Uses of Interface

Packages that use CDORemoveFeatureDelta Common concepts for dealing with revision deltas and feature deltas. 
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.spi.common.revision Common service provider interfaces and useful base implementations for dealing with revisions and deltas. 
org.eclipse.emf.spi.cdo Client service provider interfaces and useful base implementations. 

Uses of CDORemoveFeatureDelta in

Methods in with parameters of type CDORemoveFeatureDelta
 void CDOFeatureDeltaVisitor.visit(CDORemoveFeatureDelta delta)

Uses of CDORemoveFeatureDelta in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.spi.common.revision

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.spi.common.revision with parameters of type CDORemoveFeatureDelta
 void CDOFeatureDeltaVisitorImpl.visit(CDORemoveFeatureDelta delta)
 void CDORevisionMerger.visit(CDORemoveFeatureDelta delta)

Uses of CDORemoveFeatureDelta in org.eclipse.emf.spi.cdo

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.spi.cdo with parameters of type CDORemoveFeatureDelta
protected  boolean DefaultCDOMerger.PerFeature.ManyValued.handleListDeltaRemove(List<CDOFeatureDelta> resultList, CDORemoveFeatureDelta removeDelta, List<CDOFeatureDelta> listToAdjust)
          Decides whether a REMOVE delta is to be taken (added to the result list) and returns true if it was taken, false otherwise.

Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Eike Stepper (Berlin, Germany) and others.