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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2021-11-02[Releng] Update copyrightsEike Stepper1-1/+1
2021-10-26[576892] Eliminate duplicate synchronization in CDOStoreImplEike Stepper1-102/+126
2020-05-28[Releng] Update copyrightsEike Stepper1-1/+1
2020-04-11[562011] Remove deprecated support for FeatureMapsEike Stepper1-25/+0
2019-12-13[558310] [Releng] Update Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment to JavaSE-1.8Eike Stepper1-1/+27
2018-07-27[537081] Cannot unset a Reference with external EObject as valuesEike Stepper1-17/+38
2018-05-29[Releng] Adjust copyrightsEike Stepper1-1/+1
2018-05-17[Releng] Adjust CopyrightsEike Stepper1-1/+1
2018-04-23[405543] An unsettable many-valued reference that is set to an empty list is ...Eike Stepper1-14/+18
2016-10-18[Releng] Increase max line length to 160Eike Stepper1-8/+4
2016-10-05[503564] Creation of CDOSetFeatureDeltaImpl in CDOStoreImp mixes EMF-Type and...Eike Stepper1-4/+4
2016-03-01[Releng] Update copyrightsEike Stepper1-1/+1
2016-01-16[323788] Deadlock on Display.syncExec()Eike Stepper1-271/+479
2015-06-10Update Copyrightsreleases/4.4.0Eike Stepper1-1/+1
2015-04-07[464036] NPE on CDOObject.eContainer()/eResource() calledEsteban Dugueperoux1-7/+13
2015-01-13[429659] Fix EObject.eUnset() legacy specific bugEsteban Dugueperoux1-1/+2
2015-01-06[429659] Have EObject.eUnset() clear list for multi-valued featuresLaurent Fasani1-2/+14
2014-01-14Fix copyrightsEike Stepper1-1/+1
2014-01-09[400311] Add support for undoEike Stepper1-138/+148
2013-05-21[408534] CDO should return moved object instead of CDOID, for EMF Movedrops/S20130521-0711Eike Stepper1-1/+1
2013-05-03Update copyrightsdrops/I20130503-1515Eike Stepper1-1/+1
2013-04-17[405850] CDORevision.get(feature, -1) should throw anEike Stepper1-13/+17
2013-04-10[400236] [Legacy] ClassCastException on CDOLegacyWrapper when nativeChristian W. Damus1-1/+12
2013-01-25Replace "Bugzilla" with "Bug"Eike Stepper1-1/+1
2012-11-01[347964] Deleting an object from a resource by index Eike Stepper1-3/+11
2012-10-31[347964] Deleting an object from a resource by index Eike Stepper1-2/+4
2012-04-29[322218] ClassCastException adding an object to an EList with objects of a cu...Eike Stepper1-711/+716
2012-01-14Adjusted copyrights to 2012Eike Stepper1-711/+711
2012-01-13[368532] Provide API to set CDOFetchRuleManager and CDOFetchAnalyzer Eike Stepper1-2/+5
2011-09-15file headersEike Stepper1-1/+1
2011-09-05added javadocEike Stepper1-1/+1
2011-08-10[354395] containsAll returns wrong result in case of detached objects Eike Stepper1-8/+2
2011-08-10[354395] containsAll returns wrong result in case of detached objects Eike Stepper1-2/+16
2011-07-04[Bug 350649] Offline test and example failuresCaspar De Groot1-1/+1
2011-04-05[Bug 337587] Illegal deltas are produced on compareCaspar De Groot1-2/+4
2011-02-21[337152] [Mongo] Create a MongoDBStore Eike Stepper1-1/+3
2011-02-10[336729] CDOSetFeatureDelta doesn't have oldValue Pascal Lehmann1-3/+6
2011-01-23[335080] Make CDOView thread-safe Eike Stepper1-282/+340
2011-01-02[333382] Cleanup package org.eclipse.emf.internal.cdoEike Stepper1-0/+635

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