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blob: e82f0fee629bb2fbef5256476220888e7e531695 (plain) (tree)

























# Copyright (c) 2002, 2005 Rational Software Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Rational Software - Initial API and implementation

# Generated makefile builder messages
ManagedMakeBuilder.message.starting = Starting the build for project {0}
ManagedMakeBuilder.message.rebuild.makefiles = Regenerating makefiles for project {0}
ManagedMakeBuilder.message.update.makefiles = Updating makefiles for project {0}
ManagedMakeBuilder.message.incremental = Updating makefiles for project {0}
ManagedMakeBuilder.message.updating = Updating project files...
ManagedMakeBuilder.message.make = Calling {0} for project {1}
ManagedMakeBuilder.message.regen.deps = Regenerating dependency files for {0}
ManagedMakeBuilder.message.updating.deps = Updating dependency files for {0}
ManagedMakeBuilder.message.creating.markers = Generating markers...
ManagedMakeBuilder.message.console.header = **** {0} of configuration {1} for project {2} **** = Nothing to build for {0}
ManagedMakeBuilder.message.error = Build error
ManagedMakeBuilder.message.error.refresh = Error refreshing project 
ManagedMakeBuilder.message.finished = Build complete for project {0}
ManagedMakeBuilder.message.clean.deleting.output=Removing build artifacts from {0} a make clean in {0}
ManagedMakeBuilder.type.clean = Clean-only build
ManagedMakeBuider.type.incremental = Build
ManagedMakeBuilder.warning.unsupported.configuration=****  WARNING: The "{0}" Configuration may not build  ****\n****  because it uses the "{1}"  ****\n****  tool-chain that is unsupported on this system.  ****\n\n****  Attempting to build...  **** 

# Option exception messages
Option.error.bad_value_type=Bad value for type

# Managed build manager exception messages
ManagedBuildManager.error.owner_not_null=addTarget: owner not null
ManagedBuildManager.error.null_owner=addTarget: null owner
ManagedBuildManager.error.owner_not_project=addTarget: owner not project
ManagedBuildManager.error.manifest_load_failed_title=Managed Build System Version Error
ManagedBuildManager.error.manifest.version.error=The version number defined in the plugin manifest file\n{0}\nis greater than the version of the Managed Build System.\nThe definitions in the manifest file will not be loaded.
ManagedBuildManager.error.manifest.header=Managed Build system manifest file error: 
ManagedBuildManager.error.manifest.resolving=Unable to resolve the {0} identifier {1} in the {2} {3}.
ManagedBuildManager.error.manifest.duplicate=Duplicate identifier {1} for element type {0}.
ManagedBuildManager.error.manifest.icon=Could not load icon "{0}".
ManagedBuildManager.error.manifest.option.category=Option {0} uses a null category that is invalid in its context. The option was ignored.
ManagedBuildManager.error.manifest.option.filter=Option {0} uses an unsupported resourceFilter attribute value. The option was ignored.
ManagedBuildManager.error.manifest.option.valuehandler=Could not load value handler {0} in option {1}.
ManagedBuildManager.error.open_failed_title=Managed Make Project File Error
ManagedBuildManager.error.open_failed=The Managed Make project file could not be read because of the following error:\n\n{0}\n\nManaged Make functionality will not be available for this project.
ManagedBuildManager.error.write_failed_title=Managed Make Project File Write Error
ManagedBuildManager.error.write_failed=The Managed Make project file could not be written because of the following error:\n\n{0}\n
ManagedBuildManager.error.read_only=File {0} is read-only.
ManagedBuildManager.error.project.version.error=The version number of the project {0} is greater than the Managed Build System version number. loading Managed Make project information for project {0}.  The tool definitions used to create the project are not available.
ManagedBuildManager.error.project.file.missing=The Managed Make project file for project {0} is missing.
# Makefile Generator Messages
MakefileGenerator.message.start.file=Building file:
MakefileGenerator.message.finish.file=Finished building: target: building target: tool found that can build the extension specified with the build arrtifact name
MakefileGenerator.message.adding.source.folder=Adding folder {0} to sources
MakefileGenerator.message.gen.source.makefile=Generating makefile for source folder {0} the delta for project {0}
MakefileGenerator.message.finding.sources=Finding source files in project {0}
MakefileGenerator.comment.module.list = Every subdirectory with source files must be described here
MakefileGenerator.comment.module.variables = Add inputs and outputs from these tool invocations to the build variables 
MakefileGenerator.comment.source.list = All of the sources participating in the build are defined here = Each subdirectory must supply rules for building sources it contributes = Tool invocations = All Target = Main-build Target = Other Targets
MakefileGenerator.comment.module.make.includes = Include the makefiles for each source subdirectory
MakefileGenerator.comment.module.dep.includes = Include automatically-generated dependency list:
MakefileGenerator.comment.autodeps=Automatically-generated dependency list:
MakefileGenerator.comment.header=Automatically-generated file. Do not edit!
MakefileGenerator.error.spaces=Cannot generate makefile for folder with spaces in name to build for project {0} nameProvider or outputNames must be specified with multipleType == true

ManagedBuildInfo.message.job.init = Initializing path container for {0}
ManagedBuildInfo.message.init.ok = Initializing path container succeeded for {0}

# Default GNU Makefile Generator messages
GnuMakefileGenerator.message.postproc.dep.file=Verifying contents of dependency file {0}

# Tool strings
#Environment loader messages
StorableEnvironmentLoader.storeOutputStream.wrong.arguments=Wrong arguments

#User Defined Macro Supplier
UserDefinedMacroSupplier.storeOutputStream.wrong.arguments=Failed to persist macros: Wrong arguments

# BuildMacroStatus messages
BuildMacroStatus.status.macro.undefined=Macro {0} is undefined
BuildMacroStatus.status.reference.eachother=Macros {0} and {1} reference each other
BuildMacroStatus.status.reference.incorrect=Macro {0} reference is incorrect
BuildMacroStatus.status.macro.not.string=Macro {0} is not of String type
BuildMacroStatus.status.macro.not.stringlist=Macro {0} is not of String-list type
BuildMacroStatus.status.error=Error occured

#ResourceChangeHandler messages
ResourceChangeHandler.buildInfoSerializationJob=Build Info Serialization

#ManagedBuilderCorePlugin messages
ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.resourceChangeHandlingInitializationJob=Initializing Resource Change Handling

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