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authorEike Stepper2013-09-10 05:06:34 +0000
committerEike Stepper2013-09-10 05:20:39 +0000
commit6ac0ececce261825fc6b0c98cc5c7a18ddf38621 (patch)
parenta88cecdfb97584a6db262bd764dfeefd36075f5b (diff)
Fix build.xml for Gerrit
3 files changed, 1047 insertions, 748 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.emf.cdo.releng/.gitignore b/plugins/org.eclipse.emf.cdo.releng/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..639cdd514d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.emf.cdo.releng/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.emf.cdo.releng/build.xml b/plugins/org.eclipse.emf.cdo.releng/build.xml
index 613f36e01a..99391f121f 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.emf.cdo.releng/build.xml
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.emf.cdo.releng/build.xml
@@ -9,756 +9,1010 @@
Eike Stepper - initial API and implementation
-<project name="CDO">
- <property file="" />
- <property environment="hudson" />
- <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml">
- <classpath>
- <pathelement location="/develop/bin/ant-contrib/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar" />
- <pathelement location="${ant.contrib}" />
- </classpath>
- </taskdef>
- <macrodef name="eclipse.launch">
- <attribute name="app" />
- <element name="properties" optional="true" />
- <element name="args" optional="true" />
- <sequential>
- <property name="@{app}.deploy.dir" value="${tools}/@{app}" />
- <pathconvert property="@{app}.launcher">
- <first count="1">
- <sort>
- <fileset dir="${@{app}.deploy.dir}/plugins" includes="**/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar" />
- <reverse xmlns="">
- <date />
- </reverse>
- </sort>
- </first>
- </pathconvert>
- <java fork="true" jar="${@{app}.launcher}" dir="${@{app}.deploy.dir}" failonerror="true">
- <env key="no_proxy" value="${no.proxy}" />
- <properties />
- <args />
- </java>
- </sequential>
- </macrodef>
- <macrodef name="buckminster">
- <attribute name="command" />
- <attribute name="workspace" default="${ws}" />
- <element name="sysproperties" optional="true" />
- <element name="globargs" optional="true" />
- <element name="cmdargs" optional="true" />
- <sequential>
- <eclipse.launch app="buckminster">
- <properties>
- <sysproperties />
- </properties>
- <args>
- <jvmarg value="-XX:MaxPermSize=256M" />
- <jvmarg value="-Xmx4g" />
- <jvmarg value="-Dsite.pack200=false" />
- <jvmarg value="-Dsite.retain.unpacked=true" />
- <jvmarg value="-Dorg.eclipse.update.jarprocessor.pack200=/shared/common/jdk1.6.0-latest/bin" />
- <jvmarg value="-Declipse.p2.MD5Check=false" />
- <jvmarg value="-Declipse.p2.mirrors=false" />
- <jvmarg value="-Declipse.p2.unsignedPolicy=allow" />
- <jvmarg value="-Dgit.clone=${git.clone}" />
- <arg value="-data" />
- <arg value="@{workspace}" />
- <arg value="--loglevel" />
- <arg value="${hudson.LOGLEVEL}" />
- <arg value="--displaystacktrace" />
- <globargs />
- <arg value="@{command}" />
- <arg value="-P" />
- <arg value="${properties.tmp}" />
- <cmdargs />
- </args>
- </eclipse.launch>
- </sequential>
- </macrodef>
- <macrodef name="generate.product.platform">
- <attribute name="id" />
- <attribute name="profile" />
- <attribute name="platform" />
- <attribute name="os" />
- <attribute name="ws" />
- <attribute name="arch" />
- <attribute name="priority" />
- <sequential>
- <if>
- <or>
- <not>
- <isset property="platform" />
- </not>
- <equals arg1="${platform}" arg2="@{platform}" />
- </or>
- <then>
- <echo message="" />
- <echo message="Generating @{profile} for @{platform}" />
- <mkdir dir="${temp.products}/@{profile}-@{platform}" />
- <eclipse.launch app="director">
- <properties>
- <sysproperty key="org.eclipse.update.jarprocessor.pack200"
- value="/shared/common/jdk1.6.0-latest/bin" />
- <sysproperty key="eclipse.p2.mirrors" value="false" />
- <sysproperty key="eclipse.p2.MD5Check" value="false" />
- </properties>
- <args>
- <arg value="-r" />
- <arg value="file:${hudson.WORKSPACE}" />
- <arg value="-r" />
- <arg value="${train}" />
- <arg value="-r" />
- <arg value="${train.previous}" />
- <arg value="-r" />
- <arg value="${eclipse}" />
- <arg value="-r" />
- <arg value="${eclipse}-I-builds" />
- <arg value="-d" />
- <arg value="${temp.products}/@{profile}-@{platform}" />
- <arg value="-p" />
- <arg value="@{profile}" />
- <arg value="-i" />
- <arg value="@{id}" />
- <arg value="-p2.os" />
- <arg value="@{os}" />
- <arg value="" />
- <arg value="@{ws}" />
- <arg value="-p2.arch" />
- <arg value="@{arch}" />
- </args>
- </eclipse.launch>
- <delete includeemptydirs="true" quiet="true">
- <fileset dir="${temp.products}/@{profile}-@{platform}">
- <include name="p2/**" />
- <include name="launcher.exe" />
- <include name="eclipsec.exe" />
- </fileset>
- </delete>
- <copy todir="${temp.products}/@{profile}-@{platform}" failonerror="true">
- <fileset dir="${git.clone}/features/org.eclipse.emf.cdo.license-feature/rootfiles">
- <include name="epl-v10.html" />
- <include name="notice.html" />
- </fileset>
- </copy>
- <zip destfile="${zips}/emf-cdo-${build.qualifier}-@{profile}-@{platform}.zip">
- <fileset dir="${temp.products}/@{profile}-@{platform}">
- <include name="**" />
- </fileset>
- </zip>
- <echo message="description=for execution on @{platform}.${line.separator}priority=@{priority}"
- file="${zips}/emf-cdo-${build.qualifier}-@{profile}-@{platform}.properties" />
- </then>
- </if>
- </sequential>
- </macrodef>
- <macrodef name="generate.product">
- <attribute name="id" />
- <attribute name="profile" />
- <attribute name="priority" />
- <sequential>
- <generate.product.platform id="@{id}"
- profile="@{profile}"
- platform="Windows"
- os="win32"
- ws="win32"
- arch="x86_64"
- priority="@{priority}50" />
- <generate.product.platform id="@{id}"
- profile="@{profile}"
- platform="Linux"
- os="linux"
- ws="gtk"
- arch="x86_64"
- priority="@{priority}40" />
- <generate.product.platform id="@{id}"
- profile="@{profile}"
- platform="Mac"
- os="macosx"
- ws="cocoa"
- arch="x86_64"
- priority="@{priority}30" />
- </sequential>
- </macrodef>
- <!-- =============== -->
- <!-- Init Properties -->
- <!-- =============== -->
- <target name="">
- <echo message="stream = ${stream}" />
- <echo message="branch = ${branch}" />
- <echo message="train = ${train}" />
- <condition property="no.proxy" value="${hudson.no_proxy}," else="">
- <isset property="hudson.no_proxy" />
- </condition>
- <property name="git.clone" location="${hudson.WORKSPACE}/git" />
- <property name="releng" location="${git.clone}/plugins/org.eclipse.emf.cdo.releng" />
- <property name="" location="${hudson.WORKSPACE}/test-report.xml" />
- <property name="tools" location="${hudson.WORKSPACE}/tools" />
- <property name="result" location="${hudson.WORKSPACE}/result" />
- <property name="zips" location="${hudson.WORKSPACE}/zips" />
- <property name="ws" location="${result}/ws" />
- <property name="tp" location="${result}/tp" />
- <property name="buckminster.output.root" location="${result}/output" />
- <property name="buckminster.temp.root" location="${result}/temp" />
- <property name="temp.dropins" location="${buckminster.temp.root}/_dropins" />
- <property name="temp.products" location="${buckminster.temp.root}/_products" />
- </target>
- <!-- ========== -->
- <!-- Init Clean -->
- <!-- ========== -->
- <target name="-init.clean" depends="">
- <delete includeemptydirs="true" failonerror="true" quiet="true">
- <fileset dir="${hudson.WORKSPACE}">
- <include name="binary/**" />
- <include name="features/**" />
- <include name="plugins/**" />
- <include name="zips/**" />
- <include name="help/**" />
- <include name="*.jar" />
- <include name="*.xml" />
- <include name="*.html" />
- </fileset>
- </delete>
- <delete dir="${buckminster.output.root}" includeemptydirs="true" failonerror="true" quiet="true" />
- <delete dir="${buckminster.temp.root}" includeemptydirs="true" failonerror="true" quiet="true" />
- <mkdir dir="${result}" />
- </target>
- <!-- ========== -->
- <!-- Init Tools -->
- <!-- ========== -->
- <target name="" depends="-init.clean">
- <if>
- <equals arg1="${hudson.CLEAN_TOOLS}" arg2="true" />
- <then>
- <echo message="Cleaning tools" />
- <delete dir="${tools}/director" includeemptydirs="true" failonerror="true" quiet="true" />
- <delete dir="${tools}/buckminster" includeemptydirs="true" failonerror="true" quiet="true" />
- </then>
- </if>
- <if>
- <not>
- <available file="${tools}/director/director" />
- </not>
- <then>
- <echo message="" />
- <echo message="Installing director" />
- <tempfile destdir="${}"
- prefix="director-"
- suffix=".zip"
- property=""
- deleteonexit="true" />
- <get src=""
- dest="${}" />
- <mkdir dir="${tools}" />
- <unzip src="${}" dest="${tools}" />
- <delete file="${}" />
- </then>
- </if>
- <if>
- <not>
- <available file="${tools}/buckminster/buckminster" />
- </not>
- <then>
- <echo message="" />
- <echo message="Installing buckminster" />
- <eclipse.launch app="director">
- <properties>
- <sysproperty key="org.eclipse.update.jarprocessor.pack200"
- value="/shared/common/jdk1.6.0-latest/bin" />
- <sysproperty key="eclipse.p2.mirrors" value="false" />
- <sysproperty key="eclipse.p2.MD5Check" value="false" />
- </properties>
- <args>
- <arg value="-r" />
- <arg value="" />
- <arg value="-r" />
- <arg value="" />
- <arg value="-r" />
- <arg value="" />
- <arg value="-d" />
- <arg value="${tools}/buckminster" />
- <arg value="-p" />
- <arg value="Buckminster" />
- <arg value="-i" />
- <arg value="org.eclipse.buckminster.cmdline.product" />
- <arg value="-i" />
- <arg value="" />
- <arg value="-i" />
- <arg value="" />
- <arg value="-i" />
- <arg value="" />
- <arg value="-i" />
- <arg value="org.eclipse.ant.launching" />
- <arg value="-i" />
- <arg value="" />
- <arg value="-i" />
- <arg value="" />
- <arg value="-i" />
- <arg value="" />
- </args>
- </eclipse.launch>
- <!-- See -->
- <copy file="${releng}/hudson/"
- todir="${tools}/buckminster/configuration/.settings"
- overwrite="true" />
- </then>
- </if>
- </target>
- <!-- ================ -->
- <!-- Init Build Infos -->
- <!-- ================ -->
- <target name="-init.buildinfos" depends="-init.clean">
- <if>
- <not>
- <isset property="build.trigger" />
- </not>
- <then>
- <xmlproperty keeproot="false">
- <url url="${hudson.BUILD_URL}/api/xml?tree=actions[causes[shortDescription]]" />
- </xmlproperty>
- <loadresource property="build.trigger">
- <propertyresource name="action.cause.shortDescription" />
- <filterchain>
- <replaceregex pattern="^Triggered by " replace="" />
- <replaceregex pattern="^Gerrit: .*" replace="gerrit" />
- <replaceregex pattern="^Started by " replace="" />
- <replaceregex pattern="^Gestartet durch " replace="" />
- <replaceregex pattern="Benutzer" replace="user" />
- </filterchain>
- </loadresource>
- </then>
- </if>
- <condition property="gerrit.trigger" value="true">
- <equals arg1="${build.trigger}" arg2="gerrit" />
- </condition>
- <echo message="build.trigger = ${build.trigger}" />
- <if>
- <equals arg1="${hudson.BUILD_TYPE}" arg2="&lt;default&gt;" />
- <then>
- <condition property="build.type" value="${weekly}" else="N">
- <equals arg1="${build.trigger}" arg2="timer" />
- </condition>
- </then>
- <else>
- <property name="build.type" value="${hudson.BUILD_TYPE}" />
- </else>
- </if>
- <echo message="build.type = ${build.type}" />
- <property name="build.timestamp" value="${hudson.BUILD_ID}" />
- <echo message="build.timestamp = ${build.timestamp}" />
- <tempfile property="build.qualifier.tmp"
- destdir="${}"
- prefix="build-qualifier-"
- suffix=".tmp"
- deleteonexit="true" />
- <echo message="build.qualifier=${build.type}${build.timestamp}" file="${build.qualifier.tmp}" />
- <replaceregexp file="${build.qualifier.tmp}">
- <regexp pattern="([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)_([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)" />
- <substitution expression="\1\2\3-\4\5" />
- </replaceregexp >
- <property file="${build.qualifier.tmp}" />
- <echo message="build.qualifier = ${build.qualifier}" />
- <echoxml file="${hudson.WORKSPACE}/build-info.xml">
- <build stream="${stream}"
- branch="${branch}"
- train="${train}"
- eclipse="${eclipse}"
- emf="${emf}"
- type="${build.type}"
- timestamp="${build.timestamp}"
- qualifier="${build.qualifier}"
- trigger="${build.trigger}"
- hudson="${hudson.HUDSON_URL}"
- revision="${hudson.GIT_COMMIT}"
- job="${hudson.JOB_NAME}"
- number="${hudson.BUILD_NUMBER}" />
- </echoxml>
- <condition property="site.signing" value="true" else="false">
- <and>
- <not>
- <equals arg1="${build.type}" arg2="N" />
- </not>
- <equals arg1="${hudson.HUDSON_URL}" arg2="" />
- </and>
- </condition>
- <echo message="site.signing = ${site.signing}" />
- <if>
- <equals arg1="${site.signing}" arg2="true" />
- <then>
- <property name="eclipse.staging.area"
- value="/shared/download-staging.priv/modeling/emf/cdo/${hudson.JOB_NAME}" />
- <echo message="eclipse.staging.area = ${eclipse.staging.area}" />
- </then>
- </if>
- <echo message="" />
- <property name="properties.tmp" value="${result}${file.separator}" />
- <echoproperties destfile="${properties.tmp}">
- <propertyset negate="true">
- <propertyref name="basedir" />
- <propertyref name="eclipse.home" />
- <propertyref name="properties.tmp" />
- <propertyref name="line.separator" />
- <propertyref name="path.separator" />
- <propertyref prefix="ant." />
- <propertyref prefix="file." />
- <propertyref prefix="java." />
- <propertyref prefix="sun." />
- <propertyref prefix="user." />
- </propertyset>
- </echoproperties>
- <echo message="${hudson.JOB_URL}ws/result/" />
- <echoproperties destfile="${result}/" />
- <echo message="${hudson.JOB_URL}ws/result/" />
- </target>
- <!-- ============== -->
- <!-- Init Workspace -->
- <!-- ============== -->
- <target name="-init.workspace" depends="-init.clean">
- <echo message="Initializing workspace" />
- <if>
- <equals arg1="${hudson.CLEAN_TP}" arg2="true" />
- <then>
- <delete dir="${tp}" includeemptydirs="true" failonerror="true" quiet="true" />
- </then>
- </if>
- <delete dir="${ws}" includeemptydirs="true" failonerror="true" quiet="true" />
- <unzip dest="${ws}" src="${releng}/hudson/" />
- <copy file="${releng}/hudson/test-report-empty.xml" tofile="${}" />
- </target>
- <!-- ========= -->
- <!-- Provision -->
- <!-- ========= -->
- <target name="provision"
- depends=",-init.buildinfos,-init.workspace"
- description="Imports projects and binaries and set up API baseline">
- <echo message="Importing projects into ${ws}" />
- <echo message="Importing binaries into ${tp}" />
- <mkdir dir="${tp}" />
- <move file="${releng}/hudson/target.xml" tofile="${releng}/hudson/" />
- <move file="${releng}/hudson/api_baseline.xml" tofile="${releng}/hudson/" />
- <buckminster command="setpref">
- <cmdargs>
- <arg value="maxParallelResolutions=1" />
- </cmdargs>
- </buckminster>
- <buckminster command="import">
- <cmdargs>
- <arg value="-B" />
- <arg value="${hudson.WORKSPACE}/bom.xml" />
- <arg value="-P" />
- <arg value="${basedir}/" />
- <!-- Last argument: -->
- <arg value="${basedir}/build.mspec" />
- </cmdargs>
- </buckminster>
- <echo message="" />
- <echo message="Setting API baseline to /opt/public/modeling/emf/cdo/api_baseline" />
- <buckminster command="addbaseline">
- <cmdargs>
- <arg value="-A" />
- <arg value="CDO Baseline" />
- </cmdargs>
- </buckminster>
- </target>
- <!-- ===== -->
- <!-- Build -->
- <!-- ===== -->
- <target name="build" depends="provision" description="Builds all projects and generates build-infos.xml">
- <echo message="Building all projects in workspace ${ws}" />
- <buckminster command="build">
- <cmdargs>
- <arg value="--thorough" />
- </cmdargs>
- </buckminster>
- <delete failonerror="false" includeemptydirs="true">
- <fileset dir="${git.clone}/plugins">
- <exclude name="org.eclipse.emf.cdo.releng.doc/**" />
- <include name="*.doc/bin/**" />
- <include name="*.help/bin/**" />
- </fileset>
- </delete>
- </target>
- <!-- ======= -->
- <!-- Site.p2 -->
- <!-- ======= -->
- <target name="site.p2" depends="build" description="Generates the site and depending artifacts">
- <if>
- <isset property="gerrit.trigger" />
- <then>
- <echo message="Skipping" />
- </then>
- <else>
- <echo message="Performing" />
- <buckminster command="perform">
- <cmdargs>
- <arg value="" />
- </cmdargs>
- </buckminster>
- <pathconvert property="site.p2.dir">
- <dirset dir="${buckminster.output.root}">
- <filename name="org.eclipse.emf.cdo.site_*-eclipse.feature/site.p2" />
- </dirset>
- </pathconvert>
- <echoproperties destfile="${result}/" />
- <copy todir="${hudson.WORKSPACE}"
- overwrite="true"
- includeemptydirs="true"
- preservelastmodified="true"
- failonerror="true">
- <fileset dir="${site.p2.dir}">
- <include name="**" />
- </fileset>
- </copy>
- <antcall target="-generate.all" />
- </else>
- </if>
- </target>
- <!-- ==== -->
- <!-- Test -->
- <!-- ==== -->
- <target name="test" depends="site.p2" description="Runs the tests">
- <condition property="launch.config"
- value="org.eclipse.emf.cdo.tests.all/CDO GerritTests"
- else="org.eclipse.emf.cdo.tests.db/CDO AllTests (H2 ALL)">
- <isset property="gerrit.trigger" />
- </condition>
- <echo message="Running ${launch.config}" />
- <buckminster command="junit">
- <cmdargs>
- <arg value="-l" />
- <arg value="${launch.config}.launch" />
- <arg value="-o" />
- <arg value="${}" />
- <arg value="--terseXML" />
- <arg value="--flatXML" />
- </cmdargs>
- </buckminster>
- </target>
- <!-- ============ -->
- <!-- Generate All -->
- <!-- ============ -->
- <target name="-generate.all">
- <mkdir dir="${zips}" />
- <antcall target="" />
- <antcall target="-generate.index" />
- <antcall target="-generate.bookmarks" />
- <antcall target="-generate.dropins" />
- <!-- Must come after generate.dropins -->
- <antcall target="-generate.api" />
- <if>
- <equals arg1="${hudson.GENERATE_PRODUCTS}" arg2="true" />
- <then>
- <antcall target="-generate.products" />
- </then>
- </if>
- </target>
- <!-- ============== -->
- <!-- Generate Help -->
- <!-- ============== -->
- <target name="">
- <copy todir="${hudson.WORKSPACE}">
- <fileset dir="${releng}">
- <include name="help/**" />
- </fileset>
- </copy>
- </target>
- <!-- ============== -->
- <!-- Generate Index -->
- <!-- ============== -->
- <target name="-generate.index">
- <unzip src="${hudson.WORKSPACE}/content.jar" dest="${hudson.WORKSPACE}" />
- <property name="content.xml" location="${hudson.WORKSPACE}/content.xml" />
- <xslt style="xsl/content2html.xsl" in="${content.xml}" out="${hudson.WORKSPACE}/index.html" />
- <xslt style="xsl/content2xml.xsl" in="${content.xml}" out="${hudson.WORKSPACE}/index.xml" />
- <delete file="${content.xml}" />
- </target>
- <!-- =================== -->
- <!-- Generate Booksmarks -->
- <!-- =================== -->
- <target name="-generate.bookmarks">
- <property name="bookmarks.tmp" location="${hudson.WORKSPACE}/bookmarks.tmp" />
- <xslt style="xsl/bom2bookmarks.xsl" in="${hudson.WORKSPACE}/bom.xml" out="${bookmarks.tmp}" />
- <replace file="${bookmarks.tmp}" token="" value="file://to-be-removed" />
- <replace file="${bookmarks.tmp}" token="file:/home/data/httpd/" value="http://" />
- <property name="bookmarks.xml" location="${hudson.WORKSPACE}/bookmarks.xml" />
- <concat destfile="${bookmarks.xml}">
- <header filtering="false">&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot;?&gt;
+<project name="CDO" default="all">
+ <property file="" />
+ <property file="" />
+ <property environment="env" />
+ <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml">
+ <classpath>
+ <pathelement location="${ant.contrib}" />
+ </classpath>
+ </taskdef>
+ <!-- ========= -->
+ <!-- Clean Dir -->
+ <!-- ========= -->
+ <macrodef name="cleandir">
+ <attribute name="dir" />
+ <attribute name="mkdir" default="true" />
+ <sequential>
+ <delete includeemptydirs="true" failonerror="false" verbose="false">
+ <fileset dir="@{dir}" defaultexcludes="false">
+ <include name="**" />
+ </fileset>
+ </delete>
+ <if>
+ <equals arg1="@{mkdir}" arg2="true" />
+ <then>
+ <mkdir dir="@{dir}" />
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
+ <!-- ======= -->
+ <!-- Eclipse -->
+ <!-- ======= -->
+ <macrodef name="eclipse">
+ <attribute name="app" />
+ <element name="properties" optional="true" />
+ <element name="args" optional="true" />
+ <sequential>
+ <!-- Find launcher -->
+ <property name="@{app}.deploy.dir" value="${tools}/@{app}" />
+ <pathconvert property="@{app}.launcher">
+ <first count="1">
+ <sort>
+ <fileset dir="${@{app}.deploy.dir}/plugins" includes="**/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar" />
+ <reverse xmlns="">
+ <date />
+ </reverse>
+ </sort>
+ </first>
+ </pathconvert>
+ <!-- Run launcher -->
+ <java fork="true" jar="${@{app}.launcher}" dir="${@{app}.deploy.dir}" failonerror="true">
+ <env key="no_proxy" value="${no.proxy}" />
+ <properties />
+ <args />
+ </java>
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
+ <!-- =========== -->
+ <!-- Buckminster -->
+ <!-- =========== -->
+ <macrodef name="buckminster">
+ <attribute name="command" />
+ <attribute name="workspace" default="${ws}" />
+ <element name="sysproperties" optional="true" />
+ <element name="globargs" optional="true" />
+ <element name="cmdargs" optional="true" />
+ <sequential>
+ <!-- Create -->
+ <property name="" location="${result}/" />
+ <echoproperties destfile="${}">
+ <propertyset negate="true">
+ <propertyref name="basedir" />
+ <propertyref name="eclipse.home" />
+ <propertyref name="" />
+ <propertyref name="line.separator" />
+ <propertyref name="path.separator" />
+ <propertyref prefix="ant." />
+ <propertyref prefix="file." />
+ <propertyref prefix="java." />
+ <propertyref prefix="sun." />
+ <propertyref prefix="user." />
+ </propertyset>
+ </echoproperties>
+ <!-- Launch Buckminster -->
+ <eclipse app="buckminster">
+ <properties>
+ <sysproperties />
+ </properties>
+ <args>
+ <jvmarg value="-XX:MaxPermSize=256M" />
+ <jvmarg value="-Xmx4g" />
+ <jvmarg value="-Dsite.pack200=${site.signing}" />
+ <jvmarg value="-Dsite.retain.unpacked=true" />
+ <jvmarg value="-Dorg.eclipse.update.jarprocessor.pack200=${jarprocessor.dir}" />
+ <jvmarg value="-Declipse.p2.MD5Check=false" />
+ <jvmarg value="-Declipse.p2.mirrors=${p2.mirrors}" />
+ <jvmarg value="-Declipse.p2.unsignedPolicy=allow" />
+ <jvmarg value="-Dgit.clone=${git.clone}" />
+ <arg value="-data" />
+ <arg value="@{workspace}" />
+ <arg value="--loglevel" />
+ <arg value="${loglevel}" />
+ <arg value="--displaystacktrace" />
+ <globargs />
+ <arg value="@{command}" />
+ <arg value="-P" />
+ <arg value="${}" />
+ <cmdargs />
+ </args>
+ </eclipse>
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
+ <!-- ============= -->
+ <!-- Generate Site -->
+ <!-- ============= -->
+ <macrodef name="">
+ <attribute name="feature" />
+ <attribute name="todir" default="${build.root}" />
+ <sequential>
+ <echo message="Generating site" />
+ <!-- Clean -->
+ <delete includeemptydirs="true" failonerror="false">
+ <fileset dir="@{todir}" defaultexcludes="false">
+ <include name="binary/**" />
+ <include name="features/**" />
+ <include name="plugins/**" />
+ <include name="artifacts.jar" />
+ <include name="content.jar" />
+ </fileset>
+ </delete>
+ <!-- Prepare Buckminster -->
+ <cleandir dir="${buckminster.output.root}" />
+ <cleandir dir="${buckminster.temp.root}" />
+ <!-- Perform Buckminster -->
+ <buckminster command="perform">
+ <cmdargs>
+ <arg value="@{feature}#site.p2" />
+ </cmdargs>
+ </buckminster>
+ <cleandir dir="${buckminster.temp.root}" mkdir="false" />
+ <!-- Determine site.p2 directory -->
+ <pathconvert property="@{feature}.dir">
+ <dirset dir="${buckminster.output.root}">
+ <filename name="@{feature}_*-eclipse.feature/site.p2" />
+ </dirset>
+ </pathconvert>
+ <!-- Move site.p2 contents -->
+ <copy todir="@{todir}" overwrite="true" includeemptydirs="true" preservelastmodified="true" failonerror="true">
+ <fileset dir="${@{feature}.dir}">
+ <include name="**" />
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
+ <!-- ============= -->
+ <!-- Generate Help -->
+ <!-- ============= -->
+ <macrodef name="">
+ <sequential>
+ <echo message="" />
+ <echo message="Generating help center" />
+ <cleandir dir="${build.root}/help" mkdir="false" />
+ <copy todir="${build.root}">
+ <fileset dir="${releng}">
+ <include name="help/**" />
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
+ <!-- ============== -->
+ <!-- Generate Index -->
+ <!-- ============== -->
+ <macrodef name="generate.index">
+ <sequential>
+ <echo message="" />
+ <echo message="Generating repository index" />
+ <unzip src="${build.root}/content.jar" dest="${build.root}" />
+ <property name="content.xml" location="${build.root}/content.xml" />
+ <xslt style="xsl/content2html.xsl" in="${content.xml}" out="${build.root}/index.html" />
+ <xslt style="xsl/content2xml.xsl" in="${content.xml}" out="${build.root}/index.xml" />
+ <delete file="${content.xml}" />
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
+ <!-- =================== -->
+ <!-- Generate Booksmarks -->
+ <!-- =================== -->
+ <macrodef name="generate.bookmarks">
+ <sequential>
+ <echo message="" />
+ <echo message="Generating dependency bookmarks" />
+ <property name="bookmarks.tmp" location="${build.root}/bookmarks.tmp" />
+ <xslt style="xsl/bom2bookmarks.xsl" in="${build.root}/bom.xml" out="${bookmarks.tmp}" />
+ <replace file="${bookmarks.tmp}" token="" value="file://to-be-removed" />
+ <replace file="${bookmarks.tmp}" token="file:/home/data/httpd/" value="http://" />
+ <property name="bookmarks.xml" location="${build.root}/bookmarks.xml" />
+ <concat destfile="${bookmarks.xml}">
+ <header filtering="false">&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot;?&gt;
- <union>
- <sort>
- <tokens>
- <file file="${bookmarks.tmp}" />
- <linetokenizer includedelims="true" />
- </tokens>
- </sort>
- </union>
- <filterchain>
- <linecontains>
- <contains value="http://" />
- </linecontains>
- </filterchain>
- <footer filtering="false">&lt;/bookmarks&gt;
+ <union>
+ <sort>
+ <tokens>
+ <file file="${bookmarks.tmp}" />
+ <linetokenizer includedelims="true" />
+ </tokens>
+ </sort>
+ </union>
+ <filterchain>
+ <linecontains>
+ <contains value="http://" />
+ </linecontains>
+ </filterchain>
+ <footer filtering="false">&lt;/bookmarks&gt;
- </concat>
- <delete file="${bookmarks.tmp}" />
- </target>
- <!-- ================ -->
- <!-- Generate Dropins -->
- <!-- ================ -->
- <target name="-generate.dropins">
- <delete failonerror="false" includeemptydirs="true" quiet="true">
- <fileset dir="${temp.dropins}" defaultexcludes="false">
- <include name="**/*" />
- </fileset>
- </delete>
- <mkdir dir="${temp.dropins}" />
- <copy todir="${temp.dropins}" failonerror="true">
- <fileset dir="${git.clone}/features/org.eclipse.emf.cdo.license-feature/rootfiles">
- <include name="epl-v10.html" />
- <include name="notice.html" />
- </fileset>
- </copy>
- <copy todir="${temp.dropins}/features" flatten="true">
- <fileset dir="${buckminster.output.root}">
- <include name="*-eclipse.feature/jar/*" />
- <include name="*-eclipse.feature/source.jar/*" />
- <exclude name="*/**/*" />
- <exclude name="org.eclipse.emf.cdo.epp*/**/*" />
- <exclude name="org.eclipse.emf.cdo.license*/**/*" />
- </fileset>
- </copy>
- <copy todir="${temp.dropins}/plugins" flatten="true">
- <fileset dir="${buckminster.output.root}">
- <include name="*-osgi.bundle/jar/*" />
- <include name="*-osgi.bundle/source.jar/*" />
- </fileset>
- </copy>
- <zip destfile="${zips}/emf-cdo-${build.qualifier}">
- <fileset dir="${temp.dropins}">
- <include name="**/*" />
- </fileset>
- </zip>
- <echo message=" for use with a &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;dropins&lt;/a&gt; folder."
- file="${zips}/emf-cdo-${build.qualifier}" />
- </target>
- <!-- ============ -->
- <!-- Generate API -->
- <!-- ============ -->
- <target name="-generate.api">
- <echo message="Generating API reports" />
- <buckminster command="perform">
- <cmdargs>
- <arg value="-D" />
- <arg value="${hudson.WORKSPACE}/api.xml" />
- <arg value="org.eclipse.emf.cdo.releng#generate.api.reports" />
- </cmdargs>
- </buckminster>
- <echo message="Converting to HTML" />
- <java classname="org.eclipse.emf.cdo.releng.Api2Html">
- <classpath>
- <pathelement location="${releng}/bin/" />
- <pathelement location="/opt/public/common/apache-ant-1.7.1/lib/xercesImpl.jar" />
- </classpath>
- <arg value="${hudson.WORKSPACE}" />
- <arg value="${build.qualifier}" />
- <arg value="${git.clone}/plugins" />
- <arg value="${tp}/plugins" />
- </java>
- <copy file="${releng}/hudson/api.css" todir="${hudson.WORKSPACE}" overwrite="true" />
- </target>
- <!-- ================= -->
- <!-- Generate Products -->
- <!-- ================= -->
- <target name="-generate.products">
- <delete includeemptydirs="true" failonerror="true" quiet="true">
- <fileset dir="${temp.products}">
- <include name="**" />
- </fileset>
- </delete>
- <mkdir dir="${temp.products}" />
- <generate.product id="org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.product.tcp_h2" profile="CDOServer" priority="4" />
- <generate.product id="org.eclipse.emf.cdo.explorer.product" profile="CDOExplorer" priority="3" />
- </target>
+ </concat>
+ <delete file="${bookmarks.tmp}" />
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
+ <!-- ================ -->
+ <!-- Generate Dropins -->
+ <!-- ================ -->
+ <macrodef name="generate.dropins">
+ <sequential>
+ <echo message="" />
+ <echo message="Generating dropin archives" />
+ <property name="temp.dropins" location="${result}/temp.dropins" />
+ <cleandir dir="${temp.dropins}" />
+ <copy todir="${temp.dropins}" failonerror="true">
+ <fileset dir="${git.clone}/features/org.eclipse.emf.cdo.license-feature/rootfiles">
+ <include name="epl-v10.html" />
+ <include name="notice.html" />
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ <copy todir="${temp.dropins}/features" flatten="true">
+ <fileset dir="${buckminster.output.root}">
+ <include name="*-eclipse.feature/jar/*" />
+ <include name="*-eclipse.feature/source.jar/*" />
+ <exclude name="*/**/*" />
+ <exclude name="org.eclipse.emf.cdo.epp*/**/*" />
+ <exclude name="org.eclipse.emf.cdo.license*/**/*" />
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ <copy todir="${temp.dropins}/plugins" flatten="true">
+ <fileset dir="${buckminster.output.root}">
+ <include name="*-osgi.bundle/jar/*" />
+ <include name="*-osgi.bundle/source.jar/*" />
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ <mkdir dir="${zips}" />
+ <zip destfile="${zips}/emf-cdo-${build.qualifier}">
+ <fileset dir="${temp.dropins}">
+ <include name="**/*" />
+ </fileset>
+ </zip>
+ <echo message=" for use with a &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;dropins&lt;/a&gt; folder."
+ file="${zips}/emf-cdo-${build.qualifier}" />
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
+ <!-- ============ -->
+ <!-- Generate API -->
+ <!-- ============ -->
+ <macrodef name="generate.apireports">
+ <sequential>
+ <echo message="" />
+ <echo message="Generating API reports" />
+ <buckminster command="perform">
+ <cmdargs>
+ <arg value="-D" />
+ <arg value="${build.root}/api.xml" />
+ <arg value="org.eclipse.emf.cdo.releng#generate.apireports" />
+ </cmdargs>
+ </buckminster>
+ <echo message="Converting to HTML" />
+ <java classname="org.eclipse.emf.cdo.releng.Api2Html">
+ <classpath>
+ <pathelement location="${releng}/bin/" />
+ <pathelement location="/opt/public/common/apache-ant-1.7.1/lib/xercesImpl.jar" />
+ </classpath>
+ <arg value="${build.root}" />
+ <arg value="${build.qualifier}" />
+ <arg value="${git.clone}/plugins" />
+ <arg value="${tp}/plugins" />
+ </java>
+ <copy file="${releng}/hudson/api.css" todir="${build.root}" overwrite="true" />
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
+ <!-- ================= -->
+ <!-- Generate Products -->
+ <!-- ================= -->
+ <macrodef name="generate.products">
+ <sequential>
+ <property name="temp.products" location="${result}/temp.products" />
+ <cleandir dir="${temp.products}" />
+ <if>
+ <not>
+ <equals arg1="${skip.generate.products.server}" arg2="true" />
+ </not>
+ <then>
+ <generate.product id="org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.product.tcp_h2" profile="CDOServer" priority="4" />
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ <if>
+ <not>
+ <equals arg1="${skip.generate.products.explorer}" arg2="true" />
+ </not>
+ <then>
+ <generate.product id="org.eclipse.emf.cdo.explorer.product" profile="CDOExplorer" priority="3" />
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ <if>
+ <not>
+ <equals arg1="${skip.generate.products.setup}" arg2="true" />
+ </not>
+ <then>
+ <generate.product id="org.eclipse.emf.cdo.releng.setup.product.ide" profile="Setup" priority="2" />
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
+ <!-- ================ -->
+ <!-- Generate Product -->
+ <!-- ================ -->
+ <macrodef name="generate.product">
+ <attribute name="id" />
+ <attribute name="profile" />
+ <attribute name="priority" />
+ <sequential>
+ <if>
+ <not>
+ <equals arg1="${}" arg2="true" />
+ </not>
+ <then>
+ <generate.product.platform id="@{id}"
+ profile="@{profile}"
+ platform="Windows"
+ os="win32"
+ ws="win32"
+ arch="x86_64"
+ priority="@{priority}50" />
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ <if>
+ <not>
+ <equals arg1="${skip.generate.products.linux}" arg2="true" />
+ </not>
+ <then>
+ <generate.product.platform id="@{id}"
+ profile="@{profile}"
+ platform="Linux"
+ os="linux"
+ ws="gtk"
+ arch="x86_64"
+ priority="@{priority}40" />
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ <if>
+ <not>
+ <equals arg1="${skip.generate.products.macos}" arg2="true" />
+ </not>
+ <then>
+ <generate.product.platform id="@{id}"
+ profile="@{profile}"
+ platform="Mac"
+ os="macosx"
+ ws="cocoa"
+ arch="x86_64"
+ priority="@{priority}30" />
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
+ <!-- ========================= -->
+ <!-- Generate Product Platform -->
+ <!-- ========================= -->
+ <macrodef name="generate.product.platform">
+ <attribute name="id" />
+ <attribute name="profile" />
+ <attribute name="platform" />
+ <attribute name="os" />
+ <attribute name="ws" />
+ <attribute name="arch" />
+ <attribute name="priority" />
+ <sequential>
+ <if>
+ <or>
+ <not>
+ <isset property="platform" />
+ </not>
+ <equals arg1="${platform}" arg2="@{platform}" />
+ </or>
+ <then>
+ <echo message="" />
+ <echo message="Generating @{profile} for @{platform}" />
+ <mkdir dir="${temp.products}/@{profile}-@{platform}" />
+ <eclipse app="director">
+ <properties>
+ <sysproperty key="org.eclipse.update.jarprocessor.pack200" value="/shared/common/jdk1.6.0-latest/bin" />
+ <sysproperty key="eclipse.p2.mirrors" value="false" />
+ <sysproperty key="eclipse.p2.MD5Check" value="false" />
+ </properties>
+ <args>
+ <arg value="-r" />
+ <arg value="file:${build.root}" />
+ <arg value="-r" />
+ <arg value="${train}" />
+ <arg value="-r" />
+ <arg value="${train.previous}" />
+ <arg value="-r" />
+ <arg value="${eclipse}" />
+ <arg value="-r" />
+ <arg value="${eclipse}-I-builds" />
+ <arg value="-d" />
+ <arg value="${temp.products}/@{profile}-@{platform}" />
+ <arg value="-p" />
+ <arg value="@{profile}" />
+ <arg value="-i" />
+ <arg value="@{id}" />
+ <arg value="-p2.os" />
+ <arg value="@{os}" />
+ <arg value="" />
+ <arg value="@{ws}" />
+ <arg value="-p2.arch" />
+ <arg value="@{arch}" />
+ </args>
+ </eclipse>
+ <delete includeemptydirs="true" failonerror="false" quiet="true">
+ <fileset dir="${temp.products}/@{profile}-@{platform}">
+ <include name="p2/**" />
+ <include name="artifacts.xml" />
+ <include name="launcher.exe" />
+ <include name="eclipsec.exe" />
+ </fileset>
+ </delete>
+ <copy todir="${temp.products}/@{profile}-@{platform}" failonerror="true">
+ <fileset dir="${git.clone}/features/org.eclipse.emf.cdo.license-feature/rootfiles">
+ <include name="epl-v10.html" />
+ <include name="notice.html" />
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ <mkdir dir="${zips}" />
+ <zip destfile="${zips}/emf-cdo-${build.qualifier}-@{profile}-@{platform}.zip">
+ <fileset dir="${temp.products}/@{profile}-@{platform}">
+ <include name="**" />
+ </fileset>
+ </zip>
+ <echo message="description=for execution on @{platform}.${line.separator}priority=@{priority}"
+ file="${zips}/emf-cdo-${build.qualifier}-@{profile}-@{platform}.properties" />
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
+ <!-- =========== -->
+ <!-- Init Hudson -->
+ <!-- =========== -->
+ <target name="init.hudson" if="env.HUDSON_URL">
+ <property name="build.root" value="${env.WORKSPACE}" />
+ <property name="build.location" value="hudson" />
+ <property name="build.timestamp" value="${env.BUILD_ID}" />
+ <property name="loglevel" value="${env.LOG_LEVEL}" />
+ <property name="jarprocessor.dir" value="${}" />
+ <property name="p2.mirrors" value="false" />
+ <property name="generate.products" value="${env.GENERATE_PRODUCTS}" />
+ <!-- skip.generate.products -->
+ <condition property="skip.generate.products" value="false" else="true">
+ <equals arg1="${env.GENERATE_PRODUCTS}" arg2="true" />
+ </condition>
+ <!-- build.trigger -->
+ <if>
+ <not>
+ <isset property="build.trigger" />
+ </not>
+ <then>
+ <xmlproperty keeproot="false">
+ <url url="${env.BUILD_URL}/api/xml?tree=actions[causes[shortDescription]]" />
+ </xmlproperty>
+ <loadresource property="build.trigger">
+ <propertyresource name="action.cause.shortDescription" />
+ <filterchain>
+ <replaceregex pattern="^Triggered by " replace="" />
+ <replaceregex pattern="^Gerrit: .*" replace="gerrit" />
+ <replaceregex pattern="^Started by " replace="" />
+ <replaceregex pattern="^Gestartet durch " replace="" />
+ <replaceregex pattern="Benutzer" replace="user" />
+ </filterchain>
+ </loadresource>
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ <!-- build.type -->
+ <if>
+ <equals arg1="${env.BUILD_TYPE}" arg2="&lt;default&gt;" />
+ <then>
+ <condition property="build.type" value="${weekly}" else="N">
+ <equals arg1="${build.trigger}" arg2="timer" />
+ </condition>
+ </then>
+ <else>
+ <property name="build.type" value="${env.BUILD_TYPE}" />
+ </else>
+ </if>
+ <!-- site.signing -->
+ <condition property="site.signing" value="true" else="false">
+ <and>
+ <not>
+ <equals arg1="${build.type}" arg2="N" />
+ </not>
+ <equals arg1="${env.HUDSON_URL}" arg2="" />
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <!-- eclipse.staging.area -->
+ <if>
+ <equals arg1="${site.signing}" arg2="true" />
+ <then>
+ <property name="eclipse.staging.area" value="/shared/download-staging.priv/modeling/emf/cdo/${env.JOB_NAME}" />
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ </target>
+ <!-- ========== -->
+ <!-- Init Local -->
+ <!-- ========== -->
+ <target name="init.local" unless="env.HUDSON_URL">
+ <fail unless="build.root" message="The property 'build.root' must be defined in a '' file" />
+ <property name="build.location" value="local" />
+ <property name="build.trigger" value="manual" />
+ <property name="site.signing" value="false" />
+ <property name="git.clone" value="${build.root}/git" />
+ <!-- build.timestamp -->
+ <tstamp>
+ <format property="build.timestamp" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss" />
+ </tstamp>
+ <!-- git.clone -->
+ <if>
+ <and>
+ <equals arg1="${keep.git}" arg2="true" />
+ <available file="${git.clone}" type="dir" />
+ </and>
+ <then>
+ <echo message="Keeping Git clone" />
+ </then>
+ <else>
+ <echo message="Copying Git clone from ${original.git.dir}" />
+ <cleandir dir="${git.clone}" />
+ <copy todir="${git.clone}">
+ <fileset dir="${original.git.dir}" defaultexcludes="false">
+ <exclude name="**/*.class" />
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ </else>
+ </if>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =============== -->
+ <!-- Init Properties -->
+ <!-- =============== -->
+ <target name="" depends="init.hudson,init.local">
+ <condition property="no.proxy" value="${env.no_proxy}," else="">
+ <isset property="env.no_proxy" />
+ </condition>
+ <property name="git.clone" location="${build.root}/git" />
+ <property name="releng" location="${git.clone}/plugins/org.eclipse.emf.cdo.releng" />
+ <property name="" location="${build.root}/test-report.xml" />
+ <property name="tools" location="${build.root}/tools" />
+ <property name="zips" location="${build.root}/zips" />
+ <property name="result" location="${build.root}/result" />
+ <property name="ws" location="${result}/ws" />
+ <property name="tp" location="${result}/tp" />
+ <property name="buckminster.output.root" location="${result}/output" />
+ <property name="buckminster.temp.root" location="${result}/temp" />
+ <!-- build.qualifier -->
+ <tempfile property="build.qualifier.tmp"
+ destdir="${}"
+ prefix="build-qualifier-"
+ suffix=".tmp"
+ deleteonexit="true" />
+ <echo message="build.qualifier=${build.type}${build.timestamp}" file="${build.qualifier.tmp}" />
+ <replaceregexp file="${build.qualifier.tmp}">
+ <regexp pattern="([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)_([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)" />
+ <substitution expression="\1\2\3-\4\5" />
+ </replaceregexp >
+ <property file="${build.qualifier.tmp}" />
+ <!-- build-info.xml -->
+ <echoxml file="${build.root}/build-info.xml">
+ <build stream="${stream}"
+ branch="${branch}"
+ train="${train}"
+ eclipse="${eclipse}"
+ emf="${emf}"
+ type="${build.type}"
+ timestamp="${build.timestamp}"
+ qualifier="${build.qualifier}"
+ trigger="${build.trigger}"
+ hudson="${env.HUDSON_URL}"
+ revision="${env.GIT_COMMIT}"
+ job="${env.JOB_NAME}"
+ number="${env.BUILD_NUMBER}" />
+ </echoxml>
+ <!-- Echo -->
+ <echo message="stream = ${stream}" />
+ <echo message="branch = ${branch}" />
+ <echo message="train = ${train}" />
+ <echo message="build.type = ${build.type}" />
+ <echo message="build.location = ${build.location}" />
+ <echo message="build.trigger = ${build.trigger}" />
+ <echo message="build.timestamp = ${build.timestamp}" />
+ <echo message="build.qualifier = ${build.qualifier}" />
+ <echo message="site.signing = ${site.signing}" />
+ </target>
+ <!-- ========== -->
+ <!-- Init Tools -->
+ <!-- ========== -->
+ <target name="" depends="">
+ <if>
+ <and>
+ <equals arg1="${}" arg2="true" />
+ <available file="${tools}/director" type="dir" />
+ <available file="${tools}/buckminster" type="dir" />
+ </and>
+ <then>
+ <echo message="Keeping tool installation" />
+ </then>
+ <else>
+ <!-- Delete existing tool installations -->
+ <delete includeemptydirs="true" failonerror="false">
+ <fileset dir="${tools}" defaultexcludes="false">
+ <include name="director/**" />
+ <include name="buckminster/**" />
+ </fileset>
+ </delete>
+ <!-- Install director -->
+ <echo message="" />
+ <echo message="Installing director" />
+ <tempfile destdir="${}"
+ prefix="director-"
+ suffix=".zip"
+ property=""
+ deleteonexit="true" />
+ <get src="" dest="${}" />
+ <mkdir dir="${tools}" />
+ <unzip src="${}" dest="${tools}" />
+ <delete file="${}" />
+ <!-- Install buckminster -->
+ <echo message="" />
+ <echo message="Installing buckminster" />
+ <eclipse app="director">
+ <properties>
+ <sysproperty key="org.eclipse.update.jarprocessor.pack200" value="/shared/common/jdk1.6.0-latest/bin" />
+ <sysproperty key="eclipse.p2.mirrors" value="false" />
+ <sysproperty key="eclipse.p2.MD5Check" value="false" />
+ </properties>
+ <args>
+ <arg value="-r" />
+ <arg value="" />
+ <arg value="-r" />
+ <arg value="" />
+ <arg value="-r" />
+ <arg value="" />
+ <arg value="-d" />
+ <arg value="${tools}/buckminster" />
+ <arg value="-p" />
+ <arg value="Buckminster" />
+ <arg value="-i" />
+ <arg value="org.eclipse.buckminster.cmdline.product" />
+ <arg value="-i" />
+ <arg value="" />
+ <arg value="-i" />
+ <arg value="" />
+ <arg value="-i" />
+ <arg value="" />
+ <arg value="-i" />
+ <arg value="org.eclipse.ant.launching" />
+ <arg value="-i" />
+ <arg value="" />
+ <arg value="-i" />
+ <arg value="" />
+ <arg value="-i" />
+ <arg value="" />
+ </args>
+ </eclipse>
+ <!-- See -->
+ <copy file="${releng}/${build.location}/"
+ todir="${tools}/buckminster/configuration/.settings"
+ overwrite="true" />
+ </else>
+ </if>
+ </target>
+ <!-- ========= -->
+ <!-- Provision -->
+ <!-- ========= -->
+ <target name="provision" depends="" description="Imports projects and binaries">
+ <if>
+ <not>
+ <equals arg1="${skip.provision}" arg2="true" />
+ </not>
+ <then>
+ <!-- Cleanup build.root -->
+ <delete failonerror="false" includeemptydirs="true">
+ <fileset dir="${build.root}" defaultexcludes="false">
+ <include name="zips/**" />
+ <include name="*.css" />
+ <include name="*.html" />
+ <include name="*.xml" />
+ <include name="*.log" />
+ <include name="*.txt" />
+ </fileset>
+ </delete>
+ <!-- Test Report -->
+ <copy file="${releng}/hudson/test-report-empty.xml" tofile="${}" overwrite="true" verbose="true" />
+ <!-- Workspace -->
+ <echo message="Initializing workspace" />
+ <delete includeemptydirs="true" failonerror="false">
+ <fileset dir="${result}" defaultexcludes="false">
+ <include name="ws/**" />
+ <include name="*.properties" />
+ </fileset>
+ </delete>
+ <mkdir dir="${result}" />
+ <unzip dest="${ws}" src="${releng}/hudson/" />
+ <!-- API Baseline -->
+ <if>
+ <equals arg1="${build.location}" arg2="local" />
+ <then>
+ <echo message="Using local baseline ${baseline.dir}" />
+ <replaceregexp file="${releng}/hudson/api_baseline.xml"
+ match="path=&quot;[^&quot;]+&quot;"
+ replace="path=&quot;${baseline.dir}&quot;" />
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ <copy file="${releng}/hudson/api_baseline.xml" tofile="${releng}/hudson/" verbose="true" />
+ <!-- Target Platform -->
+ <if>
+ <and>
+ <equals arg1="${}" arg2="true" />
+ <available file="${tp}" type="dir" />
+ </and>
+ <then>
+ <echo message="Keeping target platform ${tp}" />
+ </then>
+ <else>
+ <echo message="Purging target platform ${tp}" />
+ <delete failonerror="false" includeemptydirs="true">
+ <fileset dir="${result}" defaultexcludes="false">
+ <include name="tp/**" />
+ </fileset>
+ </delete>
+ </else>
+ </if>
+ <echo message="Importing binaries into ${tp}" />
+ <mkdir dir="${tp}" />
+ <!-- Import MSpec -->
+ <echo message="Importing projects into ${ws}" />
+ <buckminster command="setpref">
+ <cmdargs>
+ <arg value="maxParallelResolutions=1" />
+ </cmdargs>
+ </buckminster>
+ <buckminster command="import">
+ <cmdargs>
+ <arg value="-B" />
+ <arg value="${build.root}/bom.xml" />
+ <arg value="-P" />
+ <arg value="${basedir}/" />
+ <!-- Last argument: -->
+ <arg value="${basedir}/build.mspec" />
+ </cmdargs>
+ </buckminster>
+ <!--
+ <echo message="" />
+ <echo message="Setting API baseline" />
+ <buckminster command="addbaseline">
+ <cmdargs>
+ <arg value="-A" />
+ <arg value="CDO Baseline" />
+ </cmdargs>
+ </buckminster>
+ -->
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ </target>
+ <!-- ===== -->
+ <!-- Build -->
+ <!-- ===== -->
+ <target name="build" depends="provision" description="Builds all projects and generates build-infos.xml">
+ <if>
+ <not>
+ <equals arg1="${}" arg2="true" />
+ </not>
+ <then>
+ <echo message="Building all projects in workspace ${ws}" />
+ <buckminster command="build">
+ <cmdargs>
+ <arg value="--thorough" />
+ <arg value="--logfile" />
+ <arg value="${build.root}/build-log.txt" />
+ </cmdargs>
+ </buckminster>
+ <delete failonerror="false" includeemptydirs="true">
+ <fileset dir="${git.clone}/plugins">
+ <exclude name="org.eclipse.emf.cdo.releng.doc/**" />
+ <include name="*.doc/bin/**" />
+ <include name="*.help/bin/**" />
+ </fileset>
+ </delete>
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ </target>
+ <!-- ==== -->
+ <!-- Test -->
+ <!-- ==== -->
+ <target name="test" depends="build" description="Runs the tests">
+ <if>
+ <equals arg1="${skip.test}" arg2="true" />
+ <then>
+ <echo message="Skipping test" />
+ </then>
+ <else>
+ <condition property="launch.config"
+ value="org.eclipse.emf.cdo.tests.all/CDO GerritTests"
+ else="org.eclipse.emf.cdo.tests.db/CDO AllTests (H2 ALL)">
+ <isset property="GERRIT_CHANGE_ID" />
+ </condition>
+ <echo message="Running ${launch.config}" />
+ <buckminster command="junit">
+ <cmdargs>
+ <arg value="-l" />
+ <arg value="${launch.config}.launch" />
+ <arg value="-o" />
+ <arg value="${}" />
+ <arg value="--terseXML" />
+ <arg value="--flatXML" />
+ </cmdargs>
+ </buckminster>
+ </else>
+ </if>
+ </target>
+ <!-- ======== -->
+ <!-- Generate -->
+ <!-- ======== -->
+ <target name="generate" depends="test" description="Generates the site and other artifacts">
+ <if>
+ <or>
+ <isset property="GERRIT_CHANGE_ID" />
+ <equals arg1="${skip.generate}" arg2="true" />
+ </or>
+ <then>
+ <echo message="Skipping generate" />
+ </then>
+ <else>
+ <if>
+ <not>
+ <equals arg1="${}" arg2="true" />
+ </not>
+ <then>
+ < feature="" />
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ <if>
+ <not>
+ <equals arg1="${}" arg2="true" />
+ </not>
+ <then>
+ < />
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ <if>
+ <not>
+ <equals arg1="${skip.generate.index}" arg2="true" />
+ </not>
+ <then>
+ <generate.index />
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ <if>
+ <not>
+ <equals arg1="${skip.generate.bookmarks}" arg2="true" />
+ </not>
+ <then>
+ <generate.bookmarks />
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ <if>
+ <not>
+ <equals arg1="${skip.generate.dropins}" arg2="true" />
+ </not>
+ <then>
+ <generate.dropins />
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ <if>
+ <not>
+ <equals arg1="${skip.generate.apireports}" arg2="true" />
+ </not>
+ <then>
+ <generate.apireports />
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ <if>
+ <not>
+ <equals arg1="${skip.generate.products}" arg2="true" />
+ </not>
+ <then>
+ <generate.products />
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ </else>
+ </if>
+ </target>
+ <!-- === -->
+ <!-- All -->
+ <!-- === -->
+ <target name="all" depends="test,generate" description="Runs the tests and generates the site and other artifacts" />
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.emf.cdo.releng/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.emf.cdo.releng/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e9a0e2c25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.emf.cdo.releng/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Eike Stepper (Berlin, Germany) and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# Contributors:
+# Eike Stepper - initial API and implementation
+jarprocessor.dir = C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_41/bin
+ant.contrib = C:/develop/bin/ant-contrib/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar
+bundlepool.dir = C:/develop/.p2pool-tp
+original.git.dir = C:/develop/cdo/4.2/git/cdo
+baseline.dir = C:/develop/cdo/.baselines/4.2
+build.root = C:/develop/cdo/4.2/build
+build.type = N
+p2.mirrors = true
+loglevel = INFO
+# Set the following properties to true to speed up repeated builds = false
+keep.git = false = false
+skip.provision = false = false
+skip.test = false
+skip.generate = false = false = false
+skip.generate.index = false
+skip.generate.bookmarks = false
+skip.generate.dropins = false
+skip.generate.apireports = false
+skip.generate.products = false
+skip.generate.products.server = false
+skip.generate.products.explorer = false
+skip.generate.products.setup = false = false
+skip.generate.products.linux = false
+skip.generate.products.macos = false

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