typeName = consume().getImage();
- consume(IToken.tLPAREN);
- setCurrentFunctionName(typeName);
- IASTExpression inside = expression(scope,
- CompletionKind.CONSTRUCTOR_REFERENCE, key);
- setCurrentFunctionName(EMPTY_STRING);
- int endOffset = consume(IToken.tRPAREN).getEndOffset();
- try {
- return astFactory.createExpression(scope, type, inside, null, null,
- null, null, EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException(
- "simpleTypeConstructorExpression::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * @param expression
- * @throws BacktrackException
- */
- protected IASTExpression primaryExpression(IASTScope scope,
- CompletionKind kind, KeywordSetKey key) throws EndOfFileException,
- BacktrackException {
- IToken t = null;
- switch (LT(1)) {
- // TO DO: we need more literals...
- case IToken.tINTEGER :
- t = consume();
- try {
- return astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- null, null, null, null, t.getImage(), null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e1) {
- throwBacktrack(e1.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("primaryExpression_1::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(t.getOffset(), t.getEndOffset(), t.getLineNumber());
- }
- case IToken.tFLOATINGPT :
- t = consume();
- try {
- return astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- IASTExpression.Kind.PRIMARY_FLOAT_LITERAL, null,
- null, null, null, null, t.getImage(), null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e2) {
- throwBacktrack(e2.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("primaryExpression_2::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(t.getOffset(), t.getEndOffset(), t.getLineNumber());
- }
- case IToken.tSTRING :
- case IToken.tLSTRING :
- t = consume();
- try {
- return astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- null, null, null, null, t.getImage(), null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e5) {
- throwBacktrack(e5.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("primaryExpression_3::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(t.getOffset(), t.getEndOffset(), t.getLineNumber());
- }
- case IToken.t_false :
- case IToken.t_true :
- t = consume();
- try {
- return astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- null, null, null, null, t.getImage(), null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e3) {
- throwBacktrack(e3.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("primaryExpression_4::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(t.getOffset(), t.getEndOffset(), t.getLineNumber());
- }
- case IToken.tCHAR :
- case IToken.tLCHAR :
- t = consume();
- try {
- return astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- IASTExpression.Kind.PRIMARY_CHAR_LITERAL, null,
- null, null, null, null, t.getImage(), null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e4) {
- throwBacktrack(e4.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("primaryExpression_5::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(t.getOffset(), t.getEndOffset(), t.getLineNumber());
- }
- case IToken.t_this :
- t = consume(IToken.t_this);
- try {
- return astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- IASTExpression.Kind.PRIMARY_THIS, null, null, null,
- null, null, EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e7) {
- throwBacktrack(e7.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("primaryExpression_6::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(t.getOffset(), t.getEndOffset(), t.getLineNumber());
- }
- case IToken.tLPAREN :
- t = consume();
- if (templateIdScopes != null) {
- templateIdScopes.push(new Integer(IToken.tLPAREN));
- }
- IASTExpression lhs = expression(scope, kind, key);
- int endOffset = consume(IToken.tRPAREN).getEndOffset();
- if (templateIdScopes != null) {
- templateIdScopes.pop();
- }
- try {
- return astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- lhs, null, null, null, null, EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e6) {
- throwBacktrack(e6.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("primaryExpression_7::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(t.getOffset(), endOffset, t.getLineNumber() );
- }
- case IToken.tIDENTIFIER :
- case IToken.tCOLONCOLON :
- case IToken.t_operator :
- case IToken.tCOMPL :
- ITokenDuple duple = null;
- int startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- int line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- try {
- duple = name(scope, kind, key);
- } catch (BacktrackException bt) {
- IToken mark = mark();
- Declarator d = new Declarator(new DeclarationWrapper(scope,
- mark.getOffset(), mark.getLineNumber(), null));
- if (LT(1) == IToken.tCOLONCOLON
- || LT(1) == IToken.tIDENTIFIER) {
- IToken start = consume();
- IToken end = null;
- if (start.getType() == IToken.tIDENTIFIER)
- end = consumeTemplateParameters(end);
- while (LT(1) == IToken.tCOLONCOLON
- || LT(1) == IToken.tIDENTIFIER) {
- end = consume();
- if (end.getType() == IToken.tIDENTIFIER)
- end = consumeTemplateParameters(end);
- }
- if (LT(1) == IToken.t_operator)
- operatorId(d, start, null, kind);
- else {
- backup(mark);
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, end.getEndOffset(), end.getLineNumber());
- }
- } else if (LT(1) == IToken.t_operator)
- operatorId(d, null, null, kind);
- duple = d.getNameDuple();
- }
- endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- try {
- return astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- IASTExpression.Kind.ID_EXPRESSION, null, null,
- null, null, duple, EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e8) {
- throwBacktrack(e8.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("primaryExpression_8::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- default :
- startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- if (!queryLookaheadCapability(2)) {
- if (LA(1).canBeAPrefix()) {
- consume();
- checkEndOfFile();
- }
- }
- IASTExpression empty = null;
- try {
- empty = astFactory.createExpression(scope,
- IASTExpression.Kind.PRIMARY_EMPTY, null, null,
- null, null, null, EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e9) {
- throwBacktrack( e9.getProblem() );
- return null;
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("primaryExpression_9::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, 0, line);
- }
- return empty;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Fetches a token from the scanner.
- *
- * @return the next token from the scanner
- * @throws EndOfFileException thrown when the scanner.nextToken() yields no tokens
- */
- protected IToken fetchToken() throws EndOfFileException {
- if (limitReached)
- throw new EndOfFileException();
- try {
- IToken value = scanner.nextToken();
- return value;
- } catch (OffsetLimitReachedException olre) {
- limitReached = true;
- handleOffsetLimitException(olre);
- return null;
- } catch (ScannerException e) {
- TraceUtil
- .outputTrace(
- log,
- "ScannerException thrown : ", e.getProblem(), null, null, null); //$NON-NLS-1$
-// log.errorLog("Scanner Exception: " + e.getProblem().getMessage()); //$NON-NLS-1$
- return fetchToken();
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param value
- */
- protected void handleNewToken(IToken value) {
- }
- protected void handleOffsetLimitException(
- OffsetLimitReachedException exception) throws EndOfFileException {
- // unexpected, throw EOF instead (equivalent)
- throw new EndOfFileException();
- }
- protected IASTExpression assignmentOperatorExpression(IASTScope scope,
- IASTExpression.Kind kind, IASTExpression lhs,
- CompletionKind completionKind, KeywordSetKey key)
- throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException {
- IToken t = consume();
- IASTExpression assignmentExpression = assignmentExpression(scope,
- completionKind, key);
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- try {
- return astFactory.createExpression(scope, kind, lhs,
- assignmentExpression, null, null, null, EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("assignmentOperatorExpression::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(t.getOffset(), endOffset, t.getLineNumber());
- }
- return null;
- }
- protected void setCompletionValues(IASTScope scope,
- IASTCompletionNode.CompletionKind kind, KeywordSetKey key)
- throws EndOfFileException {
- }
- protected void setCompletionValues(IASTScope scope,
- IASTCompletionNode.CompletionKind kind, KeywordSetKey key,
- IASTNode node, String prefix) throws EndOfFileException {
- }
- protected void setCompletionValues(IASTScope scope, CompletionKind kind,
- KeywordSetKey key, IASTExpression firstExpression,
- Kind expressionKind) throws EndOfFileException {
- }
- protected void setCompletionValues(IASTScope scope, CompletionKind kind,
- IToken first, IToken last, KeywordSetKey key)
- throws EndOfFileException {
- }
- protected IASTExpression unaryOperatorCastExpression(IASTScope scope,
- IASTExpression.Kind kind, CompletionKind completionKind,
- KeywordSetKey key) throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException {
- int startingOffset = LA(1).getOffset();
- int line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- IASTExpression castExpression = castExpression(scope, completionKind,
- key);
- int endOffset = ( lastToken != null ) ? lastToken.getEndOffset() : 0;
- try {
- return astFactory.createExpression(scope, kind, castExpression,
- null, null, null, null, EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("unaryOperatorCastExpression::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line);
- }
- return null;
- }
- protected IASTExpression specialCastExpression(IASTScope scope,
- IASTExpression.Kind kind, KeywordSetKey key)
- throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException {
- int line = LA(1).getLineNumber();
- int startingOffset = consume().getOffset();
- consume(IToken.tLT);
- IASTTypeId duple = typeId(scope, false, CompletionKind.TYPE_REFERENCE);
- consume(IToken.tGT);
- consume(IToken.tLPAREN);
- IASTExpression lhs = expression(scope,
- CompletionKind.SINGLE_NAME_REFERENCE, key);
- int endOffset = consume(IToken.tRPAREN).getEndOffset();
- try {
- return astFactory.createExpression(scope, kind, lhs, null, null,
- duple, null, EMPTY_STRING, null);
- } catch (ASTSemanticException e) {
- throwBacktrack(e.getProblem());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logException("specialCastExpression::createExpression()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- throwBacktrack(startingOffset, endOffset, line );
- }
- return null;
- }
- public char[] getCurrentFilename() {
- return scanner.getCurrentFilename();
- }
- protected boolean parserTimeout() {
- return false;
- }
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.IParserData#getLastToken()
- */
- public IToken getLastToken() {
- return lastToken;
- }
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.IParserData#getParserLanguage()
- */
- public final ParserLanguage getParserLanguage() {
- return language;
- }
- /**
- * Parse an identifier.
- *
- * @throws BacktrackException request a backtrack
- */
- public IToken identifier() throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException {
- IToken first = consume(IToken.tIDENTIFIER); // throws backtrack if its not that
- if( first instanceof ITokenDuple ) setGreaterNameContext((ITokenDuple) first);
- return first;
- }
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IFilenameProvider#getCurrentFileIndex()
- */
- public int getCurrentFileIndex() {
- return scanner.getCurrentFileIndex();
- }
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IFilenameProvider#getFilenameForIndex(int)
- */
- public String getFilenameForIndex(int index) {
- return scanner.getFilenameForIndex(index);
- }
- public boolean validateCaches() {
- return true;
- }
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
- */
- public String toString() {
- return scanner.toString(); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- /**
- * @return Returns the backtrackCount.
- */
- public final int getBacktrackCount() {
- return backtrackCount;
- }
- /**
- * @param bt
- */
- protected void throwBacktrack(BacktrackException bt) throws BacktrackException {
- throw bt;
- }
- /**
- * @throws EndOfFileException
- */
- protected void errorHandling() throws EndOfFileException {
- int depth = ( LT(1) == IToken.tLBRACE ) ? 1 : 0;
- consume();
- while (!((LT(1) == IToken.tSEMI && depth == 0)
- || (LT(1) == IToken.tRBRACE && depth == 1)))
- {
- switch (LT(1))
- {
- case IToken.tLBRACE :
- ++depth;
- break;
- case IToken.tRBRACE :
- --depth;
- break;
- }
- if( depth < 0 )
- return;
- consume();
- }
- // eat the SEMI/RBRACE as well
- consume();
- }

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