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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/org.eclipse.net4j.tests/src/org/eclipse/net4j/tests/')
1 files changed, 401 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.net4j.tests/src/org/eclipse/net4j/tests/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.net4j.tests/src/org/eclipse/net4j/tests/
index f2b7650329..60cd5d10fb 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.net4j.tests/src/org/eclipse/net4j/tests/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.net4j.tests/src/org/eclipse/net4j/tests/
@@ -634,11 +634,11 @@ public final class HugeData
+ NL
+ " {"
+ NL
- + " short channelID = findFreeChannelID();"
+ + " short channelIndex = findFreeChannelIndex();"
+ NL
- + " ChannelImpl channel = createChannel(channelID, protocolID);"
+ + " ChannelImpl channel = createChannel(channelIndex, protocolID);"
+ NL
- + " registerChannelWithPeer(channelID, protocolID);"
+ + " registerChannelWithPeer(channelIndex, protocolID);"
+ NL
+ ""
+ NL
@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ public final class HugeData
+ NL
+ ""
+ NL
- + " public ChannelImpl createChannel(short channelID, String protocolID)"
+ + " public ChannelImpl createChannel(short channelIndex, String protocolID)"
+ NL
+ " {"
+ NL
@@ -693,87 +693,404 @@ public final class HugeData
+ " {"
+ NL
+ " System.out.println(toString() + \": Opening channel with protocol \" + protocolID);"
- + NL + " }" + NL + "" + NL
- + " ChannelImpl channel = new ChannelImpl(receiveExecutor);" + NL
- + " channel.setChannelID(channelID);" + NL + " channel.setMultiplexer(this);" + NL
- + " channel.setReceiveHandler(protocol);" + NL
- + " channel.addLifecycleListener(channelLifecycleListener);" + NL
- + " addChannel(channel);" + NL + " return channel;" + NL + " }" + NL + "" + NL
- + " public ChannelImpl getChannel(short channelID)" + NL + " {" + NL + " try" + NL
- + " {" + NL + " ChannelImpl channel = channels.get(channelID);" + NL
- + " if (channel == null || channel == NULL_CHANNEL)" + NL + " {" + NL
- + " throw new NullPointerException();" + NL + " }" + NL + "" + NL
- + " return channel;" + NL + " }" + NL + " catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex)"
- + NL + " {" + NL
- + " System.out.println(toString() + \": Invalid channelID \" + channelID);" + NL
- + " return null;" + NL + " }" + NL + " }" + NL + "" + NL
- + " protected List<BufferQueue> getChannelBufferQueues()" + NL + " {" + NL
- + " final List<BufferQueue> result = new ArrayList<BufferQueue>();" + NL
- + " synchronized (channels)" + NL + " {" + NL
- + " for (final ChannelImpl channel : channels)" + NL + " {" + NL
- + " if (channel != NULL_CHANNEL)" + NL + " {" + NL
- + " BufferQueue bufferQueue = channel.getSendQueue();" + NL
- + " result.add(bufferQueue);" + NL + " }" + NL + " }" + NL + " }"
- + NL + "" + NL + " return result;" + NL + " }" + NL + "" + NL
- + " protected short findFreeChannelID()" + NL + " {" + NL + " synchronized (channels)"
- + NL + " {" + NL + " int size = channels.size();" + NL
- + " for (short i = 0; i < size; i++)" + NL + " {" + NL
- + " if (channels.get(i) == NULL_CHANNEL)" + NL + " {" + NL
- + " return i;" + NL + " }" + NL + " }" + NL + "" + NL
- + " channels.add(NULL_CHANNEL);" + NL + " return (short)size;" + NL + " }"
- + NL + " }" + NL + "" + NL + " protected void addChannel(ChannelImpl channel)" + NL
- + " {" + NL + " short channelID = channel.getChannelID();" + NL
- + " while (channelID >= channels.size())" + NL + " {" + NL
- + " channels.add(NULL_CHANNEL);" + NL + " }" + NL + "" + NL
- + " channels.set(channelID, channel);" + NL + " }" + NL + "" + NL
- + " protected void removeChannel(ChannelImpl channel)" + NL + " {" + NL
- + " channel.removeLifecycleListener(channelLifecycleListener);" + NL
- + " int channelID = channel.getChannelID();" + NL + "" + NL
- + " System.out.println(toString() + \": Removing channel \" + channelID);" + NL
- + " channels.set(channelID, NULL_CHANNEL);" + NL + " }" + NL + "" + NL
- + " protected Protocol createProtocol(String protocolID)" + NL + " {" + NL
- + " if (protocolID == null || protocolID.length() == 0)" + NL + " {" + NL
- + " return null;" + NL + " }" + NL + "" + NL
- + " IRegistry<String, ProtocolFactory> registry = getProtocolFactoryRegistry();" + NL
- + " if (registry == null)" + NL + " {" + NL + " return null;" + NL + " }"
- + NL + "" + NL + " ProtocolFactory factory = registry.lookup(protocolID);" + NL
- + " if (factory == null)" + NL + " {" + NL + " return null;" + NL + " }" + NL
- + "" + NL + " System.out.println(toString() + \": Creating protocol \" + protocolID);"
- + NL + " return factory.createProtocol();" + NL + " }" + NL + "" + NL
- + " protected void fireChannelOpened(Channel channel)" + NL + " {" + NL
- + " for (ChannelListener listener : channelListeners)" + NL + " {" + NL + " try"
- + NL + " {" + NL + " listener.notifyChannelOpened(channel);" + NL + " }"
- + NL + " catch (Exception ex)" + NL + " {" + NL + " ex.printStackTrace();"
- + NL + " }" + NL + " }" + NL + " }" + NL + "" + NL
- + " protected void fireChannelClosing(Channel channel)" + NL + " {" + NL
- + " for (ChannelListener listener : channelListeners)" + NL + " {" + NL + " try"
- + NL + " {" + NL + " listener.notifyChannelClosing(channel);" + NL + " }"
- + NL + " catch (Exception ex)" + NL + " {" + NL + " ex.printStackTrace();"
- + NL + " }" + NL + " }" + NL + " }" + NL + "" + NL
- + " protected void fireStateChanged(State newState, State oldState)" + NL + " {" + NL
- + " for (StateListener listener : stateListeners)" + NL + " {" + NL + " try"
- + NL + " {" + NL + " listener.notifyStateChanged(this, newState, oldState);"
- + NL + " }" + NL + " catch (Exception ex)" + NL + " {" + NL
- + " ex.printStackTrace();" + NL + " }" + NL + " }" + NL + " }" + NL + ""
- + NL + " @Override" + NL + " protected void onAccessBeforeActivate() throws Exception"
- + NL + " {" + NL + " super.onAccessBeforeActivate();" + NL
- + " if (bufferProvider == null)" + NL + " {" + NL
- + " throw new IllegalStateException(\"bufferProvider == null\");" + NL + " }" + NL
- + "" + NL + " if (protocolFactoryRegistry == null)" + NL + " {" + NL
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + ""
+ + NL
+ + " ChannelImpl channel = new ChannelImpl(receiveExecutor);"
+ + NL
+ + " channel.setChannelIndex(channelIndex);"
+ + NL
+ + " channel.setMultiplexer(this);"
+ + NL
+ + " channel.setReceiveHandler(protocol);"
+ + NL
+ + " channel.addLifecycleListener(channelLifecycleListener);"
+ + NL
+ + " addChannel(channel);"
+ + NL
+ + " return channel;"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + ""
+ + NL
+ + " public ChannelImpl getChannel(short channelIndex)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " try"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " ChannelImpl channel = channels.get(channelIndex);"
+ + NL
+ + " if (channel == null || channel == NULL_CHANNEL)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " throw new NullPointerException();"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + ""
+ + NL
+ + " return channel;"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + " catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " System.out.println(toString() + \": Invalid channelIndex \" + channelIndex);"
+ + NL
+ + " return null;"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + ""
+ + NL
+ + " protected List<BufferQueue> getChannelBufferQueues()"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " final List<BufferQueue> result = new ArrayList<BufferQueue>();"
+ + NL
+ + " synchronized (channels)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " for (final ChannelImpl channel : channels)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " if (channel != NULL_CHANNEL)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " BufferQueue bufferQueue = channel.getSendQueue();"
+ + NL
+ + " result.add(bufferQueue);"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + ""
+ + NL
+ + " return result;"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + ""
+ + NL
+ + " protected short findFreeChannelIndex()"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " synchronized (channels)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " int size = channels.size();"
+ + NL
+ + " for (short i = 0; i < size; i++)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " if (channels.get(i) == NULL_CHANNEL)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " return i;"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + ""
+ + NL
+ + " channels.add(NULL_CHANNEL);"
+ + NL
+ + " return (short)size;"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + ""
+ + NL
+ + " protected void addChannel(ChannelImpl channel)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " short channelIndex = channel.getChannelIndex();"
+ + NL
+ + " while (channelIndex >= channels.size())"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " channels.add(NULL_CHANNEL);"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + ""
+ + NL
+ + " channels.set(channelIndex, channel);"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + ""
+ + NL
+ + " protected void removeChannel(ChannelImpl channel)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " channel.removeLifecycleListener(channelLifecycleListener);"
+ + NL
+ + " int channelIndex = channel.getChannelIndex();"
+ + NL
+ + ""
+ + NL
+ + " System.out.println(toString() + \": Removing channel \" + channelIndex);"
+ + NL
+ + " channels.set(channelIndex, NULL_CHANNEL);"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + ""
+ + NL
+ + " protected Protocol createProtocol(String protocolID)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " if (protocolID == null || protocolID.length() == 0)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " return null;"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + ""
+ + NL
+ + " IRegistry<String, ProtocolFactory> registry = getProtocolFactoryRegistry();"
+ + NL
+ + " if (registry == null)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " return null;"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + ""
+ + NL
+ + " ProtocolFactory factory = registry.lookup(protocolID);"
+ + NL
+ + " if (factory == null)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " return null;"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + ""
+ + NL
+ + " System.out.println(toString() + \": Creating protocol \" + protocolID);"
+ + NL
+ + " return factory.createProtocol();"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + ""
+ + NL
+ + " protected void fireChannelOpened(Channel channel)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " for (ChannelListener listener : channelListeners)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " try"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " listener.notifyChannelOpened(channel);"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + " catch (Exception ex)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " ex.printStackTrace();"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + ""
+ + NL
+ + " protected void fireChannelClosing(Channel channel)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " for (ChannelListener listener : channelListeners)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " try"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " listener.notifyChannelClosing(channel);"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + " catch (Exception ex)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " ex.printStackTrace();"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + ""
+ + NL
+ + " protected void fireStateChanged(State newState, State oldState)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " for (StateListener listener : stateListeners)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " try"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " listener.notifyStateChanged(this, newState, oldState);"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + " catch (Exception ex)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " ex.printStackTrace();"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + ""
+ + NL
+ + " @Override"
+ + NL
+ + " protected void onAccessBeforeActivate() throws Exception"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " super.onAccessBeforeActivate();"
+ + NL
+ + " if (bufferProvider == null)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " throw new IllegalStateException(\"bufferProvider == null\");"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + ""
+ + NL
+ + " if (protocolFactoryRegistry == null)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ " System.out.println(toString() + \": (INFO) protocolFactoryRegistry == null\");"
- + NL + " }" + NL + "" + NL + " if (receiveExecutor == null)" + NL + " {" + NL
- + " System.out.println(toString() + \": (INFO) receiveExecutor == null\");" + NL
- + " }" + NL + " }" + NL + "" + NL + " @Override" + NL
- + " protected void onActivate() throws Exception" + NL + " {" + NL
- + " super.onActivate();" + NL + " setState(State.CONNECTING);" + NL + " }" + NL + ""
- + NL + " @Override" + NL + " protected void onDeactivate() throws Exception" + NL + " {"
- + NL + " setState(State.DISCONNECTED);" + NL
- + " for (short i = 0; i < channels.size(); i++)" + NL + " {" + NL
- + " ChannelImpl channel = channels.get(i);" + NL + " if (channel != null)" + NL
- + " {" + NL + " LifecycleUtil.deactivate(channel);" + NL + " }" + NL
- + " }" + NL + "" + NL + " channels.clear();" + NL + " super.onDeactivate();" + NL
- + " }" + NL + "" + NL
- + " protected abstract void registerChannelWithPeer(short channelID, String protocolID)"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + ""
+ + NL
+ + " if (receiveExecutor == null)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " System.out.println(toString() + \": (INFO) receiveExecutor == null\");"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + ""
+ + NL
+ + " @Override"
+ + NL
+ + " protected void onActivate() throws Exception"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " super.onActivate();"
+ + NL
+ + " setState(State.CONNECTING);"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + ""
+ + NL
+ + " @Override"
+ + NL
+ + " protected void onDeactivate() throws Exception"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " setState(State.DISCONNECTED);"
+ + NL
+ + " for (short i = 0; i < channels.size(); i++)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " ChannelImpl channel = channels.get(i);"
+ + NL
+ + " if (channel != null)"
+ + NL
+ + " {"
+ + NL
+ + " LifecycleUtil.deactivate(channel);"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + ""
+ + NL
+ + " channels.clear();"
+ + NL
+ + " super.onDeactivate();"
+ + NL
+ + " }"
+ + NL
+ + ""
+ + NL
+ + " protected abstract void registerChannelWithPeer(short channelIndex, String protocolID)"
+ NL + " throws ConnectorException;" + NL + "" + NL + " /**" + NL
+ " * Is registered with each {@link Channel} of this {@link Connector}." + NL
+ " * <p>" + NL + " * " + NL + " * @author Eike Stepper" + NL + " */" + NL

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