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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2020-05-28[Releng] Update copyrightsEike Stepper1-1/+1
2020-04-11[562011] Remove deprecated support for FeatureMapsEike Stepper1-9/+9
2018-05-29[Releng] Adjust copyrightsEike Stepper1-1/+1
2017-12-31[Releng] Adjust copyrightsEike Stepper1-1/+1
2017-01-13[510412] DefaultCDOMerger produces incorrect results for MOVE deltas in many-...Eike Stepper1-0/+5
2016-09-24Update copyrightsEike Stepper1-1/+1
2016-09-24[402714] Local changes are not considered by CDOTransaction's queryResources(...Eike Stepper1-88/+97
2013-09-21Adjust copyrightsEike Stepper1-1/+1
2013-09-20Use createUniquePackage() in tests that need dynamic packagesEike Stepper1-17/+7
2013-09-03[416435] [Releng] Require a reason for @CleanRepositories Eike Stepper1-1/+1
2013-05-03Update copyrightsdrops/I20130503-1515Eike Stepper1-1/+1
2012-07-19Fix line endings in master (dos2unix)Eike Stepper1-602/+602
2012-01-14Adjusted copyrights to 2012Eike Stepper1-602/+602
2011-09-15file headersEike Stepper1-1/+1
2011-08-26prepare declarative skippingEike Stepper1-1/+1
2011-05-17[340961] Enable ReadAccessHandlers to replace revisions Eike Stepper1-1/+1
2011-02-28[Bug 335653] Optimize unit tests w.r.t. store setup/teardownCaspar De Groot1-0/+1
2011-02-20[337152] [Mongo] Create a MongoDBStore Eike Stepper1-0/+7
2011-02-16[Bug 337180] Use a unique resource name per test methodCaspar De Groot1-8/+8
2011-01-07Never use assertTrue() or assertFalse()Eike Stepper1-5/+5
2011-01-06[333663] Provide a ReferentialIntegrityException with full XRef infosEike Stepper1-8/+8
2011-01-06[333644] Support locally detached objects in queryXRefs()Eike Stepper1-0/+41
2011-01-01Updated copyrightsEike Stepper1-1/+1
2010-12-27[333230] queryXRefs does not work with specific source referencesEike Stepper1-2/+248
2010-12-27removed old test code (from vik's initial XRef impl)Eike Stepper1-272/+0
2010-09-14[325189] Make CDOCommonView and CommitContext a CDORevisionProviderEike Stepper1-10/+10
2010-08-10fixed warningEike Stepper1-1/+0
2010-08-09[322067] Audit mapping creates illegal SQL for XRefsStefan Winkler1-0/+233
2010-07-05made the test legacy awareMartin Fluegge1-1/+1
2010-07-05[300149] Support remote cross referencing with a convenient API on the client...Eike Stepper1-11/+11
2010-06-30[316887] Databinding & CDO NotificationsEike Stepper1-0/+1
2010-06-15[300149] Support remote cross referencing with a convenient API on the client...Eike Stepper1-0/+346

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