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Diffstat (limited to 'core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/')
1 files changed, 423 insertions, 423 deletions
diff --git a/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/ b/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/
index 45ca1368e07..41cb92fa6f7 100644
--- a/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/
+++ b/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/
@@ -70,20 +70,20 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void testTemplateParameterAsParent() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "A" );
- ISymbol param = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "A" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol param = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
template.addTemplateParameter( param );
ITemplateFactory factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol A = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol A = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.addSymbol( A );
A.addParent( param );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol B = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "B", TypeInfo.t_class );
- ISymbol i = table.newSymbol( "i", TypeInfo.t_int );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol B = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "B", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol i = table.newSymbol( "i", TypeInfo.t_int ); //$NON-NLS-1$
B.addSymbol( i );
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( B );
@@ -91,22 +91,22 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
ArrayList args = new ArrayList();
args.add( type );
- IContainerSymbol instance = (IContainerSymbol) table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args );
+ IContainerSymbol instance = (IContainerSymbol) table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( instance.getInstantiatedSymbol(), A );
- ISymbol a = table.newSymbol( "a", TypeInfo.t_type );
+ ISymbol a = table.newSymbol( "a", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
a.setTypeSymbol( instance );
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( a );
- ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookup( "a" );
+ ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookup( "a" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, a );
ISymbol symbol = a.getTypeSymbol();
assertEquals( symbol, instance );
- look = instance.lookup( "i" );
+ look = instance.lookup( "i" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, i );
@@ -123,45 +123,45 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void testTemplateInstanceAsParent() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "A" );
+ ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "A" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- ISymbol param = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ISymbol param = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
template.addTemplateParameter( param );
ITemplateFactory factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol A = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol A = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.addSymbol( A );
- ISymbol t = table.newSymbol( "t", TypeInfo.t_type );
- ISymbol look = template.lookup( "T" );
+ ISymbol t = table.newSymbol( "t", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol look = template.lookup( "T" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, param );
t.setTypeSymbol( param );
A.addSymbol( t );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol B = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "B", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol B = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "B", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( B );
TypeInfo type = new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0 , null );
ArrayList args = new ArrayList();
args.add( type );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args );
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), A );
B.addParent( look );
- ISymbol b = table.newSymbol( "b", TypeInfo.t_type );
+ ISymbol b = table.newSymbol( "b", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
b.setTypeSymbol( B );
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( b );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookup( "b" );
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookup( "b" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, b );
- look = ((IDerivableContainerSymbol) b.getTypeSymbol()).lookup( "t" );
+ look = ((IDerivableContainerSymbol) b.getTypeSymbol()).lookup( "t" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), t );
assertTrue( look.isType( TypeInfo.t_int ) );
@@ -186,14 +186,14 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void testTemplateParameterDefaults() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "X" );
+ ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "X" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- ISymbol paramT = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ISymbol paramT = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
template.addTemplateParameter( paramT );
- ISymbol look = template.lookup( "T" );
+ ISymbol look = template.lookup( "T" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, paramT );
- ISymbol paramU = table.newSymbol( "U", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ISymbol paramU = table.newSymbol( "U", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
paramU.getTypeInfo().setDefault( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, look ) );
template.addTemplateParameter( paramU );
@@ -201,36 +201,36 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol X = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "X", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol X = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "X", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.addSymbol( X );
- look = X.lookup( "T" );
+ look = X.lookup( "T" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, paramT );
- ISymbol t = table.newSymbol( "t", TypeInfo.t_type );
+ ISymbol t = table.newSymbol( "t", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
t.setTypeSymbol( look );
X.addSymbol( t );
- look = X.lookup( "U" );
+ look = X.lookup( "U" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, paramU );
- ISymbol u = table.newSymbol( "u", TypeInfo.t_type );
+ ISymbol u = table.newSymbol( "u", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
u.setTypeSymbol( look );
X.addSymbol( u );
TypeInfo type = new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_char, 0, null );
ArrayList args = new ArrayList();
args.add( type );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol lookX = (IDerivableContainerSymbol) table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "X", args );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol lookX = (IDerivableContainerSymbol) table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "X", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( lookX.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( lookX.getInstantiatedSymbol(), X );
- look = lookX.lookup( "t" );
+ look = lookX.lookup( "t" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), t );
assertTrue( look.isType( TypeInfo.t_char ) );
- look = lookX.lookup( "u" );
+ look = lookX.lookup( "u" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), u );
assertTrue( look.isType( TypeInfo.t_char ) );
@@ -254,58 +254,58 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void testTemplateParameterAsFunctionArgument() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "A" );
- ISymbol paramT = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "A" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol paramT = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
template.addTemplateParameter( paramT );
ITemplateFactory factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol A = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol A = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.addSymbol( A );
- ISymbol t = table.newSymbol( "t", TypeInfo.t_type );
+ ISymbol t = table.newSymbol( "t", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
t.setTypeSymbol( paramT );
A.addSymbol( t );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol B = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "B", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol B = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "B", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( B );
ArrayList args = new ArrayList();
TypeInfo arg = new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, B );
args.add( arg );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol lookA = (IDerivableContainerSymbol) table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol lookA = (IDerivableContainerSymbol) table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( lookA.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( lookA.getInstantiatedSymbol(), A );
- IParameterizedSymbol f1 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f1 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f1.addParameter( TypeInfo.t_char, 0, null, false );
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( f1 );
- IParameterizedSymbol f2 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f2 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f2.addParameter( lookA, 0, null, false );
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( f2 );
- IParameterizedSymbol f3 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f3 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f3.addParameter( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null, false );
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( f3 );
args = new ArrayList();
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, B ) );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol lookA2 = (IDerivableContainerSymbol) table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol lookA2 = (IDerivableContainerSymbol) table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( lookA2, lookA );
- ISymbol a = table.newSymbol( "a", TypeInfo.t_type );
+ ISymbol a = table.newSymbol( "a", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
a.setTypeSymbol( lookA );
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( a );
ArrayList params = new ArrayList();
params.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, a ) );
- ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", params );
+ ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", params ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, f2 );
@@ -322,41 +322,41 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void test_14_1__3_ParameterLookup() throws Exception{
- IDerivableContainerSymbol T = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol T = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( T );
- ISymbol i = table.newSymbol( "i", TypeInfo.t_int );
+ ISymbol i = table.newSymbol( "i", TypeInfo.t_int ); //$NON-NLS-1$
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( i );
- ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "f" );
+ ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "f" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- ISymbol paramT = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ISymbol paramT = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
template.addTemplateParameter( paramT );
ITemplateFactory factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template );
- ISymbol parami = table.newSymbol( "i", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ISymbol parami = table.newSymbol( "i", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
parami.getTypeInfo().setTemplateParameterType( TypeInfo.t_type );
- ISymbol look = factory.lookup( "T" );
+ ISymbol look = factory.lookup( "T" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, paramT );
parami.setTypeSymbol( look );
template.addTemplateParameter( parami );
- IParameterizedSymbol f = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
- ISymbol fParam = table.newSymbol( "t", TypeInfo.t_type );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol fParam = table.newSymbol( "t", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
fParam.setTypeSymbol( paramT );
f.addParameter( fParam );
factory.addSymbol( f );
- look = f.lookup( "T" );
+ look = f.lookup( "T" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, paramT );
- look = f.lookup( "i" );
+ look = f.lookup( "i" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, parami );
@@ -378,9 +378,9 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void test_14_1__8_ParameterAdjustment() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol templateR = table.newTemplateSymbol( "R" );
+ ITemplateSymbol templateR = table.newTemplateSymbol( "R" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- ISymbol paramA = table.newSymbol( "a", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ISymbol paramA = table.newSymbol( "a", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
paramA.getTypeInfo().setTemplateParameterType( TypeInfo.t_int );
paramA.addPtrOperator( new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer ) );
templateR.addTemplateParameter( paramA );
@@ -389,12 +389,12 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( templateR );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol R = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "R", TypeInfo.t_struct );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol R = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "R", TypeInfo.t_struct ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.addSymbol( R );
- ITemplateSymbol templateS = table.newTemplateSymbol( "S" );
+ ITemplateSymbol templateS = table.newTemplateSymbol( "S" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- ISymbol paramB = table.newSymbol( "b", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ISymbol paramB = table.newSymbol( "b", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
paramB.getTypeInfo().setTemplateParameterType( TypeInfo.t_int );
paramB.addPtrOperator( new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_array ) );
templateS.addTemplateParameter( paramB );
@@ -403,10 +403,10 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( templateS );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol S = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "S", TypeInfo.t_struct );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol S = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "S", TypeInfo.t_struct ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.addSymbol( S );
- ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookup( "S" );
+ ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookup( "S" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, templateS );
Iterator iter = templateS.getParameterList().iterator();
@@ -417,33 +417,33 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
assertFalse( iter.hasNext() );
assertEquals( ptr.getType(), PtrOp.t_pointer );
- ISymbol p = table.newSymbol( "p", TypeInfo.t_int );
+ ISymbol p = table.newSymbol( "p", TypeInfo.t_int ); //$NON-NLS-1$
p.addPtrOperator( new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer ) );
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( p );
List args = new ArrayList();
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, p ) );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "R", args );
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "R", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), R );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "S", args );
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "S", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), S );
- ISymbol v = table.newSymbol( "v", TypeInfo.t_int );
+ ISymbol v = table.newSymbol( "v", TypeInfo.t_int ); //$NON-NLS-1$
v.addPtrOperator( new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_array ) );
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( v );
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, v ) );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "R", args );
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "R", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), R );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "S", args );
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "S", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), S );
@@ -460,9 +460,9 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void test_14_3__4_ParameterDefaults() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "String" );
+ ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "String" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- ISymbol param = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ISymbol param = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
param.getTypeInfo().setDefault( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_char, 0, null ) );
template.addTemplateParameter( param );
@@ -470,11 +470,11 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol string = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "String", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol string = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "String", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.addSymbol( string );
List args = new ArrayList();
- ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "String", args );
+ ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "String", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), string );
@@ -495,25 +495,25 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void test_14_3_1__2_TypeArgumentRestrictions() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "X" );
- template.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) );
+ ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "X" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ template.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
ITemplateFactory factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template );
- factory.addSymbol( table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "X", TypeInfo.t_class ) );
+ factory.addSymbol( table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "X", TypeInfo.t_class ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IParameterizedSymbol f = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( f );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol S = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "S", TypeInfo.t_struct );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol S = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "S", TypeInfo.t_struct ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f.addSymbol( S );
List args = new ArrayList();
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, S ) );
- f.lookupTemplateId( "X", args );
+ f.lookupTemplateId( "X", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( false );
} catch( ParserSymbolTableException e ){
assertEquals( e.reason, ParserSymbolTableException.r_BadTemplateArgument );
@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, S, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer ), false ) );
- f.lookupTemplateId( "X", args );
+ f.lookupTemplateId( "X", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( false );
} catch( ParserSymbolTableException e ){
assertEquals( e.reason, ParserSymbolTableException.r_BadTemplateArgument );
@@ -545,10 +545,10 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void test_14_3_2__2_NonTypeArgumentRestrictions() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "X" );
- template.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) );
+ ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "X" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ template.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- ISymbol param2 = table.newSymbol( "p", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ISymbol param2 = table.newSymbol( "p", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
param2.getTypeInfo().setTemplateParameterType( TypeInfo.t_char );
param2.addPtrOperator( new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer ) );
template.addTemplateParameter( param2 );
@@ -557,21 +557,21 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol X = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "X", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol X = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "X", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.addSymbol( X );
List args = new ArrayList();
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null ) );
- args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_char, 0, null, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer ), "Studebaker" ) );
+ args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_char, 0, null, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer ), "Studebaker" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "X", args );
+ table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "X", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( false );
} catch( ParserSymbolTableException e ){
assertEquals( e.reason, ParserSymbolTableException.r_BadTemplateArgument );
- ISymbol p = table.newSymbol( "p", TypeInfo.t_char );
+ ISymbol p = table.newSymbol( "p", TypeInfo.t_char ); //$NON-NLS-1$
p.addPtrOperator( new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_array ) );
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( p );
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null ) );
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, p ) );
- ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "X", args );
+ ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "X", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), X );
@@ -605,9 +605,9 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void test_14_3_2__3_NonTypeArgumentRestrictions() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "X" );
+ ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "X" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- ISymbol param = table.newSymbol( "p", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ISymbol param = table.newSymbol( "p", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
param.getTypeInfo().setTemplateParameterType( TypeInfo.t_int );
param.addPtrOperator( new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer ) );
template.addTemplateParameter( param );
@@ -616,18 +616,18 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol X = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "X", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol X = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "X", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.addSymbol( X );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol S = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "S", TypeInfo.t_struct );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol S = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "S", TypeInfo.t_struct ); //$NON-NLS-1$
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( S );
- ISymbol m = table.newSymbol( "m", TypeInfo.t_int );
+ ISymbol m = table.newSymbol( "m", TypeInfo.t_int ); //$NON-NLS-1$
S.addSymbol( m );
- ISymbol s = table.newSymbol( "s", TypeInfo.t_int );
+ ISymbol s = table.newSymbol( "s", TypeInfo.t_int ); //$NON-NLS-1$
s.getTypeInfo().setBit( true, TypeInfo.isStatic );
S.addSymbol( s );
- ISymbol t = table.newSymbol( "t", TypeInfo.t_int );
+ ISymbol t = table.newSymbol( "t", TypeInfo.t_int ); //$NON-NLS-1$
t.addPtrOperator( new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer ) );
S.addSymbol( t );
@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
- table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "X", args );
+ table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "X", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( false );
} catch ( ParserSymbolTableException e ){
assertEquals( e.reason, ParserSymbolTableException.r_BadTemplateArgument );
@@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
- table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "X", args );
+ table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "X", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( false );
} catch ( ParserSymbolTableException e ){
assertEquals( e.reason, ParserSymbolTableException.r_BadTemplateArgument );
@@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
arg.addOperatorExpression( TypeInfo.OperatorExpression.addressof );
args.add( arg );
- assertNotNull( table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "X", args ) );
+ assertNotNull( table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "X", args ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
@@ -678,9 +678,9 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void test_14_3_2__4_NonTypeArgumentRestrictions() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "B" );
+ ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "B" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- ISymbol I = table.newSymbol( "I", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ISymbol I = table.newSymbol( "I", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
I.getTypeInfo().setTemplateParameterType( TypeInfo.t_int );
I.addPtrOperator( new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_reference, true, false ) );
template.addTemplateParameter( I );
@@ -689,25 +689,25 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol B = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "B", TypeInfo.t_struct );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol B = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "B", TypeInfo.t_struct ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.addSymbol( B );
List args = new ArrayList( );
- args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null, null, "1" ) );
+ args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null, null, "1" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "B", args );
+ table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "B", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( false );
} catch ( ParserSymbolTableException e ){
assertEquals( e.reason, ParserSymbolTableException.r_BadTemplateArgument );
- ISymbol c = table.newSymbol( "c", TypeInfo.t_int );
+ ISymbol c = table.newSymbol( "c", TypeInfo.t_int ); //$NON-NLS-1$
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( c );
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, c ) );
- ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "B", args );
+ ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "B", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), B );
@@ -735,53 +735,53 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
- ITemplateSymbol templateA = table.newTemplateSymbol( "A" );
+ ITemplateSymbol templateA = table.newTemplateSymbol( "A" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( templateA );
- templateA.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) );
+ templateA.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IDerivableContainerSymbol A1 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol A1 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
templateA.addSymbol( A1 );
- ISymbol x1 = table.newSymbol( "x", TypeInfo.t_int );
+ ISymbol x1 = table.newSymbol( "x", TypeInfo.t_int ); //$NON-NLS-1$
A1.addSymbol( x1 );
- ISpecializedSymbol specialization = table.newSpecializedSymbol( "A" );
+ ISpecializedSymbol specialization = table.newSpecializedSymbol( "A" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
templateA.addSpecialization( specialization );
- ISymbol T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ISymbol T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
specialization.addTemplateParameter( T );
specialization.addArgument( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, T, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer ), false ) );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol A2 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol A2 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
specialization.addSymbol( A2 );
- ISymbol x2 = table.newSymbol( "x", TypeInfo.t_int );
+ ISymbol x2 = table.newSymbol( "x", TypeInfo.t_int ); //$NON-NLS-1$
x2.getTypeInfo().setBit( true, TypeInfo.isLong );
A2.addSymbol( x2 );
- ITemplateSymbol templateC = table.newTemplateSymbol( "C" );
+ ITemplateSymbol templateC = table.newTemplateSymbol( "C" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( templateC );
- ITemplateSymbol templateV = table.newTemplateSymbol( "V" );
+ ITemplateSymbol templateV = table.newTemplateSymbol( "V" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
templateV.setType( TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
templateV.getTypeInfo().setTemplateParameterType( TypeInfo.t_template );
- ISymbol U = table.newSymbol( "U", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ISymbol U = table.newSymbol( "U", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
templateV.addTemplateParameter( U );
templateC.addTemplateParameter( templateV );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol C = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "C", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol C = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "C", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
templateC.addSymbol( C );
List args = new ArrayList();
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null ) );
- ISymbol look = templateC.lookupTemplateId( "V", args );
+ ISymbol look = templateC.lookupTemplateId( "V", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look != null );
assertTrue( look instanceof IDeferredTemplateInstance );
- ISymbol y = table.newSymbol( "y", TypeInfo.t_type );
+ ISymbol y = table.newSymbol( "y", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
y.setTypeSymbol( look );
C.addSymbol( y );
@@ -789,25 +789,25 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer ), false ) );
- look = templateC.lookupTemplateId( "V", args );
+ look = templateC.lookupTemplateId( "V", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look != null );
assertTrue( look instanceof IDeferredTemplateInstance );
- ISymbol z = table.newSymbol( "z", TypeInfo.t_type );
+ ISymbol z = table.newSymbol( "z", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
z.setTypeSymbol( look );
C.addSymbol( z );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookup( "A" );
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookup( "A" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, templateA );
args.add ( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, look ) );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "C", args );
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "C", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), C );
IDerivableContainerSymbol lookC = (IDerivableContainerSymbol)look;
- look = lookC.lookup( "y" );
+ look = lookC.lookup( "y" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look.getType(), TypeInfo.t_type );
ISymbol symbol = look.getTypeSymbol();
@@ -815,18 +815,18 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
assertTrue( symbol.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( symbol.getInstantiatedSymbol(), A1 );
- look = ((IContainerSymbol) symbol).lookup( "x" );
+ look = ((IContainerSymbol) symbol).lookup( "x" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look.getType(), TypeInfo.t_int );
assertEquals( look.getTypeInfo().checkBit( TypeInfo.isLong ), false );
- look = lookC.lookup( "z" );
+ look = lookC.lookup( "z" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look.getType(), TypeInfo.t_type );
symbol = look.getTypeSymbol();
assertTrue( symbol instanceof IContainerSymbol );
assertTrue( symbol.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( symbol.getInstantiatedSymbol(), A2 );
- look = ((IContainerSymbol)symbol).lookup( "x" );
+ look = ((IContainerSymbol)symbol).lookup( "x" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look.getType(), TypeInfo.t_int );
assertEquals( look.getTypeInfo().checkBit( TypeInfo.isLong ), true );
@@ -849,8 +849,8 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( ParserSymbolTable.EMPTY_NAME );
- ISymbol primaryT1 = table.newSymbol( "T1", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
- ISymbol primaryT2 = table.newSymbol( "T2", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ISymbol primaryT1 = table.newSymbol( "T1", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol primaryT2 = table.newSymbol( "T2", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
template.addTemplateParameter( primaryT1 );
template.addTemplateParameter( primaryT2 );
@@ -858,27 +858,27 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol A = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol A = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.addSymbol( A );
- IParameterizedSymbol f1 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f1", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f1 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f1", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- ISymbol look = A.lookup( "T1" );
+ ISymbol look = A.lookup( "T1" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, primaryT1 );
f1.setIsForwardDeclaration( true );
f1.setReturnType( look );
- IParameterizedSymbol f2 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f2", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f2 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f2", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f2.setIsForwardDeclaration( true );
A.addSymbol( f1 );
A.addSymbol( f2 );
ITemplateSymbol temp = table.newTemplateSymbol( ParserSymbolTable.EMPTY_NAME );
- ISymbol U = table.newSymbol( "U", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
- ISymbol V = table.newSymbol( "V", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ISymbol U = table.newSymbol( "U", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol V = table.newSymbol( "V", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
temp.addTemplateParameter( U );
temp.addTemplateParameter( V );
@@ -886,22 +886,22 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( temp );
- ISymbol returnType = factory.lookup( "U" );
+ ISymbol returnType = factory.lookup( "U" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( returnType, U );
List args = new ArrayList();
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, U ) );
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, V ) );
- look = factory.lookupTemplateIdForDefinition( "A", args );
+ look = factory.lookupTemplateIdForDefinition( "A", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, A );
factory.pushTemplateId( look, args );
- IParameterizedSymbol lookF = factory.lookupMethodForDefinition( "f1", new ArrayList() );
+ IParameterizedSymbol lookF = factory.lookupMethodForDefinition( "f1", new ArrayList() ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( lookF, f1 );
assertTrue( lookF.isForwardDeclaration() );
- IParameterizedSymbol defnd = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f1", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol defnd = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f1", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f1.setTypeSymbol( defnd );
defnd.setReturnType( returnType );
factory.addSymbol( defnd );
@@ -911,12 +911,12 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null ) );
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_char, 0, null ) );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol lookA = (IDerivableContainerSymbol) table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol lookA = (IDerivableContainerSymbol) table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( lookA.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( lookA.getInstantiatedSymbol(), A );
List params = new ArrayList();
- look = lookA.qualifiedFunctionLookup( "f1", params );
+ look = lookA.qualifiedFunctionLookup( "f1", params ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), defnd );
assertTrue( ((IParameterizedSymbol)look).getReturnType().isType( TypeInfo.t_int ) );
@@ -925,8 +925,8 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
temp = table.newTemplateSymbol( ParserSymbolTable.EMPTY_NAME );
- ISymbol X = table.newSymbol( "X", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
- ISymbol Y = table.newSymbol( "Y", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ISymbol X = table.newSymbol( "X", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol Y = table.newSymbol( "Y", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
temp.addTemplateParameter( X );
temp.addTemplateParameter( Y );
@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, X ) );
- look = factory.lookupTemplateIdForDefinition( "A", args );
+ look = factory.lookupTemplateIdForDefinition( "A", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( false );
} catch ( ParserSymbolTableException e ){
assertEquals( e.reason, ParserSymbolTableException.r_BadTemplate );
@@ -957,23 +957,23 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void test_14_5_1_2_MemberClass() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "A" );
- ISymbol primaryT = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "A" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol primaryT = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
template.addTemplateParameter( primaryT );
ITemplateFactory factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol A = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_struct );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol A = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_struct ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.addSymbol( A );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol B = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "B", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol B = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "B", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
B.setIsForwardDeclaration( true );
A.addSymbol( B );
- ISymbol U = table.newSymbol( "U", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
- ITemplateSymbol temp = table.newTemplateSymbol( "" );
+ ISymbol U = table.newSymbol( "U", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ITemplateSymbol temp = table.newTemplateSymbol( "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
temp.addTemplateParameter( U );
factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
@@ -983,20 +983,20 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
List args = new ArrayList();
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, U ) );
- IContainerSymbol lookA = factory.lookupTemplateIdForDefinition( "A", args );
+ IContainerSymbol lookA = factory.lookupTemplateIdForDefinition( "A", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( lookA, A );
factory.pushTemplateId( lookA, args );
- ISymbol look = lookA.lookupMemberForDefinition( "B" );
+ ISymbol look = lookA.lookupMemberForDefinition( "B" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, B );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol newB = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "B", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol newB = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "B", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
look.setTypeSymbol( newB );
factory.addSymbol( newB );
- ISymbol i = table.newSymbol( "i", TypeInfo.t_type );
- look = newB.lookup( "U" );
+ ISymbol i = table.newSymbol( "i", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ look = newB.lookup( "U" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, U );
i.setTypeSymbol( U );
newB.addSymbol( i );
@@ -1004,18 +1004,18 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null ) );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args );
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), A );
assertTrue( look instanceof IDerivableContainerSymbol );
lookA = (IDerivableContainerSymbol) look;
- look = lookA.qualifiedLookup( "B" );
+ look = lookA.qualifiedLookup( "B" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), newB );
- look = ((IDerivableContainerSymbol) look).lookup( "i" );
+ look = ((IDerivableContainerSymbol) look).lookup( "i" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), i );
assertEquals( look.getType(), TypeInfo.t_int );
@@ -1033,28 +1033,28 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void test_14_5_1_3_StaticDataMember() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "X" );
- ISymbol T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "X" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
template.addTemplateParameter( T );
ITemplateFactory factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol X = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "X", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol X = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "X", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.addSymbol( X );
- ISymbol look = X.lookup( "T" );
+ ISymbol look = X.lookup( "T" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, T );
- ISymbol s = table.newSymbol( "s", TypeInfo.t_type );
+ ISymbol s = table.newSymbol( "s", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
s.setTypeSymbol( look );
s.getTypeInfo().setBit( true, TypeInfo.isStatic );
s.setIsForwardDeclaration( true );
X.addSymbol( s );
- ITemplateSymbol temp = table.newTemplateSymbol( "" );
- ISymbol paramU = table.newSymbol( "U", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ITemplateSymbol temp = table.newTemplateSymbol( "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol paramU = table.newSymbol( "U", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
temp.addTemplateParameter( paramU );
factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
@@ -1064,15 +1064,15 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
List args = new ArrayList();
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, paramU ) );
- look = factory.lookupTemplateIdForDefinition( "X", args );
+ look = factory.lookupTemplateIdForDefinition( "X", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, X );
factory.pushTemplateId( X, args );
- look = ((IContainerSymbol)look).lookupMemberForDefinition("s" );
+ look = ((IContainerSymbol)look).lookupMemberForDefinition("s" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, s );
assertTrue( look.isForwardDeclaration() );
- ISymbol newS = table.newSymbol( "s", TypeInfo.t_type );
+ ISymbol newS = table.newSymbol( "s", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
newS.setTypeSymbol( paramU );
look.setTypeSymbol( newS );
@@ -1082,12 +1082,12 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_float, 0, null ) );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "X", args );
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "X", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), X );
- look = ((IContainerSymbol)look).qualifiedLookup( "s" );
+ look = ((IContainerSymbol)look).qualifiedLookup( "s" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isType( TypeInfo.t_float ) );
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
@@ -1108,74 +1108,74 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void test_14_5_2__1_MemberTemplates() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol template1 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "string" );
- template1.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) );
+ ITemplateSymbol template1 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "string" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ template1.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
ITemplateFactory factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template1 );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol string = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "string", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol string = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "string", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.addSymbol( string );
- ITemplateSymbol template2 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "compare" );
- ISymbol T2 = table.newSymbol( "T2", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ITemplateSymbol template2 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "compare" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol T2 = table.newSymbol( "T2", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
template2.addTemplateParameter( T2 );
factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( string );
factory.pushTemplate( template2 );
- IParameterizedSymbol compare = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "compare", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol compare = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "compare", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
compare.setIsForwardDeclaration( true );
compare.addParameter( T2, 0, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_reference, true, false ), false );
- ISymbol returnType = table.newSymbol( "", TypeInfo.t_type );
+ ISymbol returnType = table.newSymbol( "", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
returnType.setTypeSymbol( T2 );
compare.setReturnType( returnType );
factory.addSymbol( compare );
- ITemplateSymbol temp = table.newTemplateSymbol( "" );
- ISymbol U = table.newSymbol( "U", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ITemplateSymbol temp = table.newTemplateSymbol( "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol U = table.newSymbol( "U", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
temp.addTemplateParameter( U );
factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( temp );
- ITemplateSymbol temp2 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "" );
- ISymbol V = table.newSymbol( "V", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ITemplateSymbol temp2 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol V = table.newSymbol( "V", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
temp2.addTemplateParameter( V );
factory.pushTemplate( temp2 );
- ISymbol lookV = factory.lookup( "V" );
+ ISymbol lookV = factory.lookup( "V" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( lookV, V );
List args = new ArrayList();
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, U ) );
- ISymbol look = factory.lookupTemplateIdForDefinition( "string", args );
+ ISymbol look = factory.lookupTemplateIdForDefinition( "string", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, string );
factory.pushTemplateId( look, args );
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, lookV, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_reference, true, false ), false ) );
- look = ((IContainerSymbol)look).lookupMethodForDefinition( "compare", args );
+ look = ((IContainerSymbol)look).lookupMethodForDefinition( "compare", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, compare );
- IParameterizedSymbol compareDef = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "compare", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol compareDef = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "compare", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
compareDef.addParameter( lookV, 0, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_reference, true, false ), false );
- ISymbol defReturn = table.newSymbol( "", TypeInfo.t_type );
+ ISymbol defReturn = table.newSymbol( "", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
defReturn.setTypeSymbol( lookV );
compareDef.setReturnType( defReturn );
compare.setTypeSymbol( compareDef );
factory.addSymbol( compareDef );
- look = compareDef.lookup( "U" );
+ look = compareDef.lookup( "U" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, U );
- ISymbol u = table.newSymbol( "u", TypeInfo.t_type );
+ ISymbol u = table.newSymbol( "u", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
u.setTypeSymbol( look );
compareDef.addSymbol( u );
@@ -1183,18 +1183,18 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null ) );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "string", args );
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "string", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), string );
- look = ((IDerivableContainerSymbol)look).lookupTemplateId( "compare", args );
+ look = ((IDerivableContainerSymbol)look).lookupTemplateId( "compare", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertTrue( look.getInstantiatedSymbol().isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol().getInstantiatedSymbol(), compareDef );
assertTrue( ((IParameterizedSymbol)look).getReturnType().isType( TypeInfo.t_int ) );
- look = ((IContainerSymbol)look).lookup( "u" );
+ look = ((IContainerSymbol)look).lookup( "u" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertTrue( look.getInstantiatedSymbol().isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol().getInstantiatedSymbol(), u );
@@ -1213,25 +1213,25 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void test_14_5_2__3_VirtualMemberFunctionTemplate() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "A" );
- template.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) );
+ ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "A" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ template.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
ITemplateFactory factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol A = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_struct );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol A = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_struct ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.addSymbol( A );
- ITemplateSymbol memberTemplate = table.newTemplateSymbol( "g" );
- ISymbol C = table.newSymbol( "C", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ITemplateSymbol memberTemplate = table.newTemplateSymbol( "g" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol C = table.newSymbol( "C", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
memberTemplate.addTemplateParameter( C );
factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( A );
factory.pushTemplate( memberTemplate );
- IParameterizedSymbol g = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "g", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol g = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "g", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
g.addParameter( C, 0, null, false );
g.getTypeInfo().setBit( true, TypeInfo.isVirtual );
@@ -1242,7 +1242,7 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
assertEquals( e.reason, ParserSymbolTableException.r_BadTemplate );
- IParameterizedSymbol f = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f.getTypeInfo().setBit( true, TypeInfo.isVirtual );
A.addSymbol( f );
@@ -1273,30 +1273,30 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
- IContainerSymbol N = table.newContainerSymbol( "N", TypeInfo.t_namespace );
+ IContainerSymbol N = table.newContainerSymbol( "N", TypeInfo.t_namespace ); //$NON-NLS-1$
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( N );
- ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "A" );
+ ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "A" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- template.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T1", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) );
- template.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T2", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) );
+ template.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T1", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ template.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T2", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IDerivableContainerSymbol A1 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol A1 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
template.addSymbol( A1 );
N.addSymbol( template );
- table.getCompilationUnit().addUsingDeclaration( "A", N );
+ table.getCompilationUnit().addUsingDeclaration( "A", N ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- ISpecializedSymbol spec = table.newSpecializedSymbol( "A" );
- ISymbol T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ISpecializedSymbol spec = table.newSpecializedSymbol( "A" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
spec.addTemplateParameter( T );
spec.addArgument( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, T ) );
spec.addArgument( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, T, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer ), false ) );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol A2 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol A2 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
spec.addSymbol( A2 );
template.addSpecialization( spec );
@@ -1304,7 +1304,7 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null ) );
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer ), false ) );
- ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args );
+ ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look != null );
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), A2 );
@@ -1330,16 +1330,16 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
- IDerivableContainerSymbol cls1 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol cls2 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol cls3 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol cls4 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol cls5 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol cls1 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol cls2 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol cls3 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol cls4 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol cls5 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- ITemplateSymbol template1 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "A" );
- ISymbol T1p1 = table.newSymbol( "T1", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
- ISymbol T1p2 = table.newSymbol( "T2", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
- ISymbol T1p3 = table.newSymbol( "I", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ITemplateSymbol template1 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "A" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol T1p1 = table.newSymbol( "T1", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol T1p2 = table.newSymbol( "T2", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol T1p3 = table.newSymbol( "I", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
T1p3.getTypeInfo().setTemplateParameterType( TypeInfo.t_int );
template1.addTemplateParameter( T1p1 );
@@ -1348,9 +1348,9 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
template1.addSymbol( cls1 );
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( template1 );
- ISpecializedSymbol template2 = table.newSpecializedSymbol( "A" );
- ISymbol T2p1 = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
- ISymbol T2p2 = table.newSymbol( "I", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ISpecializedSymbol template2 = table.newSpecializedSymbol( "A" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol T2p1 = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol T2p2 = table.newSymbol( "I", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
T2p2.getTypeInfo().setTemplateParameterType( TypeInfo.t_int );
template2.addTemplateParameter( T2p1 );
@@ -1366,10 +1366,10 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
template2.addSymbol( cls2 );
template1.addSpecialization( template2 );
- ISpecializedSymbol template3 = table.newSpecializedSymbol( "A" );
- ISymbol T3p1 = table.newSymbol( "T1", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
- ISymbol T3p2 = table.newSymbol( "T2", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
- ISymbol T3p3 = table.newSymbol( "I", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ISpecializedSymbol template3 = table.newSpecializedSymbol( "A" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol T3p1 = table.newSymbol( "T1", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol T3p2 = table.newSymbol( "T2", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol T3p3 = table.newSymbol( "I", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
T3p3.getTypeInfo().setTemplateParameterType( TypeInfo.t_int );
template3.addTemplateParameter( T3p1 );
@@ -1386,13 +1386,13 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
template3.addSymbol( cls3 );
template1.addSpecialization( template3 );
- ISpecializedSymbol template4 = table.newSpecializedSymbol( "A" );
- ISymbol T4p1 = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ISpecializedSymbol template4 = table.newSpecializedSymbol( "A" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol T4p1 = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
template4.addTemplateParameter( T4p1 );
TypeInfo T4a1 = new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null );
TypeInfo T4a2 = new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, T4p1, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer ), false );
- TypeInfo T4a3 = new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null, null, "5" );
+ TypeInfo T4a3 = new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null, null, "5" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
//T4a3.setDefault( new Integer(5) );
template4.addArgument( T4a1 );
@@ -1401,10 +1401,10 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
template4.addSymbol( cls4 );
template1.addSpecialization( template4 );
- ISpecializedSymbol template5 = table.newSpecializedSymbol( "A" );
- ISymbol T5p1 = table.newSymbol( "T1", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
- ISymbol T5p2 = table.newSymbol( "T2", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
- ISymbol T5p3 = table.newSymbol( "I", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ISpecializedSymbol template5 = table.newSpecializedSymbol( "A" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol T5p1 = table.newSymbol( "T1", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol T5p2 = table.newSymbol( "T2", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol T5p3 = table.newSymbol( "I", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
T5p3.getTypeInfo().setTemplateParameterType( TypeInfo.t_int );
template5.addTemplateParameter( T5p1 );
@@ -1421,7 +1421,7 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
template5.addSymbol( cls5 );
template1.addSpecialization( template5 );
- ITemplateSymbol a = (ITemplateSymbol) table.getCompilationUnit().lookup( "A" );
+ ITemplateSymbol a = (ITemplateSymbol) table.getCompilationUnit().lookup( "A" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( a, template1 );
ArrayList args = new ArrayList();
@@ -1437,7 +1437,7 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null ) );
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer ), false ) );
- args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null, null, "1" ) );
+ args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null, null, "1" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
IContainerSymbol a2 = (IContainerSymbol) a.instantiate( args );
assertTrue( a2.isTemplateInstance() );
@@ -1446,7 +1446,7 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null ) );
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_char, 0, null, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer ), false ) );
- args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null, null, "5" ) );
+ args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null, null, "5" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
IContainerSymbol a3 = (IContainerSymbol) a.instantiate( args );
assertTrue( a3.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( a3.getInstantiatedSymbol(), cls4 );
@@ -1454,7 +1454,7 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null ) );
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_char, 0, null, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer ), false ) );
- args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null, null, "1" ) );
+ args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null, null, "1" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
IContainerSymbol a4 = (IContainerSymbol) a.instantiate( args );
assertTrue( a4.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( a4.getInstantiatedSymbol(), cls5 );
@@ -1462,7 +1462,7 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer ), false ) );
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer ), false ) );
- args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null, null, "2" ) );
+ args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null, null, "2" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
a.instantiate( args );
@@ -1486,43 +1486,43 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void test_14_5_5_2__5_OrderingFunctionTemplates_1() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol template1 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "f" );
- template1.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) );
+ ITemplateSymbol template1 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "f" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ template1.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
ITemplateFactory factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template1 );
- ISymbol T = template1.lookup( "T" );
- IParameterizedSymbol f1 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ ISymbol T = template1.lookup( "T" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IParameterizedSymbol f1 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f1.addParameter( T, 0, null, false );
factory.addSymbol( f1 );
- ITemplateSymbol template2 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "f" );
- template2.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) );
+ ITemplateSymbol template2 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "f" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ template2.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template2 );
- T = template2.lookup( "T" );
- IParameterizedSymbol f2 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ T = template2.lookup( "T" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IParameterizedSymbol f2 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f2.addParameter( T, 0, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer ), false );
factory.addSymbol( f2 );
- ITemplateSymbol template3 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "f" );
- template3.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) );
+ ITemplateSymbol template3 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "f" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ template3.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template3 );
- T = template3.lookup( "T" );
- IParameterizedSymbol f3 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ T = template3.lookup( "T" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IParameterizedSymbol f3 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f3.addParameter( T, TypeInfo.isConst, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer, false, false ), false );
factory.addSymbol( f3 );
- ISymbol p = table.newSymbol( "p", TypeInfo.t_int );
+ ISymbol p = table.newSymbol( "p", TypeInfo.t_int ); //$NON-NLS-1$
p.getTypeInfo().setBit( true, TypeInfo.isConst );
p.addPtrOperator( new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer, false, false ) );
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( p );
@@ -1530,7 +1530,7 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
List params = new ArrayList();
params.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, p ) );
- ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", params );
+ ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", params ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), f3 );
@@ -1547,35 +1547,35 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void test_14_5_5_2__5_OrderingFunctionTemplates_2() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol template1 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "g" );
- template1.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) );
+ ITemplateSymbol template1 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "g" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ template1.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
ITemplateFactory factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template1 );
- ISymbol T = template1.lookup( "T" );
- IParameterizedSymbol g1 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "g", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ ISymbol T = template1.lookup( "T" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IParameterizedSymbol g1 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "g", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
g1.addParameter( T, 0, null, false );
factory.addSymbol( g1 );
- ITemplateSymbol template2 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "g" );
- template2.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) );
+ ITemplateSymbol template2 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "g" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ template2.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template2 );
- T = template2.lookup( "T" );
- IParameterizedSymbol g2 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "g", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ T = template2.lookup( "T" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IParameterizedSymbol g2 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "g", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
g2.addParameter( T, 0, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_reference ), false );
factory.addSymbol( g2 );
- ISymbol x = table.newSymbol( "x", TypeInfo.t_float );
+ ISymbol x = table.newSymbol( "x", TypeInfo.t_float ); //$NON-NLS-1$
List params = new ArrayList();
params.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, x ) );
- table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "g", params );
+ table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "g", params ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( false );
} catch( ParserSymbolTableException e ){
assertEquals( e.reason, ParserSymbolTableException.r_Ambiguous );
@@ -1598,59 +1598,59 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void test_14_5_5_2__5_OrderingFunctionTemplates_3() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol templateA = table.newTemplateSymbol( "A" );
- templateA.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) );
+ ITemplateSymbol templateA = table.newTemplateSymbol( "A" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ templateA.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
ITemplateFactory factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( templateA );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol A = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_struct );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol A = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_struct ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.addSymbol( A );
- ITemplateSymbol template1 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "h" );
- template1.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) );
+ ITemplateSymbol template1 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "h" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ template1.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template1 );
- ISymbol T = template1.lookup( "T" );
- IParameterizedSymbol h1 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "h", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ ISymbol T = template1.lookup( "T" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IParameterizedSymbol h1 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "h", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
h1.addParameter( T, TypeInfo.isConst, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_reference, false, false ),false );
factory.addSymbol( h1 );
- ITemplateSymbol template2 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "h" );
- template2.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) );
+ ITemplateSymbol template2 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "h" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ template2.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template2 );
- T = template2.lookup( "T" );
+ T = template2.lookup( "T" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IParameterizedSymbol h2 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "h", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol h2 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "h", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
List argList = new ArrayList();
argList.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, T ) );
h2.addParameter( templateA.instantiate( argList ), 0, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_reference ), false );
factory.addSymbol( h2 );
- ISymbol z = table.newSymbol( "z", TypeInfo.t_type );
+ ISymbol z = table.newSymbol( "z", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
List args = new ArrayList();
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null ) );
- ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args );
+ ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), A );
z.setTypeSymbol( look );
List params = new ArrayList();
params.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, z ) );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "h", params );
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "h", params ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), h2 );
- ISymbol z2 = table.newSymbol( "z2", TypeInfo.t_type );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args );
+ ISymbol z2 = table.newSymbol( "z2", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), A );
z2.setTypeSymbol( look );
@@ -1658,7 +1658,7 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
params.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, z2 ) );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "h", params );
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "h", params ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), h1 );
@@ -1677,18 +1677,18 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void test_14_6_1__1_TemplateName() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "X" );
- ISymbol T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "X" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
template.addTemplateParameter( T );
ITemplateFactory factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol X = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "X", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol X = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "X", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.addSymbol( X );
- ISymbol look = X.lookup( "X" );
+ ISymbol look = X.lookup( "X" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look != null );
assertTrue( look instanceof IDeferredTemplateInstance );
@@ -1716,23 +1716,23 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void test_14_6_1__2_SpecializationName() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "Y" );
- ISymbol T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "Y" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
template.addTemplateParameter( T );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol Y1 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "Y", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol Y1 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "Y", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
template.addSymbol( Y1 );
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( template );
- ISpecializedSymbol spec = table.newSpecializedSymbol( "Y" );
+ ISpecializedSymbol spec = table.newSpecializedSymbol( "Y" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
spec.addArgument( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null ) );
template.addSpecialization( spec );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol Y2 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "Y", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol Y2 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "Y", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
spec.addSymbol( Y2 );
- ISymbol look = Y2.lookup( "Y" );
+ ISymbol look = Y2.lookup( "Y" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look != null );
assertTrue( look instanceof IDeferredTemplateInstance );
IDeferredTemplateInstance deferred = (IDeferredTemplateInstance) look;
@@ -1761,10 +1761,10 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void test_14_6_1__4_ParameterRedeclaration() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "Y" );
- template.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) );
+ ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "Y" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ template.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- ISymbol i = table.newSymbol( "i", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ISymbol i = table.newSymbol( "i", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
i.getTypeInfo().setTemplateParameterType( TypeInfo.t_int );
template.addTemplateParameter( i );
@@ -1772,10 +1772,10 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol Y = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "Y", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol Y = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "Y", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.addSymbol( Y );
- ISymbol T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_int );
+ ISymbol T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_int ); //$NON-NLS-1$
Y.addSymbol( T );
assertTrue( false );
@@ -1783,19 +1783,19 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
assertEquals( e.reason, ParserSymbolTableException.r_RedeclaredTemplateParam );
- IParameterizedSymbol f = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
Y.addSymbol( f );
- f.addSymbol( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_char ) );
+ f.addSymbol( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_char ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( false );
} catch ( ParserSymbolTableException e ){
assertEquals( e.reason, ParserSymbolTableException.r_RedeclaredTemplateParam );
- ITemplateSymbol template2 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "X" );
+ ITemplateSymbol template2 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "X" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- template2.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "X", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) );
+ template2.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "X", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( false );
} catch( ParserSymbolTableException e ){
assertEquals( e.reason, ParserSymbolTableException.r_BadTemplateParameter );
@@ -1822,23 +1822,23 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void test_14_7_3__5_ExplicitSpecialization() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "A" );
- ISymbol T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "A" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
template.addTemplateParameter( T );
ITemplateFactory factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol A = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_struct );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol A = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_struct ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.addSymbol( A );
- IParameterizedSymbol f = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f.addParameter( T, 0, null, false );
A.addSymbol( f );
- ITemplateSymbol temp = table.newTemplateSymbol( "" );
+ ITemplateSymbol temp = table.newTemplateSymbol( "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( temp );
@@ -1850,31 +1850,31 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
ITemplateSymbol templateSpec = table.newTemplateSymbol( ParserSymbolTable.EMPTY_NAME );
factory.pushTemplate( templateSpec );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol ASpec = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_struct );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol ASpec = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_struct ); //$NON-NLS-1$
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null ) );
factory.addTemplateId( ASpec, args );
- IParameterizedSymbol f2 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f2 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f2.addParameter( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null, false );
f2.setIsForwardDeclaration( true );
ASpec.addSymbol( f2 );
- IParameterizedSymbol f3 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f3 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f3.addParameter( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null, false );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol look = (IDerivableContainerSymbol) table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol look = (IDerivableContainerSymbol) table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), ASpec );
- ISymbol flook = look.lookupMethodForDefinition( "f", args );
+ ISymbol flook = look.lookupMethodForDefinition( "f", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( flook.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( flook.getInstantiatedSymbol(), f2 );
flook.setTypeSymbol( f3 );
look.addSymbol( f3 );
- look = (IDerivableContainerSymbol) table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args );
- flook = look.qualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", args );
+ look = (IDerivableContainerSymbol) table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ flook = look.qualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( flook, f3 );
@@ -1890,57 +1890,57 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void test_14_7_3__11_ExplicitSpecializationArgumentDeduction() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol templateArray = table.newTemplateSymbol( "Array" );
- templateArray.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) );
+ ITemplateSymbol templateArray = table.newTemplateSymbol( "Array" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ templateArray.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
ITemplateFactory factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( templateArray );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol array = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "Array", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol array = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "Array", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.addSymbol( array );
- ITemplateSymbol templateSort = table.newTemplateSymbol( "sort" );
- ISymbol T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ITemplateSymbol templateSort = table.newTemplateSymbol( "sort" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
templateSort.addTemplateParameter( T );
factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( templateSort );
- IParameterizedSymbol sort = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "sort", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol sort = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "sort", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
List args = new ArrayList();
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, T ) );
- ISymbol arrayLook = factory.lookupTemplateId( "Array", args );
+ ISymbol arrayLook = factory.lookupTemplateId( "Array", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
sort.addParameter( arrayLook, 0, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_reference ), false );
factory.addSymbol( sort );
- ITemplateSymbol temp = table.newTemplateSymbol( "" );
+ ITemplateSymbol temp = table.newTemplateSymbol( "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( temp );
- IParameterizedSymbol newSort = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "sort", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol newSort = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "sort", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null ) );
- arrayLook = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "Array", args );
+ arrayLook = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "Array", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( arrayLook.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( arrayLook.getInstantiatedSymbol(), array );
newSort.addParameter( arrayLook, 0, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_reference ), false );
factory.addSymbol( newSort );
- ISymbol a = table.newSymbol( "a", TypeInfo.t_type );
+ ISymbol a = table.newSymbol( "a", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
a.setTypeSymbol( arrayLook );
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, a ) );
- ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "sort", args );
+ ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "sort", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), newSort );
@@ -1963,28 +1963,28 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void test_14_7_3__12_ExplicitSpecializationOverloadedFunction() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol template1 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "f" );
- ISymbol T1 = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ITemplateSymbol template1 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "f" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol T1 = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
template1.addTemplateParameter( T1 );
ITemplateFactory factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template1 );
- IParameterizedSymbol f1 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f1 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f1.addParameter( T1, 0, null, false );
factory.addSymbol( f1 );
- ITemplateSymbol template2 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "f" );
- ISymbol T2 = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ITemplateSymbol template2 = table.newTemplateSymbol( "f" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol T2 = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
template2.addTemplateParameter( T2 );
factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template2 );
- IParameterizedSymbol f2 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f2 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f2.addParameter( T2, 0, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer ), false );
factory.addSymbol( f2 );
@@ -1994,7 +1994,7 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template );
- IParameterizedSymbol f3 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f3 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f3.addParameter( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer ), false );
List args = new ArrayList();
@@ -2009,7 +2009,7 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template );
- IParameterizedSymbol f4 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f4 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f4.addParameter( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer ), false );
factory.addTemplateId( f4, args );
@@ -2021,14 +2021,14 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template );
- IParameterizedSymbol f5 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f5 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f5.addParameter( TypeInfo.t_char, 0, null, false );
factory.addSymbol( f5 );
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_char, 0, null ) );
- ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", args );
+ ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), f5 );
@@ -2051,23 +2051,23 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void test_14_8_2_4__5_ArgumentDeduction() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "f" );
- ISymbol T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "f" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
template.addTemplateParameter( T );
ITemplateFactory factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template );
- IParameterizedSymbol f = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- ISymbol lookT = template.lookup( "T" );
+ ISymbol lookT = template.lookup( "T" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( lookT, T );
- ISymbol paramX = table.newSymbol( "x", TypeInfo.t_type );
+ ISymbol paramX = table.newSymbol( "x", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
paramX.setTypeSymbol( lookT );
- ISymbol paramY = table.newSymbol( "y", TypeInfo.t_type );
+ ISymbol paramY = table.newSymbol( "y", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
paramY.setTypeSymbol( lookT );
f.addParameter( paramX );
@@ -2075,17 +2075,17 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
factory.addSymbol( f );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol A = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_struct );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol A = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_struct ); //$NON-NLS-1$
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( A );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol B = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "B", TypeInfo.t_struct );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol B = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "B", TypeInfo.t_struct ); //$NON-NLS-1$
B.addParent( A );
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( B );
- ISymbol a = table.newSymbol( "a", TypeInfo.t_type );
+ ISymbol a = table.newSymbol( "a", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
a.setTypeSymbol( A );
- ISymbol b = table.newSymbol( "b", TypeInfo.t_type );
+ ISymbol b = table.newSymbol( "b", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
b.setTypeSymbol( B );
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( a );
@@ -2097,26 +2097,26 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
argList.add( aParam );
argList.add( bParam );
- ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", argList );
+ ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", argList ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, null );
argList.add( bParam );
argList.add( aParam );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", argList );
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", argList ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, null );
argList.add( aParam );
argList.add( aParam );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", argList );
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", argList ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), f );
argList.add( bParam );
argList.add( bParam );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", argList );
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", argList ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance());
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), f );
@@ -2136,49 +2136,49 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void test_14_8_2_4__6_ArgumentDeduction() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "f" );
+ ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "f" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- template.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) );
- template.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "U", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) );
+ template.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ template.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "U", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
ITemplateFactory factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template );
- IParameterizedSymbol paramFunction = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol paramFunction = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
paramFunction.setIsTemplateMember( true );
- ISymbol T = template.lookup( "T" );
- ISymbol U = template.lookup( "U" );
+ ISymbol T = template.lookup( "T" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol U = template.lookup( "U" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
paramFunction.setReturnType( T );
paramFunction.addParameter( T, 0, null, false );
paramFunction.addParameter( U, 0, null, false );
paramFunction.addParameter( U, 0, null, false );
- IParameterizedSymbol f = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f.addParameter( paramFunction, 0, null, false );
factory.addSymbol( f );
- IParameterizedSymbol g1 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "g1", TypeInfo.t_function );
- g1.setReturnType( table.newSymbol( "", TypeInfo.t_int ) );
+ IParameterizedSymbol g1 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "g1", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ g1.setReturnType( table.newSymbol( "", TypeInfo.t_int ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
g1.addParameter( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null, false );
g1.addParameter( TypeInfo.t_float, 0, null, false );
g1.addParameter( TypeInfo.t_float, 0, null, false );
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( g1 );
- IParameterizedSymbol g2 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "g2", TypeInfo.t_function );
- g2.setReturnType( table.newSymbol( "", TypeInfo.t_char ) );
+ IParameterizedSymbol g2 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "g2", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ g2.setReturnType( table.newSymbol( "", TypeInfo.t_char ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
g2.addParameter( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null, false );
g2.addParameter( TypeInfo.t_float, 0, null, false );
g2.addParameter( TypeInfo.t_float, 0, null, false );
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( g2);
- IParameterizedSymbol g3 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "g3", TypeInfo.t_function );
- g3.setReturnType( table.newSymbol( "", TypeInfo.t_int ) );
+ IParameterizedSymbol g3 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "g3", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ g3.setReturnType( table.newSymbol( "", TypeInfo.t_int ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
g3.addParameter( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null, false );
g3.addParameter( TypeInfo.t_char, 0, null, false );
g3.addParameter( TypeInfo.t_float, 0, null, false );
@@ -2189,16 +2189,16 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
List argList = new ArrayList();
argList.add( arg );
- ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", argList );
+ ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", argList ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), f );
arg.setTypeSymbol( g2 );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", argList );
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", argList ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, null );
arg.setTypeSymbol( g3 );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", argList );
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", argList ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, null );
@@ -2213,24 +2213,24 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void test_14_8_2_4__7_ArgumentDeduction() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "f" );
- ISymbol T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "f" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
template.addTemplateParameter( T );
ITemplateFactory factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template );
- IParameterizedSymbol f = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f.addParameter( T, 0, new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer, true, false ), false );
factory.addSymbol( f );
- ISymbol p = table.newSymbol( "p", TypeInfo.t_int );
+ ISymbol p = table.newSymbol( "p", TypeInfo.t_int ); //$NON-NLS-1$
p.addPtrOperator( new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_pointer ) );
List params = new ArrayList();
params.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, p ) );
- ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", params );
+ ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", params ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look != null );
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
@@ -2270,40 +2270,40 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
public void test_14_8_2_4__8_ArgumentDeduction() throws Exception{
- ITemplateSymbol templateB = table.newTemplateSymbol( "B" );
- templateB.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) );
+ ITemplateSymbol templateB = table.newTemplateSymbol( "B" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ templateB.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
ITemplateFactory factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( templateB );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol B = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "B", TypeInfo.t_struct );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol B = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "B", TypeInfo.t_struct ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.addSymbol( B );
- ITemplateSymbol templateD = table.newTemplateSymbol( "D" );
- templateD.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) );
+ ITemplateSymbol templateD = table.newTemplateSymbol( "D" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ templateD.addTemplateParameter( table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( templateD );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol D = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "D", TypeInfo.t_struct );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol D = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "D", TypeInfo.t_struct ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.addSymbol( D );
- ISymbol T = templateD.lookup( "T" );
+ ISymbol T = templateD.lookup( "T" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
List args = new ArrayList ();
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, T ) );
- ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "B", args );
+ ISymbol look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "B", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look instanceof IDeferredTemplateInstance );
assertEquals( ((IDeferredTemplateInstance)look).getTemplate(), templateB );
D.addParent( look );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol D2 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "D2", TypeInfo.t_struct );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol D2 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "D2", TypeInfo.t_struct ); //$NON-NLS-1$
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null ) );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "B", args );
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "B", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), B );
@@ -2311,55 +2311,55 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( D2 );
- ITemplateSymbol templatef = table.newTemplateSymbol( "f" );
- T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ITemplateSymbol templatef = table.newTemplateSymbol( "f" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
templatef.addTemplateParameter( T );
factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( templatef );
- IParameterizedSymbol f = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, T ) );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "B", args );
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "B", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look instanceof IDeferredTemplateInstance );
assertEquals( ((IDeferredTemplateInstance)look).getTemplate(), templateB );
- ISymbol param = table.newSymbol( "", TypeInfo.t_type );
+ ISymbol param = table.newSymbol( "", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
param.setTypeSymbol( look );
param.addPtrOperator( new PtrOp( PtrOp.t_reference ) );
f.addParameter( param );
factory.addSymbol( f );
- ISymbol d = table.newSymbol( "d", TypeInfo.t_type );
+ ISymbol d = table.newSymbol( "d", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null ) );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "D", args );
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "D", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), D );
d.setTypeSymbol( look );
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( d );
- ISymbol d2 = table.newSymbol( "d2", TypeInfo.t_type );
+ ISymbol d2 = table.newSymbol( "d2", TypeInfo.t_type ); //$NON-NLS-1$
d2.setTypeSymbol( D2 );
table.getCompilationUnit().addSymbol( d2 );
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, d ) );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", args );
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look != null );
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), f );
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, d2 ) );
- ISymbol look2 = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", args );
+ ISymbol look2 = table.getCompilationUnit().unqualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look2 != null );
assertTrue( look2.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look2.getInstantiatedSymbol(), f );
@@ -2404,9 +2404,9 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
//template < class T1, class T2 > class A { void f(); };
- ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "A" );
- ISymbol T1 = table.newSymbol( "T1", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
- ISymbol T2 = table.newSymbol( "T2", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ITemplateSymbol template = table.newTemplateSymbol( "A" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol T1 = table.newSymbol( "T1", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol T2 = table.newSymbol( "T2", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
template.addTemplateParameter( T1 );
template.addTemplateParameter( T2 );
@@ -2414,16 +2414,16 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
factory.setContainingSymbol( table.getCompilationUnit() );
factory.pushTemplate( template );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol A1 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol A1 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.addSymbol( A1 );
- IParameterizedSymbol f1 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f1 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f1.setIsForwardDeclaration( true );
A1.addSymbol( f1 );
//template < class T > class A < T, T > { void f(); };
- ITemplateSymbol spec1 = table.newTemplateSymbol("");
- ISymbol spec1_T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ITemplateSymbol spec1 = table.newTemplateSymbol(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol spec1_T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
spec1.addTemplateParameter( spec1_T );
factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
@@ -2434,16 +2434,16 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, spec1_T ) );
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, spec1_T ) );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol A2 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol A2 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.addTemplateId( A2, args );
- IParameterizedSymbol f2 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f2 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f2.setIsForwardDeclaration( true );
A2.addSymbol( f2 );
//template < class T > class A < char, T > { void f(); };
- ITemplateSymbol spec2 = table.newTemplateSymbol("");
- ISymbol spec2_T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ITemplateSymbol spec2 = table.newTemplateSymbol(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol spec2_T = table.newSymbol( "T", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
spec2.addTemplateParameter( spec2_T );
factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
@@ -2454,17 +2454,17 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_char, 0, null ) );
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, spec2_T ) );
- IDerivableContainerSymbol A3 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class );
+ IDerivableContainerSymbol A3 = table.newDerivableContainerSymbol( "A", TypeInfo.t_class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.addTemplateId( A3, args );
- IParameterizedSymbol f3 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f3 = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f3.setIsForwardDeclaration( true );
A3.addSymbol( f3 );
//template < class U, class V > void A<U, V>::f(){ int c; }
- ITemplateSymbol templateDef = table.newTemplateSymbol("");
- ISymbol U = table.newSymbol( "U", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
- ISymbol V = table.newSymbol( "V", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ITemplateSymbol templateDef = table.newTemplateSymbol(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol U = table.newSymbol( "U", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol V = table.newSymbol( "V", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
templateDef.addTemplateParameter( U );
templateDef.addTemplateParameter( V );
@@ -2476,22 +2476,22 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, U ) );
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, V ) );
- ISymbol symbol = factory.lookupTemplateId( "A", args );
+ ISymbol symbol = factory.lookupTemplateId( "A", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( ((IDeferredTemplateInstance)symbol).getTemplate(), template );
factory.pushTemplateId( symbol, args );
- ISymbol look = factory.lookupMethodForDefinition( "f", new ArrayList() );
+ ISymbol look = factory.lookupMethodForDefinition( "f", new ArrayList() ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, f1 );
- IParameterizedSymbol f1Def = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f1Def = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f1.setTypeSymbol( f1Def );
factory.addSymbol( f1Def );
- ISymbol c1 = table.newSymbol( "c", TypeInfo.t_int );
+ ISymbol c1 = table.newSymbol( "c", TypeInfo.t_int ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f1Def.addSymbol( c1 );
//template < class W > void A < W, W >::f(){ char c; }
- ITemplateSymbol specDef1 = table.newTemplateSymbol("");
- ISymbol W = table.newSymbol( "W", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ITemplateSymbol specDef1 = table.newTemplateSymbol(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol W = table.newSymbol( "W", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
specDef1.addTemplateParameter( W );
factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
@@ -2502,21 +2502,21 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, W ) );
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, W ) );
- symbol = factory.lookupTemplateId( "A", args );
+ symbol = factory.lookupTemplateId( "A", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.pushTemplateId( symbol, args );
- look = factory.lookupMethodForDefinition( "f", new ArrayList() );
+ look = factory.lookupMethodForDefinition( "f", new ArrayList() ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, f2 );
- IParameterizedSymbol f2Def = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f2Def = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f2.setTypeSymbol( f2Def );
factory.addSymbol( f2Def );
- ISymbol c2 = table.newSymbol( "c", TypeInfo.t_char );
+ ISymbol c2 = table.newSymbol( "c", TypeInfo.t_char ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f2Def.addSymbol( c2 );
//template < class X > void < char, X >::f(){ float c; }
- ITemplateSymbol specDef2 = table.newTemplateSymbol("");
- ISymbol X = table.newSymbol( "X", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter );
+ ITemplateSymbol specDef2 = table.newTemplateSymbol(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ISymbol X = table.newSymbol( "X", TypeInfo.t_templateParameter ); //$NON-NLS-1$
specDef2.addTemplateParameter( X );
factory = table.newTemplateFactory();
@@ -2527,16 +2527,16 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_char, 0, null ) );
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_type, 0, X ) );
- symbol = factory.lookupTemplateId( "A", args );
+ symbol = factory.lookupTemplateId( "A", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
factory.pushTemplateId( symbol, args );
- look = factory.lookupMethodForDefinition( "f", new ArrayList() );
+ look = factory.lookupMethodForDefinition( "f", new ArrayList() ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertEquals( look, f3 );
- IParameterizedSymbol f3Def = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function );
+ IParameterizedSymbol f3Def = table.newParameterizedSymbol( "f", TypeInfo.t_function ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f3.setTypeSymbol( f3Def );
factory.addSymbol( f3Def );
- ISymbol c3 = table.newSymbol( "c", TypeInfo.t_float );
+ ISymbol c3 = table.newSymbol( "c", TypeInfo.t_float ); //$NON-NLS-1$
f3Def.addSymbol( c3 );
//A< int, char > a1;
@@ -2544,15 +2544,15 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null ) );
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_char, 0, null ) );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args );
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), A1 );
- look = ((IContainerSymbol)look).qualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", new ArrayList() );
+ look = ((IContainerSymbol)look).qualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", new ArrayList() ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), f1Def );
- look = ((IContainerSymbol)look).qualifiedLookup( "c" );
+ look = ((IContainerSymbol)look).qualifiedLookup( "c" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), c1 );
assertTrue( look.isType( TypeInfo.t_int ) );
@@ -2562,15 +2562,15 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null ) );
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null ) );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args );
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), A2 );
- look = ((IContainerSymbol)look).qualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", new ArrayList() );
+ look = ((IContainerSymbol)look).qualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", new ArrayList() ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), f2Def );
- look = ((IContainerSymbol)look).qualifiedLookup( "c" );
+ look = ((IContainerSymbol)look).qualifiedLookup( "c" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), c2 );
assertTrue( look.isType( TypeInfo.t_char ) );
@@ -2580,15 +2580,15 @@ public class ParserSymbolTableTemplateTests extends TestCase {
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_char, 0, null ) );
args.add( new TypeInfo( TypeInfo.t_int, 0, null ) );
- look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args );
+ look = table.getCompilationUnit().lookupTemplateId( "A", args ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), A3 );
- look = ((IContainerSymbol)look).qualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", new ArrayList() );
+ look = ((IContainerSymbol)look).qualifiedFunctionLookup( "f", new ArrayList() ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), f3Def );
- look = ((IContainerSymbol)look).qualifiedLookup( "c" );
+ look = ((IContainerSymbol)look).qualifiedLookup( "c" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue( look.isTemplateInstance() );
assertEquals( look.getInstantiatedSymbol(), c3 );
assertTrue( look.isType( TypeInfo.t_float ) );

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