/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2013, 2015 Eike Stepper (Berlin, Germany) and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Eike Stepper - initial API and implementation * Stefan Winkler - bug 271444: [DB] Multiple refactorings * Stefan Winkler - bug 275303: [DB] DBStore does not handle BIG_INTEGER and BIG_DECIMAL * Kai Schlamp - bug 282976: [DB] Influence Mappings through EAnnotations * Stefan Winkler - bug 282976: [DB] Influence Mappings through EAnnotations * Stefan Winkler - bug 285270: [DB] Support XSD based models * Stefan Winkler - Bug 285426: [DB] Implement user-defined typeMapping support */ package org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.db.mapping; import org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.revision.CDORevisionData; import org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.internal.db.DBAnnotation; import org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.internal.db.MetaDataManager; import org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.internal.db.bundle.OM; import org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.internal.db.mapping.TypeMappingRegistry; import org.eclipse.emf.cdo.spi.common.revision.InternalCDORevision; import org.eclipse.net4j.db.DBType; import org.eclipse.net4j.db.IDBAdapter; import org.eclipse.net4j.db.IDBPreparedStatement; import org.eclipse.net4j.db.ddl.IDBField; import org.eclipse.net4j.db.ddl.IDBTable; import org.eclipse.net4j.util.container.IManagedContainer; import org.eclipse.net4j.util.om.trace.ContextTracer; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.MessageFormat; /** * This is a default implementation for the {@link ITypeMapping} interface which provides default behavor for all common * types. Implementors should provide a constructor which the factory (see below) can use and implement * {@link #getResultSetValue(ResultSet)}. If needed, {@link #doSetValue(PreparedStatement, int, Object)} can also be * overridden as a counterpart to {@link #getResultSetValue(ResultSet)}. Finally, an implementor should also implement a * suitable factory for the {@link TypeMappingRegistry} and register it either manually using * {@link IManagedContainer#registerFactory(org.eclipse.net4j.util.factory.IFactory)} or using the Net4j Extension Point * factories. * * @author Eike Stepper * @author Stefan Winkler * @since 4.0 */ public abstract class AbstractTypeMapping implements ITypeMapping { private static final ContextTracer TRACER = new ContextTracer(OM.DEBUG, AbstractTypeMapping.class); private IMappingStrategy mappingStrategy; private EStructuralFeature feature; private DBType dbType; private IDBField field; /** * Create a new type mapping */ public AbstractTypeMapping() { } public final IMappingStrategy getMappingStrategy() { return mappingStrategy; } public final void setMappingStrategy(IMappingStrategy mappingStrategy) { this.mappingStrategy = mappingStrategy; } public final EStructuralFeature getFeature() { return feature; } public final void setFeature(EStructuralFeature feature) { this.feature = feature; } public final void setDBType(DBType dbType) { this.dbType = dbType; } public DBType getDBType() { return dbType; } public final void setValueFromRevision(PreparedStatement stmt, int index, InternalCDORevision revision) throws SQLException { setValue(stmt, index, getRevisionValue(revision)); } public final void setDefaultValue(PreparedStatement stmt, int index) throws SQLException { setValue(stmt, index, getDefaultValue()); } public final void setValue(PreparedStatement stmt, int index, Object value) throws SQLException { if (value == CDORevisionData.NIL) { if (TRACER.isEnabled()) { TRACER.format("TypeMapping for {0}: converting Revision.NIL to DB-null", feature.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } stmt.setNull(index, getSqlType()); } else if (value == null) { if (feature.isMany() || getDefaultValue() == null) { if (TRACER.isEnabled()) { TRACER.format("TypeMapping for {0}: writing Revision.null as DB.null", feature.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } stmt.setNull(index, getSqlType()); } else { if (TRACER.isEnabled()) { TRACER.format("TypeMapping for {0}: converting Revision.null to default value", feature.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } setDefaultValue(stmt, index); } } else { doSetValue(stmt, index, value); } } @Deprecated public final void createDBField(IDBTable table) { createDBField(table, mappingStrategy.getFieldName(feature)); } public final void createDBField(IDBTable table, String fieldName) { DBType fieldType = getDBType(); int fieldLength = getDBLength(fieldType); field = table.addField(fieldName, fieldType, fieldLength); } public final IDBField getField() { return field; } public final void setDBField(IDBTable table, String fieldName) { field = table.getFieldSafe(fieldName); } public final void readValueToRevision(ResultSet resultSet, InternalCDORevision revision) throws SQLException { Object value = readValue(resultSet); revision.setValue(getFeature(), value); } public final Object readValue(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException { Object value = getResultSetValue(resultSet); if (resultSet.wasNull()) { if (feature.isMany()) { if (TRACER.isEnabled()) { TRACER.format("TypeMapping for {0}: read db.null - setting Revision.null", feature.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } value = null; } else { if (getDefaultValue() == null) { if (TRACER.isEnabled()) { TRACER.format("TypeMapping for {0}: read db.null - setting Revision.null, because of default", //$NON-NLS-1$ feature.getName()); } value = null; } else { if (TRACER.isEnabled()) { TRACER.format("TypeMapping for {0}: read db.null - setting Revision.NIL", feature.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } value = CDORevisionData.NIL; } } } return value; } @Override public String toString() { Object mappedElement = field != null ? field : dbType; return MessageFormat.format("{0}[{1}.{2} --> {3}]", getClass().getSimpleName(), //$NON-NLS-1$ feature.getEContainingClass().getName(), feature.getName(), mappedElement); } protected Object getDefaultValue() { return feature.getDefaultValue(); } protected final Object getRevisionValue(InternalCDORevision revision) { return revision.getValue(getFeature()); } /** * Implementors could override this method to convert a given value to the database representation and set it to the * prepared statement. * * @param stmt * the {@link IDBPreparedStatement} which is used for DB access * @param index * the parameter index in the statement which should be set * @param value * the value of the feature which should be written into the DB */ protected void doSetValue(PreparedStatement stmt, int index, Object value) throws SQLException { stmt.setObject(index, value, getSqlType()); } /** * Returns the SQL type of this TypeMapping. The default implementation considers the type map held by the * {@link MetaDataManager meta-data manager}. Subclasses may override. * * @return The sql type of this TypeMapping. */ protected int getSqlType() { return getDBType().getCode(); } protected int getDBLength(DBType type) { String value = DBAnnotation.COLUMN_LENGTH.getValue(feature); if (value != null) { try { return Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { OM.LOG.error("Illegal columnLength annotation of feature " + feature.getName()); } } IDBAdapter adapter = mappingStrategy.getStore().getDBAdapter(); return adapter.getFieldLength(type); } /** * Subclasses should implement this method to read the value from the result set. Typical implementations should look * similar to this one: resultSet.getString(getField().getName()) * * @param resultSet * the result set to read from * @return the result value read (this has to be compatible with the {@link #feature}. */ protected abstract Object getResultSetValue(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException; }